# List of global tags:
# %nl% - Goes to new line.
# %username% - Replaces the username of the player receiving the message.
# %displayname% - Replaces the nickname (and colors) of the player receiving the message.
# Registration
disabled: '&cO rexistro está deshabilitado'
name_taken: '&cEse nome de usuario xa está rexistrado'
register_request: '&cPor favor, rexístrate con "/register <contrasinal> <confirmarContrasinal>"'
command_usage: '&cUso: /register contrasinal confirmarContrasinal'
reg_only: '&fSó xogadores rexistrados! Por favor, visita para rexistrarte'
success: '&cRexistrado con éxito!'
# TODO kicked_admin_registered: 'An admin just registered you; please log in again'
# Password errors on registration
match_error: '&fO contrasinal non coincide'
# TODO name_in_password: '&cYou can''t use your name as password, please choose another one...'
# TODO unsafe_password: '&cThe chosen password isn''t safe, please choose another one...'
# TODO forbidden_characters: '&4Your password contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: %valid_chars'
wrong_length: '&fO teu contrasinal non alcanza a lonxitude mínima ou excede a lonxitude máxima'
# Login
command_usage: '&cUso: /login <contrasinal>'
wrong_password: '&cContrasinal equivocado'
success: '&cIdentificación con éxito!'
login_request: '&cPor favor, identifícate con "/login <password>"'
timeout_error: '&fRematou o tempo da autentificación'
# Errors
# TODO denied_command: '&cIn order to use this command you must be authenticated!'
# TODO denied_chat: '&cIn order to chat you must be authenticated!'
unregistered_user: '&cEse nome de usuario non está rexistrado'
not_logged_in: '&cNon te identificaches!'
no_permission: '&cNon tes o permiso'
unexpected_error: '&fOcurriu un erro; contacta cun administrador'
max_registration: '&fExcediches o máximo de rexistros para a túa Conta'
logged_in: '&cXa estás identificado!'
kick_for_vip: '&cUn xogador VIP uniuse ao servidor cheo!'
# TODO kick_unresolved_hostname: '&cAn error occurred: unresolved player hostname!'
# TODO tempban_max_logins: '&cYou have been temporarily banned for failing to log in too many times.'
# AntiBot
# TODO kick_antibot: 'AntiBot protection mode is enabled! You have to wait some minutes before joining the server.'
auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod conectouse automáticamente debido a conexións masivas!'
auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod desactivouse automáticamente despois de %m minutos, esperemos que a invasión se detivera'
# Unregister
success: '&cFeito! Xa non estás rexistrado!'
command_usage: '&cUso: /unregister <contrasinal>'
# Other messages
account_not_activated: '&fA túa conta aínda non está activada, comproba a túa bandexa de correo!!'
password_changed: '&cCambiouse o contrasinal!'
logout: '&cSesión pechada con éxito'
reload: '&fRecargáronse a configuración e a base de datos'
usage_change_password: '&fUso: /changepassword <contrasinalVello> <contrasinalNovo>'
# TODO accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
# TODO accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
# Session messages
valid_session: '&cIdentificado mediante a sesión'
invalid_session: '&fOs datos de sesión non corresponden, por favor, espere a que remate a sesión'
# Error messages when joining
# TODO same_ip_online: 'A player with the same IP is already in game!'
same_nick_online: '&fXa está xogando alguén co mesmo nome'
name_length: '&cO teu nome é demasiado curto ou demasiado longo'
characters_in_name: '&cO teu nome contén caracteres ilegais. Caracteres permitidos: %valid_chars'
kick_full_server: '&cO servidor está actualmente cheo, sentímolo!'
country_banned: 'O teu país está bloqueado neste servidor'
# TODO not_owner_error: 'You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!'
# TODO invalid_name_case: 'You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.'
# TODO quick_command: 'You used a command too fast! Please, join the server again and wait more before using any command.'
# Email
add_email_request: '&cPor favor, engade o teu correo electrónico con: /email add <oTeuCorreo> <confirmarCorreo>'
usage_email_add: '&fUso: /email add <correo> <confirmeCorreo> '
usage_email_change: '&fUso: /email change <correoVello> <correoNovo> '
new_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] O novo correo non é válido!'
old_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] O correo vello non é válido!'
invalid: '[AuthMe] Correo non válido'
added: '[AuthMe] Correo engadido!'
# TODO add_not_allowed: '&cAdding email was not allowed'
request_confirmation: '[AuthMe] Confirma o teu correo!'
changed: '[AuthMe] Cambiouse o correo!'
# TODO change_not_allowed: '&cChanging email was not allowed'
# TODO email_show: '&2Your current email address is: &f%email'
# TODO no_email_for_account: '&2You currently don''t have email address associated with this account.'
# TODO already_used: '&4The email address is already being used'
# TODO incomplete_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails. Please contact an admin.'
# TODO send_failure: 'The email could not be sent. Please contact an administrator.'
# TODO change_password_expired: 'You cannot change your password using this command anymore.'
# TODO email_cooldown_error: '&cAn email was already sent recently. You must wait %time before you can send a new one.'
# Password recovery by email
forgot_password_hint: '&cOlvidaches o contrasinal? Por favor, usa /email recovery <oTeuCorreo>'
command_usage: '&fUso: /email recovery <correo>'
email_sent: '[AuthMe] Enviouse o correo de confirmación!'
# TODO code_sent: 'A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.'
# TODO incorrect: 'The recovery code is not correct! You have %count tries remaining.'
# TODO tries_exceeded: 'You have exceeded the maximum number attempts to enter the recovery code. Use "/email recovery [email]" to generate a new one.'
# TODO correct: 'Recovery code entered correctly!'
# TODO change_password: 'Please use the command /email setpassword <new password> to change your password immediately.'
# Captcha
usage_captcha: '&cNecesitas escribir un captcha, por favor escribe: /captcha %captcha_code'
wrong_captcha: '&cCaptcha equivocado, por favor usa: /captcha %captcha_code'
valid_captcha: '&cO teu captcha é válido !'
# TODO captcha_for_registration: 'To register you have to solve a captcha first, please use the command: /captcha %captcha_code'
# TODO register_captcha_valid: '&2Valid captcha! You may now register with /register'
# Verification code
# TODO code_required: '&3This command is sensitive and requires an email verification! Check your inbox and follow the email''s instructions.'
# TODO command_usage: '&cUsage: /verification <code>'
# TODO incorrect_code: '&cIncorrect code, please type "/verification <code>" into the chat, using the code you received by email'
# TODO success: '&2Your identity has been verified! You can now execute all commands within the current session!'
# TODO already_verified: '&2You can already execute every sensitive command within the current session!'
# TODO code_expired: '&3Your code has expired! Execute another sensitive command to get a new code!'
# TODO email_needed: '&3To verify your identity you need to link an email address with your account!!'
# Time units
# TODO second: 'second'
# TODO seconds: 'seconds'
# TODO minute: 'minute'
# TODO minutes: 'minutes'
# TODO hour: 'hour'
# TODO hours: 'hours'
# TODO day: 'day'
# TODO days: 'days'
# Two-factor authentication
# TODO code_created: '&2Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here %url'
# TODO confirmation_required: 'Please confirm your code with /2fa confirm <code>'
# TODO code_required: 'Please submit your two-factor authentication code with /2fa code <code>'
# TODO already_enabled: 'Two-factor authentication is already enabled for your account!'
# TODO enable_error_no_code: 'No 2fa key has been generated for you or it has expired. Please run /2fa add'
# TODO enable_success: 'Successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account'
# TODO enable_error_wrong_code: 'Wrong code or code has expired. Please run /2fa add'
# TODO not_enabled_error: 'Two-factor authentication is not enabled for your account. Run /2fa add'
# TODO removed_success: 'Successfully removed two-factor auth from your account'
# TODO invalid_code: 'Invalid code!'