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Test Coverage
<p class="lead">
    Teams play a critical role in the organization of and access to application resources.


    Teams are used to manage the organization of and access to resources in the application. Each
    resource is 'owned' by a team, and only members of that team can view that resource.

<h2>Team Roles</h2>

    All team members receive basic 'read' access to team resources. Advanced access can be granted
    using the roles described below.

<div class="mb-3 site-mb-3">
    <h5>Team Admin</h5>
        This role grants the user the ability to add/remove members of the team and to delete the
        team itself. Team admins will receive access requests generated from within the UI.

    <h5>Team Editor</h5>
        This role grants the user the ability to create/edit/delete resources on behalf of the team.