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2 days
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env node

'use strict';
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const http = require('http');

const port = '8080';

const Botly = require('../index');
const botly = new Botly({
    verifyToken: 'this_is_a_token',
    accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN

var app = express();

var users = {};

botly.on('message', (sender, message, data) => {
    let text = `echo: ${data.text}`;

    if (users[sender]) {
        if (data && data.text && data.text.indexOf('image') !== -1) {
            botly.sendImage({id: sender, url:''}, function (err, whatever) {
        else if (data && data.text &&data.text.indexOf('buttons') !== -1) {
            let buttons = [];
            buttons.push(botly.createWebURLButton('Go to Askrround', ''));
            buttons.push(botly.createPostbackButton('Continue', 'continue'));
            botly.sendButtons({id: sender, text: 'What do you want to do next?', buttons: buttons}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('send buttons cb:', err, data);
        else if (data && data.text && data.text.indexOf('generic') !== -1) {
            let buttons = [];
            buttons.push(botly.createWebURLButton('Go to Askrround', ''));
            buttons.push(botly.createPostbackButton('Continue', 'continue'));
            let element = {
                title: 'What do you want to do next?',
                item_url: '',
                image_url: '',
                subtitle: 'Choose now!',
                buttons: [botly.createWebURLButton('Go to Askrround', '')]
            botly.sendGeneric({id: sender, elements:element, aspectRatio: Botly.CONST.IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO.SQUARE}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('send generic cb:', err, data);
        else if (data && data.text && data.text.indexOf('list') !== -1) {
            let element = botly.createListElement({
                title: 'Classic T-Shirt Collection',
                image_url: '',
                subtitle: 'See all our colors',
                buttons: [
                    {title: 'DO WORK', payload: 'DO_WORK'},
                default_action: {
                    'url': '',
            let element2 = botly.createListElement({
                title: 'Number 2',
                image_url: '',
                subtitle: 'See all our colors',
                buttons: [
                    {title: 'Go to Askrround', url: ''},
                default_action: {
                    'url': '',
            botly.sendList({id: sender, elements: [element, element2], buttons: botly.createPostbackButton('Continue', 'continue'), top_element_style: Botly.CONST.TOP_ELEMENT_STYLE.LARGE},function (err, data) {
                console.log('send list cb:', err, data);
        else if (data && data.text && data.text.indexOf('quick') !== -1) {
            botly.sendText({id: sender, text:'some question?', quick_replies: [botly.createQuickReply('option1', 'option_1')]}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('send generic cb:', err, data);
        else if (data && data.text && data.text.indexOf('receipt') !== -1) {
            let payload = {
                'recipient_name': 'Stephane Crozatier',
                'order_number': '12345678902',
                'currency': 'USD',
                'payment_method': 'Visa 2345',
                'order_url': '',
                'timestamp': '1428444852',
                'elements': [
                        'title': 'Classic White T-Shirt',
                        'subtitle': '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton',
                        'quantity': 2,
                        'price': 50,
                        'currency': 'USD',
                        'image_url': ''
                        'title': 'Classic Gray T-Shirt',
                        'subtitle': '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton',
                        'quantity': 1,
                        'price': 25,
                        'currency': 'USD',
                        'image_url': ''
                'address': {
                    'street_1': '1 Hacker Way',
                    'street_2': '',
                    'city': 'Menlo Park',
                    'postal_code': '94025',
                    'state': 'CA',
                    'country': 'US'
                'summary': {
                    'subtotal': 75.00,
                    'shipping_cost': 4.95,
                    'total_tax': 6.19,
                    'total_cost': 56.14
                'adjustments': [
                        'name': 'New Customer Discount',
                        'amount': 20
                        'name': '$10 Off Coupon',
                        'amount': 10
            botly.sendReceipt({id: sender, payload: payload}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('send generic cb:', err, data);
        else {
            botly.send({id: sender, message: {
                text: `${users[sender].last_name}, try sending 'list'/'generic'/'receipt'/'quick'/'image'/'buttons' to try out the different types of messages`
            }}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('regular send cb:', err, data);
    else {
        botly.getUserProfile(sender, function (err, info) {
            users[sender] = info;

            botly.sendText({id: sender, text: `${text} ${users[sender].first_name}`}, function (err, data) {
                console.log('send text cb:', err, data);

botly.on('postback', (sender, message, postback) => {
    console.log('postback:', sender, message, postback);

botly.on('delivery', (sender, message, mids) => {
    console.log('delivery:', sender, message, mids);

botly.on('optin', (sender, message, optin) => {
    console.log('optin:', sender, message, optin);

botly.on('error', (ex) => {
    console.log('error:', ex);

if (process.env.PAGE_ID) {
    botly.setGetStarted({pageId: process.env.PAGE_ID, payload: 'GET_STARTED_CLICKED'}, function (err, body) {
        console.log('welcome cb:', err, body);
    botly.setPersistentMenu({pageId: process.env.PAGE_ID, menu: [
                    'title':'My Account',
                            'title':'Pay Bill',
                            'title':'Contact Info',
                    'title':'Latest News',
    ]}, (err, body) => {
        console.log('persistent menu cb:', err, body);
        pageId: process.env.PAGE_ID,
        audience: {
                'whitelist':['US', 'CA']
        }}, (err, body) => {
       console.log('set target audience', err, body);

let verify = () => {};
if (process.env.APP_SECRET) {
    verify = botly.getVerifySignature(process.env.APP_SECRET);

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));
app.use('/fb', botly.router());
app.set('port', port);

// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
    var err = new Error('Not Found');
    err.status = 404;

// error handlers

// development error handler
// will print stacktrace
if (app.get('env') === 'development') {
    app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
        res.status(err.status || 500);
            message: err.message,
            error: {}

// production error handler
// no stacktraces leaked to user
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
    res.status(err.status || 500);
        message: err.message,
        error: {}

const server = http.createServer(app);
