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'use strict';

let kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    HighLevelProducer = kafka.HighLevelProducer,
    path = require('path'),
    q = require('q'),
    events = require('events'),

    config = require(path.resolve('./src/server/config.js')),
    logger = require(path.resolve('./src/server/lib/bunyan.js')).logger;

let _producerPromise = null;
let _events = new events.EventEmitter();

let _timeout = null;
let _retryPayloads = [];
let _retryPromises = [];
let _retryPromise = null;
let _connectTimeout = null;

 * @type {number} The number of milliseconds to wait before attempting to send any queued payloads.
 *   This can be changed in the config.
let retryMs = (null != config.kafka && null != config.kafka.kafkaRetryMs) ? config.kafka.kafkaRetryMs : 3000;

 * @type {number} The number of milliseconds to wait before deciding that Zookeeper is unreachable.
 *   This can be changed in the config.
let zookeeperCommTimeout = (null != config.kafka && null != config.kafka.zookeeperCommTimeout) ? config.kafka.zookeeperCommTimeout : 1000;

// Make JSLint happy
let getProducer, send, retrySend, scheduleRetry;

// Listen to our own error event so we don't crash the app.
_events.on('error', () => {});

 * Returns the active producer, creating a new one if necessary.
 * @returns {Promise{HighLevelProducer}} A promise for the producer singleton.
getProducer = () => {
    if (null != _producerPromise) {
        return _producerPromise.promise;

    let client, producer = null;
    _producerPromise = q.defer();

    // Get the promise to return at this point, just in case onError is called before we have a chance to return it
    let promise = _producerPromise.promise;

    function onError(err) {
        logger.error(err, 'Kafka Producer: Failed to send payload');
        _events.emit('error', err);

        // The producer remembers the error, so we'll need to close it, reject the promise and create a
        // new one next time we retry.
        if (null != producer) {
        _producerPromise = null;

    try {
        // Create the client and the producer
        client = new kafka.Client(config.kafka.zookeeper);
        producer = new HighLevelProducer(client);

        // When the producer is ready, resolve the promise.
        // This will always be called even if there is an error, unless Zookeeper is down.
        producer.once('ready', () => {
            if (null != _connectTimeout) {
                _connectTimeout = null;
            _events.emit('connect', producer);
            if (null != _producerPromise) {

        producer.once('error', (err) => {
            if (null != _connectTimeout) {
                _connectTimeout = null;

        // Check that zookeeper actually connected after a short time.
        // This allows us to close the promise even if the ready event is never fired.
        _connectTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
            _connectTimeout = null;

            // If the promise has not yet been resolved, emit an error in the producer.
            // This will trigger our error-handling code above.
            if (_producerPromise.promise.isPending()) {
                onError(new Error(`Failed to connect to Zookeeper in ${zookeeperCommTimeout} ms`));
        }, zookeeperCommTimeout);
    catch (err) {
    return promise;

send = (payloads, retry) => {
    let defer = q.defer();

    // It's important that the payloads are sent in the correct order, so try to resend any queued up
    // payloads before sending the new payload.
    retrySend().then(getProducer).then((producer) => {

        // Send the payload to Kafka.
        let d = q.defer();
        producer.send(payloads, d.makeNodeResolver());
        return d.promise;

    }).then(() => {
        logger.debug('Kafka Producer: Sent payload successfully');

    }).fail((err) => {
        // If we're not bothering to retry, reject the promise immediately.
        if (!retry) {
        // Otherwise, store the payloads and promise
        else {
            _retryPayloads = _retryPayloads.concat(payloads);
    return defer.promise;

retrySend = () => {
    // If there is a timeout set to call this function, cancel it.
    if (null != _timeout) {
        _timeout = null;

    // If we're already retrying, don't do it again.
    if (null != _retryPromise) {
        return _retryPromise.promise;

    // If there aren't any stored payloads, we're done.
    if (_retryPayloads.length === 0) {
        return q.resolve();

    _retryPromise = q.defer();

    // Try sending all of the stored payloads to Kafka and see what happens.
    getProducer().then((producer) => {

        // Send the payload to Kafka
        let d = q.defer();
        producer.send(_retryPayloads, d.makeNodeResolver());
        return d.promise;

    }).then((results) => {
        // Resolve all the deferred promises
        _retryPromises.forEach((promise) => {

        // Clear out all the payloads and promises.
        _retryPayloads = [];
        _retryPromises = [];

        // Indicate that the retry function has completed.
        _retryPromise = null;

    }).fail((err) => {
        // Schedule the retry again.

        // Indicate that the retry function has failed.
        // If this was called by the send() function, there is no need for that function to try sending its
        // own payload because we know the previous ones are still failing.
        _retryPromise = null;
    return _retryPromise.promise;

scheduleRetry = () => {
    if (null == _timeout) {`Kafka Producer: Attempting to resend payloads in ${retryMs} ms`);
        _timeout = setTimeout(() => {
            _timeout = null;
        }, retryMs);

 * @type {number} The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a send
module.exports.retryMs = retryMs; = _events;
 * Sends an array of payloads to Kafka.  If the payload fails and the retry flag is set, we will continue
 * retrying the send until it is successful.
 * @param {Array} payloads An array of payloads.  Each payload must be an object with the following keys:
 *   - topic: The topic to which to send
 *   - messages: A string or array of strings to send to the topic
 * @param {Boolean} retry If true, the payload will continue to be sent until it is successful.  If false,
 *   the payload will be sent once and will be ignored if it fails.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the send is successful, and rejected if it fails and
 *   retry is set to false.  If retry is true, the promise will only be resolved when a successful send
 *   is finally made.
module.exports.send = send;

 * Sends an array of payloads to Kafka.  If the payload fails and the retry flag is set, we will continue
 * retrying the send until it is successful.
 * @param {String} topic The topic to send the message to.
 * @param {String} message An array or string containing the message or messages to send.
 * @param {Boolean} retry If true, the payload will continue to be sent until it is successful.  If false,
 *   the payload will be sent once and will be ignored if it fails.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the send is successful, and rejected if it fails and
 *   retry is set to false.  If retry is true, the promise will only be resolved when a successful send
 *   is finally made.
module.exports.sendMessageForTopic = (topic, message, retry) => {
    return send([{topic: topic, messages: message}], retry);

 * Sends an array of payloads to Kafka.  If the payload fails and the retry flag is set, we will continue
 * retrying the send until it is successful.
 * @param {String} topic The topic to send the message to.
 * @param {String} message An array or string containing the message or messages to send.
 * @param {String} key a string that is the key for the message
 * @param {Boolean} retry If true, the payload will continue to be sent until it is successful.  If false,
 *   the payload will be sent once and will be ignored if it fails.
 * @returns {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the send is successful, and rejected if it fails and
 *   retry is set to false.  If retry is true, the promise will only be resolved when a successful send
 *   is finally made.
module.exports.sendMessageForTopicWithKey = (topic, message, key, retry) => {
    return send([{topic: topic, messages: message, key: key}], retry);