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Test Coverage
import immutableDelete from "immutable-delete";
import {
} from "modules/markets/constants/market-types";
import selectMigratedTotals from "modules/reports/selectors/select-migrated-totals";
import { formatAttoRep } from "utils/format-number";


describe(`modules/reports/selectors/select-migrated-totals.js`, () => {
  const marketBinary = {
    maxPrice: 100,
    minPrice: 0,
    numTicks: 10000,
    numOutcomes: 2,
    marketType: YES_NO,
    reportableOutcomes: [
      { id: "0", name: "No" },
      { id: "1", name: "Yes" },
      { id: "0.5", name: "Indeterminate" }

  const marketCategorical = {
    maxPrice: 100,
    minPrice: 0,
    numTicks: 10003,
    numOutcomes: 7,
    marketType: CATEGORICAL,
    reportableOutcomes: [
      { id: "0", name: "Bob" },
      { id: "1", name: "Sue" },
      { id: "2", name: "John" },
      { id: "3", name: "Mark" },
      { id: "4", name: "Joe" },
      { id: "5", name: "Mike" },
      { id: "6", name: "Ed" },
      { id: "0.5", name: "Indeterminate" }

  const marketScalar = {
    maxPrice: 100,
    minPrice: 0,
    numTicks: 10000,
    tickSize: 4,
    numOutcomes: 2,
    marketType: SCALAR,
    reportableOutcomes: [{ id: "0.5", name: "Indeterminate" }]

  beforeEach(() => {
    formatAttoRep.mockImplementation(value => ({
      formatted: value.toString(),
      fullPrecision: value

  test(`scalar market with more than 9 disputes and includes indeterminate`, () => {
    const totals = {
      2202: {
        repTotal: 201,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2200: {
        repTotal: 11,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      0.5: {
        repTotal: 135,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: true
      2221: {
        repTotal: 31,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2122: {
        repTotal: 131,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      1222: {
        repTotal: 221,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2332: {
        repTotal: 230,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2552: {
        repTotal: 231,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2113: {
        repTotal: 2.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      21: {
        repTotal: 1.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      211: {
        repTotal: 0.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false

    const expected = [
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2552], "repTotal"),
        name: "2552",
        id: "2552",
        rep: { formatted: "231", fullPrecision: 231 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2332], "repTotal"),
        name: "2332",
        id: "2332",
        rep: { formatted: "230", fullPrecision: 230 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[1222], "repTotal"),
        name: "1222",
        id: "1222",
        rep: { formatted: "221", fullPrecision: 221 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2202], "repTotal"),
        name: "2202",
        id: "2202",
        rep: { formatted: "201", fullPrecision: 201 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[0.5], "repTotal"),
        name: "Indeterminate",
        id: "0.5",
        rep: { formatted: "135", fullPrecision: 135 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2122], "repTotal"),
        name: "2122",
        id: "2122",
        rep: { formatted: "131", fullPrecision: 131 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2221], "repTotal"),
        name: "2221",
        id: "2221",
        rep: { formatted: "31", fullPrecision: 31 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2200], "repTotal"),
        name: "2200",
        id: "2200",
        rep: { formatted: "11", fullPrecision: 11 }

    const actual = selectMigratedTotals(

  test(`scalar market with more than 9 disputes and without indeterminate`, () => {
    const totals = {
      2202: {
        repTotal: 201,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2200: {
        repTotal: 11,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2221: {
        repTotal: 31,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2122: {
        repTotal: 131,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      1222: {
        repTotal: 221,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2332: {
        repTotal: 230,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2552: {
        repTotal: 231,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      2113: {
        repTotal: 2.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      21: {
        repTotal: 1.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
      211: {
        repTotal: 0.33,
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
    const expected = [
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2552], "repTotal"),
        name: "2552",
        id: "2552",
        rep: { formatted: "231", fullPrecision: 231 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2332], "repTotal"),
        name: "2332",
        id: "2332",
        rep: { formatted: "230", fullPrecision: 230 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[1222], "repTotal"),
        name: "1222",
        id: "1222",
        rep: { formatted: "221", fullPrecision: 221 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2202], "repTotal"),
        name: "2202",
        id: "2202",
        rep: { formatted: "201", fullPrecision: 201 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2122], "repTotal"),
        name: "2122",
        id: "2122",
        rep: { formatted: "131", fullPrecision: 131 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2221], "repTotal"),
        name: "2221",
        id: "2221",
        rep: { formatted: "31", fullPrecision: 31 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2200], "repTotal"),
        name: "2200",
        id: "2200",
        rep: { formatted: "11", fullPrecision: 11 }
        ...immutableDelete(totals[2113], "repTotal"),
        name: "2113",
        id: "2113",
        rep: { formatted: "2.33", fullPrecision: 2.33 }
        name: "Indeterminate",
        id: "0.5",
        winner: false,
        rep: { formatted: "0", fullPrecision: 0 }
    const actual = selectMigratedTotals(

  test(`yes/no  market with NO disputes`, () => {
    const actual = selectMigratedTotals(marketBinary.reportableOutcomes, {});
    const expected = [
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: true


  test(`category market with NO disputes`, () => {
    const actual = selectMigratedTotals(
    const expected = [
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: false
        rep: "0",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: true

  test(`scalar market with NO disputes`, () => {
    const actual = selectMigratedTotals(marketScalar.reportableOutcomes, {});
    const expected = [
        id: "0.5",
        rep: "0",
        name: "Indeterminate",
        winner: false,
        isInvalid: true