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'use strict';

const contactEmail = process.env.CONTACT_EMAIL || '';

module.exports = {
    mode: 'production',

    port: 3000,

    // Basic title and instance name
    app: {
        title: 'Node REST Starter',
        instanceName: 'node-rest-starter',
        description: 'Node REST app',
        clientUrl: 'http://localhost/#',
        helpUrl: 'http://localhost/#/help',
        contactEmail: ''

     * Core System Settings

    apiDocs: {
        enabled: true,
        path: '/api-docs',
        jsonPath: '/api/spec.json',
        uiOptions: {}

    actuator: {
        enabled: true,
        options: {
            basePath: '/actuator'

    // SocketIO Settings
    socketio: {
        ignoreOlderThan: 600
    // Use the following for local eventEmitter
    publishProvider: './src/app/common/event/event-publish.provider',
    socketProvider: './src/app/common/sockets/event-socket.provider',

    notifications: {
        enabled: false,
        topic: 'notification.posted'

    messages: {
        topic: 'message.posted',
        expireSeconds: 2592000 // default to 30 days

    pages: {
        topic: 'page.updated'

    cors: {
        enabled: false,
        options: {
            credentials: true

    assets: {
        models: ['src/**/*.model!(.spec).{js,ts}'],
        routes: ['src/**/*.routes!(.spec).{js,ts}'],
        sockets: ['src/**/*.socket!(.spec).{js,ts}'],
        config: ['src/**/*.config!(.spec).js'],
        docs: ['src/**/*/*.components.yml'],
        // Test specific source files
        tests: ['src/**/*.spec.{js,ts}'],
        e2e: ['e2e/**/*.spec.{js, ts}']

     * When using the 'proxy-pki' authentication strategy,
     * this will be the header used to retrieve the user's
     * DN for initial authentication and use through the system.
    proxyPkiPrimaryUserHeader: 'x-ssl-client-s-dn',

     * When using the 'proxy-pki' authentication strategy,
     * this will be the header used to retrieve the optional
     * proxied user's DN for combined authentication and
     * use through the system.
    proxyPkiProxiedUserHeader: 'x-proxied-user-dn',

     * When using the 'proxy-pki' authentication strategy,
     * this will be the header used to retrieve the optional
     * masquerade user's DN for admin masquerade access
    masqueradeUserHeader: 'x-masquerade-user-dn',

    // Auth system
    auth: {
         * The API Access List grants token/secret-based access to specific endpoints in the application
        apiAccessList: {
            // externalApi: [
            //     { token: 'blah', secret: 'secret'}
            // ]

         * 'local' strategy uses a locally managed username/password and user profile
        strategy: 'local',

         * 'proxy-pki' strategy assumes that the Node app is behind an SSL terminating
         * proxy server. The proxy is responsible for passing the DN of the incoming
         * user in the the 'x-ssl-client-dn' header.
        // strategy: 'proxy-pki',

        accessChecker: {
            cacheExpire: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // expiration of cache entries
            provider: {
                // file: 'src/app/core/access-checker/providers/example.provider',
                config: {
                    // 'user cn string': {
                    //     name: 'User Name',
                    //     profileOrganization: 'User Organization',
                    //     email: '',
                    //     username: 'username',
                    //     roles: ['ROLE']
                    // }

        autoLogin: false,
        autoCreateAccounts: false,
        defaultRoles: {},
        requiredRoles: [],

        roles: ['user', 'editor', 'auditor', 'admin'],
        roleStrategy: 'local', // 'local' || 'external' || 'hybrid'
        masquerade: true, // set to false to disable admin masquerading when using proxy-pki

        externalRoles: {
            provider: {
                file: 'src/app/core/user/auth/default-external-role-map.provider',
                config: {
                    externalRoleMap: {
                        user: 'USER',
                        admin: 'ADMIN',
                        auditor: 'AUDITOR',
                        editor: 'EDITOR'

        orgLevelConfig: {
            required: false

         * Session settings are required regardless of auth strategy

        // Session Expiration controls how long sessions can live (in ms)
        sessionCookie: {
            maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

        // Session secret is used to validate sessions
        sessionSecret: 'AJwo4MDj932jk9J5jldm34jZjnDjbnASqPksh4',

        // Session mongo collection
        sessionCollection: 'sessions'

    agenda: {
        enabled: true,
        jobs: [
            // {
            //     file: './src/app/core/access-checker/cache/cache-refresh.job',
            //     name: 'cache-refresh',
            //     interval: '12 hours',
            //     data: {
            //         refresh: 12 * 3600000
            //     }
            // },
            // {
            //     file: './src/app/core/user/inactive/inactive-user.job',
            //     name: 'inactive-user',
            //     interval: '1 days',
            //     data: {
            //         alertIntervals: [
            //             30 * 86400000, // 30 days
            //             60 * 86400000 // 60 days
            //         ],
            //         deactivateAfter: 90 * 86400000 // 90 days
            //     }
            // },
            // {
            //     file: 'path/to/job/definition',
            //     name: 'job-name',
            //     options: {},
            //     interval: '0 * * * *'
            // }

    // MongoDB
    db: {
        admin: 'mongodb://localhost/node-rest-starter-dev'
    mongooseFailOnIndexOptionsConflict: true,

    migrateMongo: {
        enabled: true,

        // The migrations dir, can be an relative or absolute path. Only edit this when really necessary.
        migrationsDir: 'src/migrations',

        // The mongodb collection where the applied changes are stored. Only edit this when really necessary.
        changelogCollectionName: 'changelog',

        // The file extension to create migrations and search for in migration dir
        migrationFileExtension: '.js',

        // Enable the algorithm to create a checksum of the file contents and use that in the comparison to determine
        // if the file should be run.  Requires that scripts are coded to be run multiple times.
        useFileHash: false,

        // Don't change this, unless you know what you're doing
        moduleSystem: 'commonjs'

     * The maximum time in milliseconds allowed for processing operation on the cursor by a mongo query
    maxTimeMS: 30000,

     * The maximum time in milliseconds allowed for a count operation on the cursor by a mongo search/pagination query
    maxCountTimeMS: 5000,

    // configures mongo TTL index.  Overriding these may require dropping existing index
    notificationExpires: 15552000, // 180 days
    auditExpires: 15552000, //180 days
    feedbackExpires: 15552000, // 180 days

     * Environment Settings

    // Configuration for outgoing mail server / service
    mailer: {
        from: 'USERNAME@GMAIL.COM',
        provider: './src/app/core/email/providers/smtp-email.provider',
        options: {
            host: 'gmail',
            port: 587,
            secure: false, // true for 465, false for other ports
            auth: {
                user: 'USERNAME@GMAIL.COM',
                pass: 'PASSWORD'
        provider: './src/app/core/email/providers/log-email.server.provider',
        options: {}
        provider: './src/app/core/email/providers/https-email.server.provider',
        options: {
            host: '',
            port: ,
            path: '',
            ca: '/path/to/ca.crt',
            cert: '/path/to/cert.crt',
            key: '/path/to/cert.key'

    coreEmails: {
        default: {
            header: 'HEADER',
            footer: 'FOOTER',
            from: contactEmail,
            replyTo: contactEmail
        userSignupAlert: {
            enabled: true,
            subject: 'New Account Request - {{ app.clientUrl }}',
            to: contactEmail
        welcomeNoAccess: {
            enabled: true,
            skipIfUserHasRole: 'user',
            subject: 'Welcome to {{ app.title }} - No Access!'
        welcomeWithAccess: {
            enabled: true,
            recentDuration: { days: 90 },
            accessRole: 'user',
            subject: 'Welcome to {{ app.title }}!'
        approvedUserEmail: {
            enabled: true,
            subject: 'Your {{ app.title }} account has been approved!'
        feedbackEmail: {
            subject: '{{ app.title }}: Feedback Submitted',
            bcc: contactEmail
        teamAccessRequestEmail: {
                '{{ app.title }}: A user has requested access to Team {{ }}'
        newTeamRequest: {
            subject: 'New Team Requested',
            bcc: contactEmail
        userInactivity: {
            subject: '{{ app.title }}: Inactivity Notice'
        userDeactivate: {
            subject: '{{ app.title }}: Account Deactivation'
        resetPassword: {
            subject: 'Password Reset'
        resetPasswordConfirm: {
            subject: 'Your password has been changed'

    siteEmails: {},

    teams: {
        implicitMembers: {
            enabled: false,

             * 'roles' strategy matches user.externalRoles against team.requiresExternalRoles to determine implicit
             * membership in team.  User must have all of the specified roles to be granted access to team.
            strategy: 'roles'

             * 'teams' strategy matches user.externalGroups against team.requiresExternalGroups to determine implicit
             * membership in team.  User mush have one of the specified roles to be granted access to team.
            // strategy: 'teams'
        nestedTeams: false

     * Whether the delete user functionality is enabled or disabled
    allowDeleteUser: true,

     * Development/debugging settings

    // Expose server errors to the client (500 errors)
    exposeServerErrors: false,

    // Mongoose query logging
    mongooseLogging: false,

    // Express route logging
    expressLogging: false,

     * Logging Settings
    logger: {
        application: {
            silent: false,
            console: {
                enabled: true,
                level: 'warn'
            file: {
                enabled: true,
                level: 'warn',
                directory: '/var/log/rest-server',
                filename: 'application-%DATE%.log',
                datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
                zippedArchive: true,
                maxSize: '20m',
                maxFiles: '7d'
        audit: {
            silent: false,
            console: {
                enabled: false,
                level: 'info'
            file: {
                enabled: true,
                level: 'info',
                directory: '/var/log/rest-server',
                filename: 'audit-%DATE%.log',
                datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
                zippedArchive: true,
                maxSize: '20m',
                maxFiles: '7d'
        metrics: {
            silent: false,
            console: {
                enabled: false,
                level: 'info'
            file: {
                enabled: true,
                level: 'info',
                directory: '/var/log/rest-server',
                filename: 'metrics-%DATE%.log',
                datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH',
                zippedArchive: true,
                maxSize: '20m',
                maxFiles: '7d'

     * UI Settings
    // Header/footer
    banner: {
        // The string to display
        html: 'DEFAULT SETTINGS',

        // additional CSS class to apply to the banner
        style: 'default'

    // Copyright footer (shown above the system footer)
    copyright: {
        // HTML-enabled contents of the banner
        html: '© 2024 <a href="" target="_blank">BLUEHALO</a>'

    feedback: {
        showFlyout: true,
        showInSidebar: true,

        classificationOpts: [
            { level: 'LEVEL-1', prefix: '(L1)' },
            { level: 'LEVEL-2', prefix: '(L2)' },
            { level: 'LEVEL-3', prefix: '(L3)' }

    help: {
        welcomeLinks: []

    userPreferences: {}