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## Unmaintained

I'm no longer actively maintaining almanack.


# Almanack

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A calendar that combines events from different sources (such as Google Calendar and iCal feeds), and can be hosted for free on [Heroku](

![Sinatra GCal example](

See a demo running at [](

## Features

* Aggregate multiple calendars together into one stream
* Supports iCal feeds (including Google Calendars)
* ~Supports groups~ (see
* Just supply a hash to create any arbitrary event
* Supports being freely hosted on Heroku
* 100% customisable themes with Sass and CoffeeScript support
* Server optional (you can use the underlying calendar library by itself)
* Rack-compatible (can be mounted inside a Rails app if needed)
* Produces iCal feed for smartphone and desktop calendar apps to subscribe to

## Changelog


## Simple setup

This option can host your calendar for free light use.

[Sign up for a free Heroku account]( and click the following button:


## Video tutorial

[![View on YouTube](](

## Installation

Almanack is cryptographically signed. You can install it like any other gem, but you can also do so in a way that verifies the gem hasn't been tampered with.

Add my public key (if you haven’t already) as a trusted certificate and install the gem:

    gem cert --add <(curl -Ls
    gem install almanack -P HighSecurity

All my dependencies are cryptographically signed, so you can use the `HighSecurity` option. [Read more](

Checksums for released gems can be verified in `checksums`.

## Creating a calendar

Generate a new calendar with:

    almanack new my-calendar

This will create a directory called `my-calendar` and set up your new project.

Once set up, run:

    cd my-calendar
    almanack start

By default, your calendar will run on http://localhost:9292.

## Configuration

See examples inside `` for iCal feeds, or static events.

Almanack.config do |config|
  config.title = 'My Calendar'
  config.theme = 'my-custom-theme'
  config.days_lookahead = 30

  # Combine sources from multiple iCal feeds
  config.add_ical_feed ''
  config.add_ical_feed ''

  # Include a downloaded iCal
  config.add_ical Pathname('downloaded-calendar.ical')

### Time zone

To set your time zone, set your system's `TZ` environment variable.


On Heroku, you can do this with:

    heroku config:set TZ=Pacific/Auckland

## Custom themes

Inside your project, you can generate a new theme with:

    almanack theme my-theme-name

Remember to update your `` to switch themes:

Almanack.config do |c|
  c.theme = 'my-theme-name'

## Deploying to Heroku

Deployment works with Git and Heroku. First, add your work to git (an repository
is already initialized for you when you run `almanack new`):

    git add .
    git commit -m "My awesome calendar"

With the [Heroku CLI]( installed:

    almanack deploy my-awesome-calendar

Will create and deploy

Subsequent commits can be deployed with just:

    almanack deploy

## Contributing

### Getting started

1. Clone the repository
2. Run `bin/setup`
3. Run `bin/test`

### Sending patches

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) with tests
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request