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Class TableBuilder

* Class name: TableBuilder
* Namespace: Athens\Core\Table
* Parent class: [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](


### setRows

    \Athens\Core\Table\TableBuilder Athens\Core\Table\TableBuilder::setRows(array<mixed,\Athens\Core\Row\RowInterface> $rows)

* Visibility: **public**

#### Arguments
* $rows **array&lt;mixed,\Athens\Core\Row\RowInterface&gt;**

### addFilter

    \Athens\Core\Table\TableBuilder Athens\Core\Table\TableBuilder::addFilter(\Athens\Core\Filter\FilterInterface $filter)

* Visibility: **public**

#### Arguments
* $filter **[Athens\Core\Filter\FilterInterface](**

### build

    mixed Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::build()

Return the element under construction.

Returns an instance of the object type under construction.

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is **abstract**.
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

### begin

    static Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::begin()

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is **static**.
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

### clear

    \Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::clear()

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

### setId

    \Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::setId(string $id)

Set the unique identifier for the element to be built.

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

#### Arguments
* $id **string**

### addClass

    \Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::addClass(string $class)

Add a display class name to the element to be built.

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

#### Arguments
* $class **string**

### addData

    \Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder::addData(string $key, string $value)

Add a data field to the element to be built.

For example, when building a field:

    ->addData('owned-by', 'bob')

When written to HTML, the resulting field will have
an HTML5 data attribute like:

    <... data-owned-by='bob' .../>

* Visibility: **public**
* This method is defined by [Athens\Core\Etc\AbstractBuilder](

#### Arguments
* $key **string**
* $value **string**