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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""


    <description>The first authentication plugin for the Bukkit API!</description>






            <name>The GNU General Public Licence version 3 (GPLv3)</name>

        <!-- Build cycle properties -->

        <!-- Environment properties -->

        <!-- Versioning properties -->

        <!-- Plugin description file properties -->
        <pluginDescription.authors>sgdc3, games647, Hex3l, krusic22</pluginDescription.authors>

        <!-- Java libraries -->
        <!-- Spigot -->
        <dependencies.log4j-core.version>2.8.1</dependencies.log4j-core.version> <!-- version bundled 1.16.5 -->
        <!-- Spigot libraries -->

    <!-- Jenkins profile -->
        <!-- Set the buildNumber using the jenkins env. variable -->
        <!-- Skip long hash tests, reduce the test time of 20-30 seconds -->
        <!-- Skip javadoc generation for faster local build -->

        <defaultGoal>clean package</defaultGoal>
        <!-- Little hack to make the shade plugin output a file with the right name
        Disable, we aren't using shading atm



            <!-- Enforce build environment -->
            <!-- Clean the target folder content -->
            <!-- Include resource files -->
            <!-- Compile and include classes -->
            <!-- Generate test coverage reports -->
            <!-- Unit testing -->
                    <!-- Fix java.base opens for new JDK versions -->
                    <!-- Force the right file encoding during unit testing -->
                    <!-- Set language to English in order to get consistent results for localized time formatting -->
                    <argLine>--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Dfile.encoding=${} -Duser.language=en @{argLine}</argLine>
                    <!-- Don't trim stack traces -->
            <!-- Generate a jar containing classes and resources -->
            <!-- Generate a jar containing the source javadoc -->
                    <!-- In sync with the source/target properties of the maven-compiler-plugin -->
            <!-- Generate a jar containing the java sources -->
            <!-- Generate a jar containing classes, resources and shaded libraries -->
                    <!-- Disable, we aren't using shading atm
                    <!-- Don't create the reduced pom file, as we don't deploy the shaded jar -->
                    <!-- Deploy the non shaded jar as main artifact -->
                    <!-- Use the base jar name, to help server owners download the right jar -->

                    <!-- Disable, no relocations atm

                        <!-- Ignore manifest signatures for shading the project into an uber-jar to fix -->
                        <!-- "Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes" -->

                        <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ApacheLicenseResourceTransformer"/>
                        <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ApacheNoticeResourceTransformer">
                        <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
            <!-- Install the jars as artifacts into the local repository -->
            <!-- Deploy the jars as artifacts into the remote repository -->
            <!-- Handle documentation generation, required by other plugins -->
            <!-- Publish coveralls test coverage reports, not included in the build cycle by default -->
                    <!-- The secret token is provided with a command-line parameter -->

        <!-- Apache snapshots repo -->

        <!-- SpigotAPI Repo -->

        <!-- CodeMC Repo (Contains many required libraries) -->

        <!-- EssentialsX Repo -->

        <!-- ProtocolLib Repo -->

        <!-- Multiverse Repo -->

        <!-- Java Libraries -->

        <!-- Jalu Injector -->

        <!-- String comparison library. Used for dynamic help system. -->

        <!-- MaxMind GEO IP -->

        <!-- Library for tar archives -->

        <!-- Java Email Library -->

        <!-- Database Connection Pool -->

        <!-- Data source columns -->

        <!-- MySQL connector -->

        <!-- MariaDB connector -->

        <!-- PostgreSQL -->

        <!-- PBKDF2 implementation -->

        <!-- Argon2 implementation -->

        <!-- BCrypt implementation -->

        <!-- TOTP client -->

        <!-- ConfigMe -->

        <!-- Spigot API, -->

        <!-- Bukkit Libraries  -->

        <!-- bStats metrics -->

        <!-- Plugin Hooks -->

        <!-- ProtocolLib -->

        <!-- LuckPerms plugin -->

        <!-- PermissionsEx plugin -->

        <!-- zPermissions plugin -->

        <!-- Vault, -->

        <!-- Multi World plugin, -->

        <!-- EssentialsX plugin -->

        <!-- XAuth, another authentication plugin, required by the database converter -->

        <!-- Unit Testing Libraries -->

        <!-- TODO: update to junit 5 -->


        <!-- TODO: update to mockito 5 -->

        <!-- Required to mock the LuckPerms API-->

        <!-- JDBC drivers for datasource integration tests -->
