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2 days
Test Coverage
import "jest-environment-puppeteer";
import Flash from "../helpers/flash";
import { IFlash, IMarket, Outcome } from "../types/types";
import { UnlockedAccounts } from "../constants/accounts";
import { toDisputing } from "../helpers/navigation-helper";
import {
} from "../helpers/create-markets";
import { waitNextBlock } from "../helpers/wait-new-block";

// TODO: Replace uses of `url` with calls to functions in navigation-helper
const url = `${process.env.AUGUR_URL}`;
const SMALL_TIMEOUT = 80000;
const BIG_TIMEOUT = 160000;


let flash: IFlash = new Flash();

const disputeOnAllOutcomes = async (
  marketId: string,
  outcomes: Outcome[],
  isScalar: boolean = false
) => {
  const amount = "0.3000";

  for (let i = 0; i < outcomes.length; i++) {
    if (!outcomes[i].tentativeWinning) {
      await disputeOnOutcome(marketId, outcomes[i], amount);
      await verifyDisputedOutcome(marketId, outcomes[i].id, amount);

  if (isScalar) {
    const values: string[] = ["-2", ".2", "-.2", "10", "-10"];
    for (const value of values) {
      await disputeOnScalarOutcome(marketId, value, amount);

const disputeOnOutcome = async (
  marketId: string,
  outcome: Outcome,
  amount: string
) => {
  await expect(page).toClick("[data-testid='link-" + marketId + "']", {
    text: "dispute",
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("[data-testid='button-" + + "']", {
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toFill("#sr__input--stake", amount, {
    timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("button", {
    text: "Review",
    timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("button", {
    text: "Submit",
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

const disputeOnScalarOutcome = async (
  marketId: string,
  outcomeValue: string,
  amount: string
) => {
  await expect(page).toClick("[data-testid='link-" + marketId + "']", {
    text: "dispute",
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("[data-testid='scalar-dispute-button']", {
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toFill("#sr__input--outcome-scalar", outcomeValue, {
    timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toFill("#sr__input--stake", amount, {
    timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("button", {
    text: "Review",
    timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
  await expect(page).toClick("button", {
    text: "Submit",
    timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

const verifyDisputedOutcome = async (
  marketId: string,
  outcomeId: string,
  amount: string
) => {
  // TODO: need to be aware of "+ more" button
  await expect(page).toMatchElement(
    "[data-testid='disputeBond-" + marketId + "-" + outcomeId + "']",
      text: amount,
      timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

describe("Disputing", () => {
  let market: IMarket;

  beforeAll(async () => {
    await toDisputing();

    market = await createYesNoMarket();
    await waitNextBlock(10);
    await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
    await flash.pushWeeks(1); // push into dispute window

  afterAll(async () => {

  describe("Basics", () => {
    it("should be shown the 'No-REP' message if your account has no REP", async () => {
      await page.evaluate(
        account => window.integrationHelpers.updateAccountAddress(account),
      await toDisputing();
      await expect(page).toMatch(
        "You have 0 REP available. Add funds to dispute markets or purchase participation tokens.",
        { timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT }

    it("should not be able to submit a dispute without REP", async () => {
      // check that button is disabled
      await expect(page).toMatchElement(
        "[data-testid='link-" + + "']",
        { text: "dispute", timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT }

  describe("Disputing Mechanisms", () => {
    let yesNoMarket: IMarket;
    let categoricalMarket: IMarket;
    let scalarMarket: IMarket;
    let outcomes: { [key: string]: Outcome[] };

    beforeAll(async () => {
      await page.evaluate(() => window.integrationHelpers.getRep());
      await waitNextBlock(2);

    describe("Yes/No Market", () => {
      beforeAll(async () => {
        yesNoMarket = await createYesNoMarket();
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
        await flash.pushWeeks(1);
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        outcomes = await page.evaluate(() =>

      it("should be able to dispute on all outcomes", async () => {
        await disputeOnAllOutcomes(

    describe("Categorical Market", () => {
      beforeAll(async () => {
        categoricalMarket = await createCategoricalMarket(4);
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
        await flash.pushWeeks(1);
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        outcomes = await page.evaluate(() =>
      it("should be able to dispute on all outcomes", async () => {
        await disputeOnAllOutcomes(

    describe("Scalar Market", () => {
      beforeAll(async () => {
        scalarMarket = await createScalarMarket();
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
        await flash.pushWeeks(1);
        await waitNextBlock(15);
        outcomes = await page.evaluate(() =>
      it("should be able to dispute on all outcomes", async () => {
        await disputeOnAllOutcomes(

  describe("Dispute Window", () => {
    let daysLeft: number;
    let reportingWindowStats;

    it("should have days remaining be correct", async () => {
      await toDisputing();
      reportingWindowStats = await page.evaluate(() =>
      let currentTimestamp = await page.evaluate(() =>
      currentTimestamp = currentTimestamp / 1000;
      daysLeft = await page.evaluate(
        (endTime, startTime) =>
          window.integrationHelpers.getDaysRemaining(endTime, startTime),
      let denomination = daysLeft === 1 ? " day" : " days";

      if (daysLeft === 0) {
        const hoursLeft = await page.evaluate(
          (endTime, startTime) =>
            window.integrationHelpers.getHoursRemaining(endTime, startTime),

        denomination = hoursLeft === 1 ? " hour" : " hours";

        if (hoursLeft === 0) {
          const minutesLeft = await page.evaluate(
            (endTime, startTime) =>
              window.integrationHelpers.getMinutesRemaining(endTime, startTime),
          denomination = minutesLeft === 1 ? " minute" : " minutes";

          // check that days left is expected number
          await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='daysLeft']", {
            text: minutesLeft + denomination + " left",
            timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
        } else {
          // check that days left is expected number
          await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='daysLeft']", {
            text: hoursLeft + denomination + " left",
            timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT
      } else {
        // check that days left is expected number
        await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='daysLeft']", {
          text: daysLeft + denomination + " left",
          timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT

    it("should have days remaining increment properly", async () => {
      // push time
      await flash.pushDays(1);
      let daysLeftIncr = daysLeft === 0 ? 6 : daysLeft - 1;
      let denomination = daysLeftIncr === 1 ? " day" : " days";

      if (daysLeftIncr === 0) {
        let currentTimestamp = await page.evaluate(() =>
        currentTimestamp = currentTimestamp / 1000;
        daysLeftIncr = await page.evaluate(
          (endTime, startTime) =>
            window.integrationHelpers.getHoursRemaining(endTime, startTime),
        denomination = daysLeftIncr === 1 ? " hour" : " hours";

        if (daysLeftIncr === 0) {
          daysLeftIncr = await page.evaluate(
            (endTime, startTime) =>
              window.integrationHelpers.getMinutesRemaining(endTime, startTime),
          denomination = daysLeftIncr === 1 ? " minute" : " minutes";
      } else if (daysLeftIncr === 6) {
        daysLeftIncr = 0;
        denomination = " minutes";

      // check that days left is previous calculation - time pushed
      await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='daysLeft']", {
        text: daysLeftIncr + denomination + " left",
        timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT

    it("should have correct end date", async () => {
      // get new stats because endTime could be different because of time push
      reportingWindowStats = await page.evaluate(() =>
      const formattedDate = await page.evaluate(
        date => window.integrationHelpers.convertUnixToFormattedDate(date),

      // check that dispute window ends is displayed correctly
      await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='endTime']", {
        text: formattedDate.clockTimeLocal,
        timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

    it("should update correctly when time is pushed and a new dispute window starts", async () => {
      // push into new dispute window
      await flash.pushDays(7);

      // get new stats
      reportingWindowStats = await page.evaluate(() =>
      const formattedDate = await page.evaluate(
        date => window.integrationHelpers.convertUnixToFormattedDate(date),

      // check that dispute window ends is displayed correctly
      await expect(page).toMatchElement("[data-testid='endTime']", {
        text: formattedDate.clockTimeLocal,
        timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

    it("should create a new dispute window properly even when no markets were reported on or disputed in the previous dispute window", async () => {});

  describe("Market Card", () => {
    let market: IMarket;

    describe("Dispute Bonds", () => {
      it("should have all of the dispute bonds on a market be equal to one another in the first dispute round", async () => {
        // create new yes/no market
        market = await createYesNoMarket();
        await waitNextBlock(10);

        // put yes/no market into disputing
        await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
        await waitNextBlock(2);

        // check that dispute bonds for outcomes yes and market is invalid are expected
        // TODO: make .6994 not hard coded, and make this reusable for different market types -- use outcomes selector
        await expect(page).toMatchElement(
          "[data-testid='disputeBondTarget-" + + "-1']",
            text: "0.6994 REP",
            timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

        await expect(page).toMatchElement(
          "[data-testid='disputeBondTarget-" + + "-0.5']",
            text: "0.6994 REP",
            timeout: BIG_TIMEOUT

      it("should have dispute bonds be equal to twice the amount placed by the initial reporter in the first dispute round", async () => {
        // TODO:
        // With markets reported on by the Designated Reporter, this is twice the stake placed by the Designated Reporter.
        // With markets reported on in Open Reporting, this is twice the no-show bond.
        // Test both.

    describe("Round Numbers", () => {
      it("should have round number be 1 while a market is waiting for its first Dispute window and while in its first round number", async () => {
        await expect(page).toMatchElement(
          "[data-testid='roundNumber-" + + "']",
            text: "1",
            timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT

      it("should have round number increase if a dispute is successful and a market is waiting for or is in its next dispute window", async () => {
        await flash.disputeContribute(, "1", false, false);
        await expect(page).toMatchElement(
          "[data-testid='roundNumber-" + + "']",
            text: "2",
            timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT

    describe("Listed Outcomes", () => {
      describe("Yes/No Market", () => {
        let yesNoMarket: IMarket;

        it("should have the market's reported-on outcome display correctly on the market card", async () => {
          yesNoMarket = await createYesNoMarket();
          await waitNextBlock(10);
          await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
          await flash.pushWeeks(1);
          await waitNextBlock(2);
          // expect not to have a dispute bond for winning outcome
          await expect(page).not.toMatchElement(
            "[data-testid='disputeBondTarget-" + + "-0']"
        it("should have 'Yes', 'No', and 'Market is Invalid' outcomes be present", async () => {
          await expect(page).toMatch("Yes");
          await expect(page).toMatch("Invalid");
          await expect(page).toMatch("No");
      describe("Categorical Market", () => {
        it("should have the market's reported-on outcome display correctly on the market card", async () => {
          const categoricalMarket = await createCategoricalMarket(4);
          await waitNextBlock(10);
          await flash.initialReport(, "0", false, false);
          await flash.pushWeeks(1);
          await waitNextBlock(2);
          // expect not to have a dispute bond for winning outcome
          await expect(page).not.toMatchElement(
            "[data-testid='disputeBondTarget-" + + "-0']"
      describe("Scalar Market", () => {
        it("should have the market's reported-on outcome display correctly on the market card", async () => {
          const scalarMarket = await createScalarMarket();
          await waitNextBlock(10);
          await flash.initialReport(, "1", false, false);
          await waitNextBlock(2);
          await flash.pushWeeks(1);

          await expect(page).toMatch("Invalid", { timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT });
          // expect not to have a dispute bond for winning outcome
          await expect(page).toMatchElement(
            "[data-testid='winning-" + + "-1']"

        it("should have no other outcomes listed when the tentative winning outcome is 'Market is Invalid'", async () => {
          const scalarMarket = await createScalarMarket();
          await waitNextBlock(10);
          await flash.initialReport(, "0", true, false);
          await waitNextBlock(2);
          await flash.pushWeeks(1);

          await expect(page).toMatch("Invalid", { timeout: SMALL_TIMEOUT });
          // expect not to have a dispute bond for winning outcome
          await expect(page).not.toMatchElement(
            "[data-testid='disputeBondTarget-" + + "-0']"