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import passport from 'passport';

import { auditService, config } from '../../../../dependencies';
import { InternalServerError, UnauthorizedError } from '../../../common/errors';
import accessChecker from '../../access-checker/access-checker.service';
import userEmailService from '../user-email.service';
import { IUser, UserDocument, User, UserModel } from '../user.model';

class UserAuthenticationService {
    constructor(private userModel: UserModel) {}

     * Initialize a new user
     * This method applies any common business logic that happens
     * when a new user is created in the system.
    initializeNewUser(user: UserDocument): Promise<UserDocument> {
        // Previously this handled setting default roles, but that is now handled by the model
        // Resolve the user (this might seem like overkill, but planning for the future)
        return Promise.resolve(user);

     * Login the user
     * Does the work to log the user into the system
     * Updates the last logged in time
     * Audits the action
    login(user: UserDocument, req): Promise<IUser> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // Calls the login function (which goes to passport)
            req.login(user, (err) => {
                if (err) {
                    return reject(new InternalServerError(err));

                userEmailService.welcomeWithAccessEmail(user, req);

                // update the user's last login time
                        { lastLogin: },
                        { new: true, upsert: false }
                    .then((_user: UserDocument) => {
                        return resolve(_user.fullCopy());
                    .catch((err) => {
                        return reject(new InternalServerError(err.message));

                // Audit the login
                    'User successfully logged in',
                    'authentication succeeded',

     * Authenticate and then login depending on the outcome
    authenticateAndLogin(req, res, next): Promise<IUser> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // Attempt to authenticate the user using passport
                (err, user, info, status) => {
                    // If there was an error
                    if (err) {
                        // Reject the promise with a 500 error
                        return reject(new InternalServerError(err));
                    // If the authentication failed
                    if (!user) {
                        // In the case of a auth failure, info should have the reason
                        // Here is a hack for the local strategy...
                        if (null == info.status && null != status) {
                            info.status = status;
                            if (info.message === 'Missing credentials') {
                                info.type = 'missing-credentials';

                        // Try to grab the username from the request
                        const username =
                            req.body && req.body.username
                                ? req.body.username
                                : 'none provided';

                        // Audit the failed attempt
                            'authentication failed',
                            { username: username }

                        return reject(info);
                    // Else the authentication was successful
                    // Set the user ip if available.
                    user.ip = req.headers?.['x-real-ip'] ?? null;
                    this.login(user, req).then(resolve).catch(reject);
            )(req, res, next);

    copyACMetadata(dest, src) {
        // Copy each field from the access checker user to the local user
        ['name', 'organization', 'email', 'username'].forEach((e) => {
            // Only overwrite if there's a value
            if (src?.[e]?.trim() ?? '' !== '') {
                dest[e] = src[e];

        // Always overwrite these fields
        dest.externalRoles = src?.roles ?? [];
        dest.externalGroups = src?.groups ?? [];
        return dest;

     * Create the user locally given the information from access checker
    async createUser(dn: string, acUser: unknown): Promise<UserDocument> {
        // Create the new user
        const newUser = new User({
            name: 'unknown',
            organization: 'unknown',
            organizationLevels: {},
            email: '',
            username: dn.toLowerCase()

        // Copy over the access checker metadata
        this.copyACMetadata(newUser, acUser);

        // Add the provider data
        newUser.providerData = { dn: dn, dnLower: dn.toLowerCase() };
        newUser.provider = 'pki';

        // Initialize the new user
        const initializedUser = await this.initializeNewUser(newUser);

        // Check for existing user with same username
        const existingUser = await this.userModel
                username: initializedUser.username

        // If existing user exists, update providerData with dn
        if (existingUser) {
            existingUser.providerData.dn = dn;
            existingUser.providerData.dnLower = dn.toLowerCase();

        // else save

    async autoCreateUser(dn: string, acUser: unknown, req) {
        // Create the user
        const newUser = await this.createUser(dn, acUser);

        userEmailService.signupEmail(newUser, req);
        userEmailService.welcomeNoAccessEmail(newUser, req);

        // Audit user signup
        await auditService.audit(
            'user signup',
            'user signup',

        return newUser;

    async verifyUser(dn: string, req, isProxy = false) {
        const dnLower = dn.toLowerCase();

        const localUser = await this.userModel
                'providerData.dnLower': dnLower

        // Bypass AC check
        if (localUser?.bypassAccessCheck) {
            return localUser;

        const acUser = await accessChecker.get(dnLower);

        // Default to creating accounts automatically
        const autoCreateAccounts = config.get<boolean>('auth.autoCreateAccounts');

        // If the user is not known locally, is not known by access checker, and we are creating accounts, create the account as an empty account
        if (
            null == localUser &&
            null == acUser &&
            (isProxy || !autoCreateAccounts)
        ) {
            throw new UnauthorizedError(
                'Certificate unknown, expired, or unauthorized'

        // Else if the user is not known locally, and we are creating accounts, create the account as an empty account
        if (null == localUser && autoCreateAccounts) {
            return this.autoCreateUser(dn, acUser, req);

        // update local user with is known locally, but not in access checker, update their user info to reflect
        this.copyACMetadata(localUser, acUser);

        // Audit user update
        await auditService.audit(
            'user updated from access checker',


export = new UserAuthenticationService(User);