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# Queries Scheduler

> Place queries on a timeline.

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queries -> schedule

- once material is placed, don't replace it. Causes loops. Temporary query instead. (Current behavior is different: potentials and materials streams are re-compute after each mutation and we check for stability. Cause issue: updatePP isn't accurate. Stick to first strategy)

- place potentials with most pressure.
- When all possible queries are placed and some potentials are left, throw exception. New provider query is pushed (send needer id so provider query can have a direct dependency). Can now be placed thanks to user state potential.
- Temp Queries: fixes from agent feedback, placeholder, content with transforms.
- two ways to provide: provider depends on needed task; needed task depends on provider.
- tasks with zero potential have pressure of -1 instead of +Infinity.
- task potential = intersection of query potential (internal constraints) + query dependencies + user state potential + materials.
- impossible to place (material time) => throw exception. (conflict)
- query that occurs x time before/after state: Link to material that update state -> link field, queries-scheduler module.
- How to allow link to a material from another agent ? Could be after the second phase, when agent receive queries's context. (Link to an ID)
- Only one exception is permitted: conflict error that needs user. Others are caught (from userstate) with conflict-resolver
- providers handle is complex. Use priority list. Can cause side-effect conflict. How to go back to the source of conflict ? How to switch from 1st priority to another ? Simulation with satisfaction threshold for all materials ? heavy cost (recursive and exponential, due to provider sub-dependance to other providers).
- Agents -> queries ; conflict-resolver (error): query -> agent ; manage agents as a stream

when the stream complete without error, it should be the final timeline.

schedule (tasks (materials)):
- tasks (potentials)

tasks (potentials):
- queries
- tasks (potentials)
- tasks (materials)
- user state (potentials)
- user state (materials)

tasks with needs:
- tasks (materials)
- agent service

1. agent queries
2. user interaction
3. [1, 2] queries
4. [3, 5] queries with temp
5. [4, 5, 7] tasks (potential) - use user-state function on tasks (potential & material)
7. [5] tasks (material)
9. [7] needs and fixes, placeholder fill or validate

a. Catch errors from [7] => generate new queries at [1].

[1] queries-fn
[2, 3] main app
[4, 5, 7] queries-scheduler
[a] conflic-resolver
[b] agent-relay

Module a: if provider is impossible to place, either there is no need for it, or there is a conflict. Use user-state to determine.
userstate-manager: query + (potential/material) with needs + config + base needs => ranges of possibilities

Queries restrictions:
- provider (insert/update with 'wait: true' can't specify start/end) -> will prevent correct material placement order.