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<?php namespace Modules\Workshop\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Modules\Workshop\Scaffold\Module\ModuleScaffold;

class ModuleScaffoldCommand extends Command
    protected $name = 'asgard:module:scaffold';
    protected $description = 'Scaffold a new module';
     * @var array
    protected $entities = [];
     * @var array
    protected $valueObjects = [];
     * @var string The type of entities to generate [Eloquent or Doctrine]
    protected $entityType;
     * @var ModuleScaffold
    private $moduleScaffold;

    public function __construct(ModuleScaffold $moduleScaffold)
        $this->moduleScaffold = $moduleScaffold;

    public function fire()
        $moduleName = $this->ask('Please enter the module name in the following format: vendor/name');
        list($vendor, $name) = $this->separateVendorAndName($moduleName);




        $this->info('Module generated and is ready to be used.');

    private function askForEntities()
        $this->entityType = $this->anticipate('Do you want to use Eloquent or Doctrine ?', ['Eloquent', 'Doctrine'], 'Eloquent');

        do {
            $entity = $this->ask('Enter entity name. Leaving option empty will continue script.', '<none>');
            if (!empty($entity) && $entity !== '<none>') {
                $this->entities[] = ucfirst($entity);
        } while ($entity !== '<none>');

    private function askForValueObjects()
        do {
            $valueObject = $this->ask('Enter value object name. Leaving option empty will continue script.', '<none>');
            if (!empty($valueObject) && $valueObject !== '<none>') {
                $this->valueObjects[] = ucfirst($valueObject);
        } while ($valueObject !== '<none>');

     * Extract the vendor and module name as two separate values
     * @param  string $fullName
     * @return array
    private function separateVendorAndName($fullName)
        $explodedFullName = explode('/', $fullName);

        return [

     * Check if the given module name does not already exists
     * @param string $name
    private function checkForModuleUniqueness($name)
        /** @var \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $files */
        $files = app('Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem');
        /** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository $config */
        $config = app('Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository');
        if ($files->isDirectory($config->get('modules.paths.modules') . "/{$name}")) {
            return $this->error("The module [$name] already exists");