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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import { ChannelType, Collection, Message } from "discord.js";
import Artibot from "../index.js";
import onMention from "../messages/onMention.js"
import { Command, Module } from "../modules.js";
import log from "../logger.js";

function escapeRegex(string: string) {
    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");

export const name = "messageCreate";

/** Message event listener */
export async function execute(message: Message, artibot: Artibot): Promise<void> {
    // Declares const to be used.
    const { client, content } = message;
    const { localizer, config } = artibot;

    // Checks if the bot is mentioned in the message all alone and triggers onMention trigger.
    if (message.content == `<@${}>` || message.content == `<@!${}>`) {
        return onMention(message, artibot);

    const checkPrefix: string = config.prefix.toLowerCase();

    // Regex expression for mention prefix
    const prefixRegex: RegExp = new RegExp(

    // Checks if message content in lower case starts with bot's mention.
    if (!prefixRegex.test(content.toLowerCase())) return;

    // Checks and returned matched prefix, either mention or prefix in config.
    const match: RegExpMatchArray | null = content.toLowerCase().match(prefixRegex);

    if (!match) return;

    const [matchedPrefix]: string[] = match;

    // The Message Content of the received message seperated by spaces (' ') in an array, this excludes prefix and command/alias itself.
    const args: string[] = content.slice(matchedPrefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);

    // Name of the command received from first argument of the args array.
    const commandName: string = (args.shift() || "").toLowerCase();

    if (!commandName) return;

    // Check if mesage does not starts with prefix, or message author is bot. If yes, return.
    if (!message.content.startsWith(matchedPrefix) || return;

    const command: Command | void = findCommand(commandName, artibot.modules);

    // It it's not a command, don't try to execute anything
    if (!command) return;

    // Owner Only Property, add in your command properties if true.
    if (command.ownerOnly && !== config.ownerId) {
        const embedOwner = artibot.createEmbed()
            .setTitle(localizer._("Help on this command"))
            .setDescription(localizer.__("This command can only be executed by [[0]].", { placeholders: [`<@${config.ownerId}>`] }));
        await message.reply({ embeds: [embedOwner] });

    // Guild Only Property, add in your command properties if true.
    if (command.guildOnly && == ChannelType.DM) {
        await message.reply({
            content: localizer._("I can't execute this command in a DM channel!"),

    // Check for permissions
    if (command.permissions && != ChannelType.DM) {
        const authorPerms =;
        if (!authorPerms || !authorPerms.has(command.permissions)) {
            await message.reply({ content: localizer._("You do not have the permission to execute this command!") });

    // Args missing
    if (command.args > args.length) {
        let reply: string = localizer.__("You are missing at least one argument, [[0]]!", { placeholders: [] });

        if (command.usage) {
            reply += localizer.__("\nCorrect usage is `[[0]][[1]] [[2]]`", { placeholders: [config.prefix,, command.usage] });

        await{ content: reply });

    // Cooldowns
    const { cooldowns } = artibot;

    const now: number =;
    const timestamps: Collection<string, number> = cooldowns.get( || cooldowns.set(, new Collection()).get(!;
    const cooldownAmount: number = command.cooldown * 1000;

    if (timestamps.has( {
        const lastUsage: number | undefined = timestamps.get(;

        if (lastUsage && now < (lastUsage + cooldownAmount)) {
            const timeLeft = (lastUsage + cooldownAmount - now) / 1000;
            await message.reply({
                content: localizer.__("You must wait [[0]] seconds before using the `[[1]]` command again.", { placeholders: [timeLeft.toFixed(1),] })

    timestamps.set(, now);
    setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(, cooldownAmount);

    // Execute the final command. Put everything above this.
    try {
        await command.execute(message, args, artibot);
    } catch (error) {
        log("CommandHandler", (error as Error).message, "warn", true);
        if (config.debug) console.error(error);
            content: localizer._("An error occured while trying to run this command.")

function findCommand(name: string, modules: Collection<string, Module>): Command | void {
    for (const [, { parts }] of modules) {
        for (const part of parts) {
            if (!(part instanceof Command)) continue;
            if ( == name) return part;
            if (part.aliases.includes(name)) return part;