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<?php namespace Modules\Workshop\Manager;

use Illuminate\Config\Repository as Config;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Pingpong\Modules\Module;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;

class ModuleManager
     * @var Module
    private $module;
     * @var Config
    private $config;
     * @var PackageInformation
    private $packageVersion;
     * @var Filesystem
    private $finder;

     * @param Config $config
     * @param PackageInformation $packageVersion
     * @param Filesystem $finder
    public function __construct(Config $config, PackageInformation $packageVersion, Filesystem $finder)
        $this->module = app('modules');
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->packageVersion = $packageVersion;
        $this->finder = $finder;

     * Return all modules
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
    public function all()
        $modules = new Collection($this->module->all());

        foreach ($modules as $module) {
            $moduleName = $module->getName();
            $package = $this->packageVersion->getPackageInfo("asgardcms/$moduleName-module");
            $module->version = isset($package->version) ? $package->version: 'N/A';
            $module->versionUrl = '#';
            if (isset($package->source->url)) {
                $packageUrl = str_replace('.git', '', $package->source->url);
                $module->versionUrl = $packageUrl . '/tree/' . $package->dist->reference;

        return $modules;

     * Return all the enabled modules
     * @return array
    public function enabled()
        return $this->module->enabled();

     * Get the core modules that shouldn't be disabled
     * @return array|mixed
    public function getCoreModules()
        $coreModules = $this->config->get('asgard.core.config.CoreModules');
        $coreModules = array_flip($coreModules);

        return $coreModules;

     * Get the enabled modules, with the module name as the key
     * @return array
    public function getFlippedEnabledModules()
        $enabledModules = $this->module->enabled();

        $enabledModules = array_map(function (Module $module) {
            return $module->getName();
        }, $enabledModules);

        return array_flip($enabledModules);

     * Disable the given modules
     * @param $enabledModules
    public function disableModules($enabledModules)
        $coreModules = $this->getCoreModules();

        foreach ($enabledModules as $moduleToDisable => $value) {
            if (isset($coreModules[$moduleToDisable])) {
            $module = $this->module->get($moduleToDisable);

     * Enable the given modules
     * @param $modules
    public function enableModules($modules)
        foreach ($modules as $moduleToEnable => $value) {
            $module = $this->module->get($moduleToEnable);

     * Get the changelog for the given module
     * @param Module $module
     * @return array
    public function changelogFor(Module $module)
        $path = $module->getPath() . '/changelog.yml';
        if (! $this->finder->isFile($path)) {
            return [];

        $yamlParser = new Parser();

        $changelog = $yamlParser->parse(file_get_contents($path));

        $changelog['versions'] = $this->limitLastVersionsAmount(array_get($changelog, 'versions', []));

        return $changelog;

     * Limit the versions to the last 5
     * @param array $versions
     * @return array
    private function limitLastVersionsAmount(array $versions)
        return array_slice($versions, 0, 5);