namespace Athens\Encryption\Test;
use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
use Athens\Encryption\Cipher;
class CipherTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #called before initialization.*#
public function testGetInstanceBeforeCreate()
public function testCipherCreation()
* @expectedException Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #Only one cipher instance may be created.*#
public function testCreateInstanceTwice()
public function testEncrypt()
$plainText = "plaintext";
$encryptedText1 = Cipher::getInstance()->encrypt($plainText);
$encryptedText2 = Cipher::getInstance()->encrypt($plainText);
// Assert that a given plain text will not encrypt to the same encrypted text every time
$this->assertNotEquals($encryptedText1, $encryptedText2);
public function testEncryptDecrypt()
$plainText = "plaintext";
$encryptedText = Cipher::getInstance()->encrypt($plainText);
// Assert that the encrypted text is not the same as the plain text
$this->assertNotEquals($plainText, $encryptedText);
// Assert that the encrypted text is equal to the plain text when decrypted
$this->assertEquals($plainText, Cipher::getInstance()->decrypt($encryptedText));