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import { inject } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Router, RouterStateSnapshot, UrlTree } from '@angular/router';

import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { SessionService } from './session.service';

type AuthGuardConfig = {
    requiresAuthentication: boolean;
    requiresEua: boolean;
    requireAllRoles: boolean;
    roles: string[];

const DEFAULT_CONFIG: AuthGuardConfig = {
    requiresAuthentication: true,
    requiresEua: true,
    requireAllRoles: true,
    roles: ['user']

function toAuthGuardConfig(
    configOrRoles: string | string[] | Partial<AuthGuardConfig> | undefined
) {
    if (typeof configOrRoles === 'string') {
        return { roles: [configOrRoles] };
    if (Array.isArray(configOrRoles)) {
        return { roles: configOrRoles };
    if (configOrRoles) {
        return configOrRoles;
    return {};

export function authGuard(configOrRoles?: string | string[] | Partial<AuthGuardConfig>) {
    return (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
        const router = inject(Router);
        const sessionService = inject(SessionService);
        const session = sessionService.session;

        const config = {
            ...( as Partial<AuthGuardConfig>)

        // If the route doesn't require authentication, let them through
        if (!config.requiresAuthentication) {
            return of(true);

        // reload session if not present
        const session$ = session().user ? of(session()) : sessionService.reloadSession();

        return session$.pipe(
            switchMap(() => sessionService.getCurrentEua()),
            map((): boolean | UrlTree => {
                // The user still isn't authenticated
                if (!session().isAuthenticated()) {
                    return router.parseUrl('/signin');

                // Check to see if the user needs to agree to the end user agreement
                if (config.requiresEua && !session().isEuaCurrent()) {
                    return router.parseUrl('/eua');

                if (!session().isAdmin()) {
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------
                    // Check the role requirements for the route
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------
                    if (
                        (config.requireAllRoles && !session().hasEveryRole(config.roles)) ||
                    ) {
                        // The user doesn't have the needed roles to view the page
                        return router.parseUrl('/unauthorized');

                return true;