package mesh;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import math.Vector3f;
import mesh.modifier.IMeshModifier;
import mesh.modifier.RemoveDoubleVerticesModifier;
import mesh.modifier.RotateYModifier;
import mesh.modifier.RotateZModifier;
import mesh.modifier.TranslateModifier;
import mesh.util.Bounds3;
public class Mesh3D {
public ArrayList<Vector3f> vertices;
public ArrayList<Face3D> faces;
public Mesh3D() {
vertices = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
faces = new ArrayList<Face3D>();
* Applies the provided {@link IMeshModifier} to this mesh. This is congruent to {@link
* IMeshModifier#modify(Mesh3D)}.
* @param modifier The modifier to apply to this mesh.
* @return this
public Mesh3D apply(IMeshModifier modifier) {
return modifier.modify(this);
* Rotates the mesh around the Y-axis.
* @deprecated Use {@link RotateYModifier} instead.
public Mesh3D rotateY(float angle) {
return new RotateYModifier(angle).modify(this);
* Rotates the mesh around the Z-axis.
* @deprecated Use {@link RotateZModifier} instead.
public Mesh3D rotateZ(float angle) {
return new RotateZModifier(angle).modify(this);
* Translates the mesh along the X-axis.
* @deprecated Use {@link TranslateModifier} instead.
public Mesh3D translateX(float tx) {
return new TranslateModifier(tx, 0, 0).modify(this);
* Translates the mesh along the Y-axis.
* @deprecated Use {@link TranslateModifier} instead.
public Mesh3D translateY(float ty) {
return new TranslateModifier(0, ty, 0).modify(this);
* Translates the mesh along the Z-axis.
* @deprecated Use {@link TranslateModifier} instead.
public Mesh3D translateZ(float tz) {
return new TranslateModifier(0, 0, tz).modify(this);
* Calculates the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) for the 3D mesh based on its vertices.
* <p>The bounding box is defined by the minimum and maximum extents of the vertices along the X,
* Y, and Z axes. If there are no vertices in the mesh, an empty `Bounds3` is returned.
* @return A {@link Bounds3} object representing the calculated bounding box of the mesh. The
* bounding box extends from the minimum vertex coordinate to the maximum vertex coordinate.
public Bounds3 calculateBounds() {
if (vertices.isEmpty()) return new Bounds3();
Vector3f min = new Vector3f(getVertexAt(0));
Vector3f max = new Vector3f(getVertexAt(0));
Bounds3 bounds = new Bounds3();
for (Vector3f v : vertices) {
float minX = v.getX() < min.getX() ? v.getX() : min.getX();
float minY = v.getY() < min.getY() ? v.getY() : min.getY();
float minZ = v.getZ() < min.getZ() ? v.getZ() : min.getZ();
float maxX = v.getX() > max.getX() ? v.getX() : max.getX();
float maxY = v.getY() > max.getY() ? v.getY() : max.getY();
float maxZ = v.getZ() > max.getZ() ? v.getZ() : max.getZ();
min.set(minX, minY, minZ);
max.set(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
bounds.setMinMax(min, max);
return bounds;
public Vector3f calculateFaceNormal(Face3D face) {
Vector3f faceNormal = new Vector3f();
for (int i = 0; i < face.indices.length; i++) {
Vector3f currentVertex = vertices.get(face.indices[i]);
Vector3f nextVertex = vertices.get(face.indices[(i + 1) % face.indices.length]);
float x =
(currentVertex.getY() - nextVertex.getY()) * (currentVertex.getZ() + nextVertex.getZ());
float y =
(currentVertex.getZ() - nextVertex.getZ()) * (currentVertex.getX() + nextVertex.getX());
float z =
(currentVertex.getX() - nextVertex.getX()) * (currentVertex.getY() + nextVertex.getY());
faceNormal.addLocal(x, y, z);
return faceNormal.normalize();
public void removeDoubles(int decimalPlaces) {
for (Vector3f v : vertices) v.roundLocalDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces);
* Removes duplicated vertices.
* @deprecated Use {@link RemoveDoubleVerticesModifier} instead.
public void removeDoubles() {
new RemoveDoubleVerticesModifier().modify(this);
public Mesh3D copy() {
Mesh3D copy = new Mesh3D();
List<Vector3f> vertices = copy.vertices;
List<Face3D> faces = copy.faces;
for (Vector3f v : this.vertices) vertices.add(new Vector3f(v));
for (Face3D f : this.faces) faces.add(new Face3D(f));
return copy;
public Vector3f calculateFaceCenter(Face3D face) {
Vector3f center = new Vector3f();
for (int i = 0; i < face.indices.length; i++) {
return center.divideLocal(face.indices.length);
public Mesh3D append(Mesh3D... meshes) {
Mesh3D result = new Mesh3D();
result = appendUtil(meshes);
result = appendUtil(this, result);
return this;
private Mesh3D appendUtil(Mesh3D... meshes) {
// FIXME copy vertices and faces
int n = 0;
Mesh3D mesh = new Mesh3D();
List<Vector3f> vertices = mesh.vertices;
List<Face3D> faces = mesh.faces;
for (int i = 0; i < meshes.length; i++) {
Mesh3D m = meshes[i];
for (Face3D f : meshes[i].faces) {
for (int j = 0; j < f.indices.length; j++) {
f.indices[j] += n;
n += m.getVertexCount();
return mesh;
public void clearVertices() {
public void addVertex(float x, float y, float z) {
vertices.add(new Vector3f(x, y, z));
public void addFace(int... indices) {
faces.add(new Face3D(indices));
public void addVertices(Collection<Vector3f> vertices) {
public void addFaces(Collection<Face3D> faces) {
public void removeFace(Face3D face) {
public void removeFaces(Collection<Face3D> faces) {
public void add(Vector3f... vertices) {
public void add(Face3D... faces) {
public int getVertexCount() {
return vertices.size();
public int getFaceCount() {
return faces.size();
public List<Face3D> getFaces() {
return new ArrayList<Face3D>(faces);
public List<Face3D> getFaces(int from, int to) {
return new ArrayList<>(faces.subList(from, to));
public List<Vector3f> getVertices(int from, int to) {
return new ArrayList<>(vertices.subList(from, to));
public List<Vector3f> getVertices() {
return new ArrayList<>(vertices);
public Vector3f getVertexAt(int index) {
return vertices.get(index);
public Face3D getFaceAt(int index) {
return faces.get(index);