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Test Coverage
var singularName  =,
    pluralName    = plural(singularName),
    mixins        = {
      task: ["AttachmentUploading", "EventSubscription"],
      project: ["EventSubscription"]
    skip          = { attachment: ["createOnTask"] },
    formatComment = function formatComment(text, indentation) {
        var indent = Array(indentation + 1).join(" ")
        return text.trim().split("\n").map(function(line) {
            return indent + (line.length > 0 ? "# " : "#") + line

function Action(action) {
    var that = this
    this.action = action
    this.collection = action.collection == true
    this.requiresData = action.method == "POST" || action.method == "PUT"
    this.isInstanceAction = (action.method == "PUT" || action.method == "DELETE")
    this.method = action.method
    this.methodName = snake(
    this.clientMethod = action.method.toLowerCase()
    this.returnsUpdatedRecord = action.method == 'PUT' || action.comment.match(/Returns[a-z\W]+updated/) !== null
    this.returnsNothing = action.comment.match(/Returns an empty/) !== null

    // Params and idParams
    var params = action.params || []
    this.idParams = _.filter(params, function(p) { return p.type == "Id" })

    // If it looks like an instance action but it's not, make it one
    if (!this.isInstanceAction) {
        var mainIdParam = _.find(this.idParams, function(p) { return == singularName })
        if (mainIdParam !== undefined && ! {
            this.isInstanceAction = true
            this.mainIdParam = mainIdParam

    if (this.idParams.length == 1 &&
        action.path.match(/%d/) &&
        ( || (this.isInstanceAction && this.mainIdParam == undefined))) {
            var mainIdParam = this.idParams[0]
            this.mainIdParam = mainIdParam
            this.inferredReturnType = this.isInstanceAction ? 'self.class' : 'self'

    if (mainIdParam !== undefined) {
        this.params = _.reject(params, function(p) { return == })
    } else {
        this.params = params

    if (!this.inferredReturnType) {
        // Infer return type
        var name = action.path.match(/\/([a-zA-Z]+)$/)
        if (name !== null) {
            name = name[1]

            // Desugarize 'addProject' to 'project'
            var camelCaseTail = name.match(/.*([A-Z][a-z]+)$/)
            if (camelCaseTail !== null) { name = decap(camelCaseTail[1]) }

            name = single(name)

            var explicit = _.find(resources, function(p) { return p == name })

            if (name == singularName || name == 'parent' || name == 'children' || name.match(/^sub/) !== null) {
                this.inferredReturnType = this.isInstanceAction ? 'self.class' : 'self'
            } else if (explicit !== undefined) {
                this.inferredReturnType = cap(explicit)
            } else {
                this.inferredReturnType = 'Resource'
        } else {
            this.inferredReturnType = 'Resource'

    // Endpoint path
    this.path = _.reduce(this.idParams, function(acc, id) {
        var localName = that.mainIdParam == id ? "id" :
        return acc.replace("\%d", "#{" + localName + "}")
    }, action.path)

    // Extra params (not in the URL) to be passed in the body of the call
    this.extraParams = _.reject(this.params, function(p) {
        return that.path.match(new RegExp("#{" + + "}"))

    // Params processing
    var paramsLocal = "data"
    if (this.collection) { this.extraParams.push({ name: "per_page", apiParamName: "limit" }) }
    if (this.extraParams.length > 0) {
        var paramNames =, function(p) { return (p.apiParamName || + ": " + })
        if (this.requiresData) {
            var paramsProcessing = "with_params = data.merge(" + paramNames.join(", ") + ")"
            paramsLocal = "with_params"
        } else {
            var paramsProcessing = "params = { " + paramNames.join(", ") + " }"
            paramsLocal = "params"
        paramsProcessing += ".reject { |_,v| v.nil? || Array(v).empty? }"

    this.paramsProcessing = paramsProcessing
    this.paramsLocal      = paramsLocal

    // Method argument names
    var argumentNames = Array()
    if (!this.isInstanceAction) { argumentNames.push("client") }
    if (this.mainIdParam !== undefined && !this.isInstanceAction) { argumentNames.push("id") }
    _.forEach(this.params, function(param) {
        argumentNames.push( + ":" + (param.required ? " required(\"" + + "\")" : " nil"))
    if (this.collection) { argumentNames.push("per_page: 20") }
    if (this.method != 'DELETE')  { argumentNames.push("options: {}") }
    if (this.requiresData)          { argumentNames.push("**data") }
    this.argumentNames = argumentNames

    // API request params
    var requestParams = Array()
    requestParams.push('"' + this.path + '"')
    if (this.paramsProcessing || this.argumentNames.indexOf("**data") != -1) {
        var argument = this.requiresData ? "body" : "params"
        requestParams.push(argument + ": " + paramsLocal)
    if (this.method != 'DELETE') { requestParams.push("options: options") }
    this.requestParams = requestParams
    this.documentation = this.renderDocumentation()

    // Constructor
    this.constructor = function(body) {
        var pre = '', post = ''
        var wrapWithParsing = function(body) {
            var pre = '', post = ''
            if (!that.returnsNothing) {
                pre = 'parse('
                post = ')' + (that.collection ? '' : '.first')
            return pre + body + post

        if (!that.returnsNothing) {
            if (that.isInstanceAction && that.returnsUpdatedRecord) {
                pre = "refresh_with("
                post = ')'
            } else {
                pre = that.collection ? "" : that.inferredReturnType + ".new("
                post = (that.collection ? ', type: ' + that.inferredReturnType : '') + ', client: client)'
        } else { post = ' && true' }
        return pre + wrapWithParsing(body) + post

    this.request = this.constructor("client." + this.clientMethod + "(" + this.requestParams.join(", ") + ")")

Action.prototype.renderDocumentation = function () {
    var formatParamNotes = function(params) {
        var trimmed = _.flatten(, function(p) {
            return, function(note) { return note.trim() })
        return (trimmed.length > 0 ? "\nNotes:\n\n" + trimmed.join("\n\n") : "")

    var formatParam = function(p, name) {
        return (name !== undefined ? name : + " - [" + p.type + "] " + p.comment
    var lines =, function(p) { return formatParam(p) })
    if (this.mainIdParam !== undefined && !this.isInstanceAction) { lines.unshift(formatParam(this.mainIdParam, "id")) }
    if (this.collection) { lines.push("per_page - [Integer] the number of records to fetch per page.") }
    if (this.method != 'DELETE') { lines.push("options - [Hash] the request I/O options.") }
    if (this.requiresData) { lines.push("data - [Hash] the attributes to post.") }
    return this.action.comment + "\n" + lines.join("\n") + formatParamNotes(this.params)

var actionsToSkip   = skip[] || []
var actionsToGen    = _.reject(resource.actions, function(action) {
  return actionsToSkip.indexOf( != -1

var allActions      =, function(action) { return new Action(action) }),
    instanceActions = _.filter(allActions, function(action) { return action.isInstanceAction }),
    classActions    = _.reject(allActions, function(action) { return action.isInstanceAction })

var mixinsToInclude = mixins[] || []

%>### WARNING: This file is auto-generated by the asana-api-meta repo. Do not
### edit it manually.

module Asana
  module Resources
<%= formatComment(resource.comment, 4) %>
    class <%= cap(singularName) %> < Resource
<% _.forEach(mixinsToInclude, function(mixin) { %>
      include <%= mixin %>
<% }) %>
<% _.forEach(, function(property) { %>
      attr_reader :<%= %>
<% }) %>
      class << self
        # Returns the plural name of the resource.
        def plural_name
          '<%= pluralName %>'
<% _.forEach(classActions, function(action) { %>
<%= formatComment(action.documentation, 8) %>
        def <%= action.methodName %>(<%= action.argumentNames.join(", ") %>)
<% if (action.paramsProcessing) { %>          <%= action.paramsProcessing %><% } %>
          <%= action.request %>
<% }) %>      end
<% _.forEach(instanceActions, function(action) { %>
<%= formatComment(action.documentation, 6) %>
      def <%= action.methodName %>(<%= action.argumentNames.join(", ") %>)
<% if (action.paramsProcessing) { %>        <%= action.paramsProcessing %><% } %>
        <%= action.request %>
<% }) %>