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Test Coverage
Author: TSRK Prasad, Ankshit Jain
Date: 28-Sep-2017
Previous Versions: 08-Dec-2016

This readme contains relevant information for utilizing the execution script.

Execution script ( relies on the following directory structure
    test_cases/checks    any input or output files needed for the tests
                this directory is language-independent

    The language-specific test directories are
    test_cases/<language>/setup    contains the setup files for the tests

        The supported languages are: c, cpp (C++11 standard), cpp14 (C++14 standard), java, python2, python3

All the required test cases are specified in "test_info.txt" file in the following format.
    TestNumber <Tab> TimeLimit
    Ex: Test1    1
    above line specifies Test1 with a time limit of 1 second.

The "test_cases/<language>/setup" directory has following files.        script to help with the compilation of test cases
                    since compilation steps are common to all test cases, this script get reused for each test case.
                    Any change made to these script would result in a uniform change for all the tests.    script to help with the running of test cases
                    since steps in running are common to all test cases, this script get reused for each test case
                    Any change made to these script would result in a uniform change for all the tests.        script to setup a test
                    This script is called for every test specified in "test_info.txt", and copies the relevant files.
                    The script performs three tasks: copy necessary files from "student_solution/" and "test_cases/checks",
                    copy the necessary compilation and execution scripts. The default suggested compilation script is ""
                    and the default suggested run-time script is ""

The "test_cases/checks" directory has following files.
    input#.txt        input for test number #
                    This file is taken as the input to the specified test case number #. Every test case specified in
                    "test_info.txt" must have a input#.txt file.
                    Example filenames are: input1.txt, input2.txt, etc.

    output#.txt        output for test number #
                    This file is the expected output which will be matched with the execution of test case number #,
                    for which input#.txt was the input. Every test case specified in "test_info.txt" must have a output#.txt file.
                    Example filenames are: output1.txt, output2.txt, etc.

The script gets invoked as follows. <language> script reads each line of "test_info.txt" file to find the script name and time limit for each test. For example,
let's say one line of "test_info.txt" reads as: Test1    1

Then tries to use "test_cases/<language>/setup/" script to copy the necessary files for test number 1.
The input file will be input1.txt and the expected output file for the test will be output1.txt.
The scripts and scripts perform compile time and run time work.

Flexibility with the existing setup:
    1) script is language-agnostic. It can run a lab on any programming language. The correct invocation of is: <language>
        The supported languages are: c, cpp (C++11 standard), cpp14 (C++14 standard), java, python2, python3

    2) all of the testing strategy is delegated to specific-test scripts like, and The testing strategy
      remains the same for all the tests and across different langauges.

All the results are stored in "results/" directory
    results/log.txt        compile and run-time logs
    results/scores.txt    marks of all test cases, one test case per line
    results/comment.txt    status comment of all test cases, one test case per line

A lab author has to perform the following tasks.

    1) Copy language-specific and into "test_cases/<language>/setup" directory and need to be customized once each per course. This is once a semester work.
       If test case / lab specific customization is required, please switch to the unit test facility.

    2) Modify copy statements in

    3) copy input and output files into "test_cases/checks" directory
       some test cases may require providing input files and checking output files. These files can be put into checks and copied when
         needed using For example, Test1 requires "input1.txt" as input and output is matched with "output1.txt".
         In that case, both "input1.txt" and "output1.txt" are put in "checks/" directory. script copies these two files
         to "working_dir/" during the Test 1 setup phase. script would compare the program output with "output1.txt" to match the results.