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Test Coverage
![CONSUL DEMOCRACY logo](../img/consul_logo.png)


Citizen Participation and Open Government Application

## CONSUL DEMOCRACY Project main website

You can access the main website of the project at [http://consuldemocracy.org](http://consuldemocracy.org) where you can find documentation about the use of the platform, videos, and links to the community space.

## Configuration for development and test environments

**NOTE**: For more detailed instructions, check the [local installation docs](installation/local_installation.md).

Prerequisites: install git, Ruby 3.2.5, CMake, pkg-config, Node.js 18.20.3, ImageMagick and PostgreSQL (>=9.5).

**Note**: The `bin/setup` command below might fail if you've configured a username and password for PostgreSQL. If that's the case, edit the lines containing `username:` and `password:` (adding your credentials) in the `config/database.yml` file and run `bin/setup` again.

git clone https://github.com/consuldemocracy/consuldemocracy.git
cd consuldemocracy
bin/rake db:dev_seed

Run the app locally:

bin/rails s

You can run the tests with:


Note: running the whole test suite on your machine might take more than an hour, so it's strongly recommended that you setup a Continuous Integration system in order to run them using parallel jobs every time you open or modify a pull request (if you use GitHub Actions or GitLab CI, this is already configured in `.github/workflows/tests.yml` and `.gitlab-ci.yml`) and only run tests related to your current task while developing on your machine. When you configure the application for the first time, it's recommended that you run at least one test in `spec/models/` and one test in `spec/system/` to check your machine is properly configured to run the tests.

You can use the default admin user from the seeds file:

 **user:** admin@consul.dev
 **pass:** 12345678

But for some actions like voting, you will need a verified user, the seeds file also includes one:

 **user:** verified@consul.dev
 **pass:** 12345678

## Configuration for production environments

See [installer](https://github.com/consuldemocracy/installer)

## License

Code published under AFFERO GPL v3 (see [LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt](open_source/license.md))

## Contributions

See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/consuldemocracy/consuldemocracy/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)