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namespace db\access;

use Asymptix\core\Tools;
use Asymptix\db\DBCore;

 * Simple User bean class.
 * (You can modify this class according to your database structure)
 * @category Asymptix PHP Framework
 * @author Dmytro Zarezenko <>
 * @copyright (c) 2009 - 2017, Dmytro Zarezenko
 * @license
class User extends \Asymptix\db\DBTimedObject {
    const STATUS_ACTIVATED = 1;

    const LOGIN_NOT_ACTIVATED = 0;

    const GENDER_NONE = 'none';
    const GENDER_MALE = 'male';
    const GENDER_FEMALE = 'female';

    const TABLE_NAME = "users";
    const ID_FIELD_NAME = "user_id";
    protected $fieldsList = array(
        'user_id' => 0, // int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
        'username' => "", // varchar(255) NOT NULL
        'email' => "", // varchar(255) NOT NULL
        'password' => "", // varchar(255) NOT NULL
        'auth_key' => "", // varchar(32) NOT NULL
        'role' => 0, // int(1) unsigned not null

        'full_name' => "", // VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
        'gender' => self::GENDER_NONE, // ENUM( 'male', 'female', 'none', '' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'
        'language' => "en", // VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en'

        'last_login_time' => "0000-00-00 00:00:00", // datetime DEFAULT NULL
        'create_time' => "0000-00-00 00:00:00", // datetime DEFAULT NULL
        'create_user_id' => 0, // int(11) DEFAULT NULL
        'update_time' => "0000-00-00 00:00:00", // datetime DEFAULT NULL
        'update_user_id' => 0, // int(11) DEFAULT NULL

        'activation' => 0, // tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

        'signature' => "", // TEXT NOT NULL
        'avatar' => "", // varchar(100) not null

        // additional fields according to your database structure

    public function __construct() {

     * For user accounts we must verify if login field ID is unique.
    public function save($debug = false) {
        try {
            return parent::save($debug);
        } catch (DBException $ex) {
            return false; //TODO: maybe verify if duplicate or other error

     * Password encoding method.
     * @param string $password Password
     * @return string Encoded password string.
    public static function passwordEncode($password) {
        return md5($password);

     * Login functionality.
     * @param string $login Username from login form.
     * @param string $password Password from login form.
     * @return mixed User object on success or integer result code if some problems occurred.
    public static function login($login, $password) {
        $user = self::_select(['email' => $login])->limit(1)->go();
        if ($user) {
            if ($user->isActivated()) {
                if ($user->password == self::passwordEncode($password)) {

                    return $user;

                return self::LOGIN_INVALID_PASSWORD;

            return self::LOGIN_NOT_ACTIVATED;

        return self::LOGIN_INVALID_USERNAME;

     * Updates login time.
    public function updateLoginTime() {
        $query = "UPDATE " . self::TABLE_NAME . "
                     SET last_login_time = NOW()
                   WHERE " . self::ID_FIELD_NAME . " = ?";
        DBCore::doUpdateQuery($query, "i", array($this->id));

     * Checks if user is logged in.
     * @global User $_USER Current user object.
     * @return boolean
    public static function checkLoggedIn() {
        global $_USER;

        if (Tools::isInstanceOf($_USER, new self)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Checks if account of the current user is equal to the needed account page.
     * @global User $_USER Current user object.
     * @param array $roles Needed roles.
     * @return boolean
    public static function checkAccountAccess($roles = array()) {
        global $_USER;

        if (self::checkLoggedIn()) {
            if (empty($roles)) {
                return true;

            if (!is_array($roles)) {
                $roles = array($roles);
            foreach ($roles as $role) {
                if ($_USER->role == $role) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        return false;

     * Logout functionality.
    public static function logout() {
        global $_USER;

        $_USER = null;

     * Returns current users avatar image file path.
     * @param boolean $icon Return only default icon flag.
     * @return string Image path.
    public function getAvatarPath($icon = false) {
        $currentAvatarFileName = $this->avatar;
        if (!empty($currentAvatarFileName) && file_exists(Config::DIR_AVATARS . $currentAvatarFileName)) {
            return Config::DIR_AVATARS . $currentAvatarFileName;
        if ($icon) {
            return "img/user_avatar.png";
        return "img/placehold/100x100.png";

     * Updates users avatar image file path in the DB.
     * @param string $newAvatarFileName New filename.
     * @return boolean Success flag.
    public function updateAvatar($newAvatarFileName) {
        $currentAvatarFileName = $this->avatar;
        if (!empty($currentAvatarFileName) && file_exists(Config::DIR_AVATARS . $currentAvatarFileName)) {
            unlink(Config::DIR_AVATARS . $currentAvatarFileName);

        if (file_exists(Config::DIR_AVATARS . $newAvatarFileName)) {
            $query = "UPDATE " . self::TABLE_NAME
                    . " SET avatar = ?"
                    . " WHERE " . self::ID_FIELD_NAME . " = ?";
            if (DBCore::doUpdateQuery($query, "si", array(
            ))) {
                $this->avatar = $newAvatarFileName;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;
