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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: jquery.auderoContextMenu.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>'use strict';

(function(factory) {
   /* istanbul ignore next */
   if (typeof define === 'function' &amp;&amp; define.amd) {
      define(['jquery'], factory);
   } else if (typeof module === 'object' &amp;&amp; module.exports) {

      module.exports = function(root, jQuery) {
         if (jQuery === undefined) {
            jQuery = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? require('jquery') : require('jquery')(root);


         return jQuery;
   } else {
}(function($) {
    * The jQuery plugin namespace
    * @external "jQuery.fn"
    * @see {@link|jQuery Plugins}

    * @typedef SettingsHash
    * @type {Object}
    * @property {string} idMenu=null The ID of the menu to show
    * @property {?number} [posX=null] The X coordinate used to show the menu
    * @property {?number} [posY=null] The Y coordinate used to show the menu
    * @property {boolean} [bindLeftClick=false] If the menu is shown when the left button of the mouse is clicked

    * @typedef MethodsHash
    * @type {Object}
    * @property {init} init The method to initialize the plugin
    * @property {destroy} destroy The method to free the space of the data

    * The namespace used to store the data
    * @type {string}
   var namespace = 'audero-context-menu';

    * Creates a custom namespace based on the provided ID
    * @param {string} idMenu The ID of the element used to seed the creation of the custom namespace
    * @return {string}
   function localeNamespace(idMenu) {
      return namespace + '-' + idMenu;

    * Frees up the space of the data
    * @callback destroy
    * @param {jQuery} $elements The jQuery collection to work with
    * @return {jQuery}
   function destroy($elements) {
      $elements.each(function() {
         var $this = $(this);
         var options = $;

         if (options &amp;&amp; options.idMenu) {
            // Hide the menu if it's currently visible
            $('#' + options.idMenu).hide();

               .off('.' + localeNamespace(options.idMenu));

      $('html').off('.' + namespace);

      return $elements;

    * Initializes the plugin
    * @callback init
    * @param {jQuery} $elements The jQuery collection to work with
    * @param {(SettingsHash|string)} options An object of options or the ID of the menu to show
    * @return {jQuery}
   function init($elements, options) {
      if (typeof options === 'string') {
         options = {
            idMenu: options

      options = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.auderoContextMenu.defaults, options);

      if (!options.idMenu) {
         $.error('No menu specified');
      } else if (document.getElementById(options.idMenu) === null) {
         $.error('The menu specified does not exist');
      } else if (
         $elements.filter(function() {
            return $(this).data(namespace);
         }).length !== 0
      ) {
         $.error('The plugin has already been initialized');

      $, options);

      var currentNamespace = localeNamespace(options.idMenu);

      // The menu is hidden when the plugin is initialized.
      // It is only shown when required.
      var $menu = $('#' + options.idMenu).hide();

      // Hide the menu if the user clicks outside the elements specified
         'contextmenu.' + currentNamespace + ' click.' + currentNamespace,
         function() {

         'contextmenu.' + currentNamespace + (options.bindLeftClick ? ' click.' + currentNamespace : ''),
         function(event) {

            var posX = options.posX === null ? event.pageX : options.posX;
            var posY = options.posY === null ? event.pageY : options.posY;

                  top: posY,
                  left: posX

      return $elements;

    * The object containing all the public methods
    * @type {MethodsHash}
   var methods = {
      init: init,
      destroy: destroy

    * Shows a custom context menu on one or more specified elements
    * @function external:"jQuery.fn".auderoContextMenu
    * @param {(SettingsHash|string)} method The options to initialize the plugin or the name of the method to call
    * @return {jQuery}
   $.fn.auderoContextMenu = function(method) {
      var args =;

      if (methods[method]) {
         return methods[method].apply(this, [this].concat(args.splice(0, 1)));
      } else if ($.type(method) === 'object' || $.type(method) === 'string') {
         return methods.init.apply(this, [this].concat(args));
      } else {
         $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.auderoContextMenu');

    * The default options of the plugin
    * @type {SettingsHash}
   $.fn.auderoContextMenu.defaults = {
      idMenu: null,
      posX: null,
      posY: null,
      bindLeftClick: false


    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Externals</h3><ul><li><a href="external-_jQuery.fn_.html">jQuery.fn</a></li></ul><h3><a href="global.html">Global</a></h3>

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    Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc 3.4.0</a> on Sun Jan 24 2016 23:36:30 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

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