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Test Coverage
// styles for the layering of the elements

//    Vars
//     these are intended for use with `z-index`
//    so will ultimately be applied within the respective stacking context.

// Content Layout
//  Variables are not defined, but should all be below 100

// NOTE --  If you're having to use these, double check your thinking around layout.
//          Using these is a sniff test.

// Shared view positoning
.standard-view-padding {
  padding: 0 1.25rem;

// Behind
@default-behind: -1;

// Base Container Index
@default-z-index: 1;

//    Above Content
@above-all-content: 10;
@above-all-content-above: 11;
@above-all-content-top-layer: 12;

//    View Chrome
// TODO -- Need to refactor z-index utilization with this
@mask: 20;
@mask-above: 30;

// Modal
@mask-modal: 100;

//top bar height
@top-bar-height: 4.5rem;
@top-bar-height-mobile: 50px;

// inner banner height
@inner-banner-height: 75px;
@inner-banner-height-mobile: 50px;
@inner-banner-height-mobile-small: 85px;

// global banner height
@global-banner-height: 42px;
@global-banner-height-mobile: 65px;
@global-banner-height-mobile-small: 75px;