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Test Coverage
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * cklibv = "C-Kermit library, 8.0.040, 24 Dec 2005";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CKCLIB_C
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K C L I B . C -- C-Kermit Library routines. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Author: Frank da Cruz <>,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2005,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
General-purpose, system/platform/compiler-independent routines for use
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
by all modules. Many are replacements for commonly used C library
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
functions that are not found on every platform, and/or that lack needed
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
functionality (e.g. caseless string search/compare) or safety features.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncpy() - Similar to strncpy() but different (see comments).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncat() - Similar to strncat() but different (see comments).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
chartostr() - Converts a char to a string (self or ctrl char name).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrchr() - Portable strchr().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrpbrk() - Portable strpbrk().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cklower() - Lowercase a string (in place).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckupper() - Uppercase a string (in place).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckindex() - Left or right index.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrstr() - Portable strstr().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckitoa() - Converts int to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckuitoa() - Converts unsigned int to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltoa() - Converts long to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckultoa() - Converts unsigned long to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckfstoa() - Converts off_t-type integer (long or long long) to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckatofs() - Converts a numeric string to an off_t-type integer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckctoa() - Converts char to string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakmsg() - Constructs a message from 4 source strings.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakxmsg() - Constructs a message from 12 source strings.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmatch() - Pattern matching.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmemcpy() - Portable memcpy().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckrchar() - Rightmost character of a string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrcmp() - Possibly caseless string comparison.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrpre() - Caseless string prefix comparison.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sh_sort() - Sorts an array of strings, many options.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brstrip() - Strips enclosing braces (and doublequotes).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makelist() - Splits "{{item}{item}...}" into an array.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestr() - Careful malloc() front end.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xmakestr() - ditto (see comments).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckradix() - Convert number radix (2-36).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b8tob64() - Convert data to base 64.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b64tob8() - Convert base 64 to data.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
chknum() - Checks if string is a (possibly signed) integer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
rdigits() - Checks if string is composed only of decimal digits.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
isfloat() - Checks if string is a valid floating-point number.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
parnam() - Returns parity name string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hhmmss() - Converts seconds to hh:mm:ss string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
lset() - Write fixed-length field left-adjusted into a record.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
rset() - Write fixed-length field right-adjusted into a record.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ulongtohex() - Converts an unsigned long to a hex string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hextoulong() - Converts a hex string to an unsigned long.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cksplit() - Splits a string into an array of words.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Prototypes are in ckclib.h.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Note: This module should not contain any extern declarations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#include "ckcsym.h"
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#include "ckcdeb.h"
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#include "ckcasc.h"
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Public variables */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int dblquo = 1; /* Nonzero if doublequotes can be used for grouping */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ccntab[] = { /* Names of ASCII (C0) control characters 0-31 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"BS", "HT", "LF", "VT", "FF", "CR", "SO", "SI",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"DLE", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "NAK", "SYN", "ETB",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"CAN", "EM", "SUB", "ESC", "FS", "GS", "RS", "US"
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c1tab[] = { /* Names of ISO 6429 (C1) control characters 0-32 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"XXX", "XXX", "BPH", "NBH", "IND", "NEL", "SSA", "ESA",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"HTS", "HTJ", "VTS", "PLD", "PLU", "RI", "SS2", "SS3",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"DCS", "PU1", "PU2", "STS", "CCH", "MW", "SPA", "EPA",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"SOS", "XXX", "SCI", "CSI", "ST", "OSC", "PM", "APC", "NBS"
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define RXRESULT 127
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char rxdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char rxresult[RXRESULT+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R N C P Y */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Copies a NUL-terminated string into a buffer whose total length is given,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ensuring that the result is NUL-terminated even if it has to be truncated.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest = pointer to destination buffer
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
src = pointer to source string
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = length of destination buffer (the actual length, not one less).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int, The number of bytes copied, 0 or more.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NOTE: This is NOT a replacement for strncpy():
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. strncpy() does not require its source string to be NUL-terminated.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. strncpy() does not necessarily NUL-terminate its result.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. strncpy() right-pads dest with NULs if it is longer than src.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. strncpy() treats the length argument as the number of bytes to copy.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. ckstrncpy() treats the length argument as the size of the dest buffer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. ckstrncpy() doesn't dump core if given NULL string pointers.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. ckstrncpy() returns a number.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Use ckstrncpy() when you want to:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. Copy an entire string into a buffer without overrun.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. Get the length of the string back.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Use strncpy() when you want to:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
. Copy a piece of a string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncpy(char * dest, const char * src, int len)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncpy(dest,src,len) char * dest, * src; int len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len < 1 || !src || !dest) { /* Nothing or nowhere to copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (dest) *dest = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; src[i] && (i < len-1); i++) /* Args OK, copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[i] = src[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[i] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i = strlen(src);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (i > len) i = len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[len] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NOCKSTRNCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R N C A T */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Appends a NUL-terminated string to a buffer whose total length is given,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ensuring that the result is NUL-terminated even if it had to be truncated.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest = pointer to destination buffer containing a null-terminated string
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
src = pointer to null-terminated source string
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = length of destination buffer (the actual length, not one less).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int, The number of bytes copied, 0 or more.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncat(char * dest, const char * src, int len)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncat(dest,src,len) char * dest, * src; int len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register int i, j;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register char * s1, * s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NOCKSTRNCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len < 1 || !src || !dest) { /* Nothing or nowhere to copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (dest) *dest = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Args OK, copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0, j = strlen(dest); src[i] && (i < len-j-1); i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[i+j] = src[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[i+j] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s1 = dest;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s1++) j++; /* j = strlen(dest); */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s1--; /* (back up over NUL) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = src;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s2++) i++; /* i = strlen(src); */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (i > (len-j))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i = len - j;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (i <= 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = i; /* This should be a bit faster... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = src; /* depends on strcpy implementation; */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*s1++ = *s2++) && j--) /* at least it shouldn't be slower. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dest[len-1] = NUL; /* In case of early exit. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NOCKSTRNCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K M A K M S G */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Constructs a message from up to 4 pieces with length checking.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Result is always NUL terminated. Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf: Pointer to buffer for constructing message.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len: Length of buffer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s1-s4: String pointers (can be NULL).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0: Nothing was copied.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n: (positive number) n bytes copied, all args copied successfully.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-n: n bytes were copied, destination buffer not big enough for all.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Also see:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakxmsg() -- accepts 12 string args.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckitoa(), ckltoa(), ckctoa(), ckitox(), etc.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Use ckmak[x]msg() plus ck?to?() as a safe replacement for sprintf().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakmsg(char * buf, int len, char *s1, char *s2, char *s3, char *s4)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#else /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakmsg(buf,len,s1,s2,s3,s4) char *buf, *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4; int len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, n = 0, m = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *p, *a[4];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!buf) return(n); /* No destination */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len < 1) return(n); /* No size */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf; /* Point to destination */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
a[0] = s1; a[1] = s2; a[2] = s3; a[3] = s4; /* Array of source strings */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { /* Loop thru array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = a[i]; /* Point to this element */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) { /* If pointer not null */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = ckstrncpy(s,p,len); /* Copy safely */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
m += n; /* Accumulate total */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[n]) /* Didn't get whole thing? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(-m); /* return indicating buffer full */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= n; /* Deduct from space left */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s += n; /* Otherwise advance dest pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(m); /* Return total bytes copied */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K M A K X M S G */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Exactly like ckmakmsg(), but accepts 12 string arguments. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmakxmsg(char * buf, int len,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *s1, char *s2, char *s3, char *s4, char *s5, char *s6,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *s7, char *s8, char *s9, char *s10, char *s11, char *s12)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#else /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *buf, *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5, *s6, *s7, *s8, *s9, *s10, *s11, *s12;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, n = 0, m = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *p, *a[12];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!buf) return(n); /* No destination */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len < 1) return(n); /* No size */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf; /* Point to destination */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
a[0] = s1; a[1] = s2; a[2] = s3; a[3] = s4; /* Source-string array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
a[4] = s5; a[5] = s6; a[6] = s7; a[7] = s8;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
a[8] = s9; a[9] = s10; a[10] = s11; a[11] = s12;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { /* Loop thru array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = a[i]; /* Point to this element */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) { /* If pointer not null */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = ckstrncpy(s,p,len); /* Copy safely */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
m += n; /* Accumulate total */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[n]) /* Didn't get whole thing? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(-m); /* return indicating buffer full */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= n; /* Deduct from space left */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s += n; /* Otherwise advance dest pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(m); /* Return total bytes copied */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C H A R T O S T R */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Converts a character to a string, interpreting controls. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
chartostr(x) int x; { /* Call with char x */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char buf[2]; /* Returns string pointer. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x < 32)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x == 127)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 127 && x < 161)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(c1tab[x - 128]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x == 0xAD)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[1] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)buf);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K R C H A R */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns the rightmost character of the given null-terminated string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckrchar(s) char * s; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register CHAR c = '\0', *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = (CHAR *)s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!p) p = (CHAR *)""; /* Null pointer == empty string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*p) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*p) /* Crawl to end of string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = *p++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((unsigned)(c & 0xff)); /* Return final character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R C H R */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Replacement for strchr(), which is not universal. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to string to look in.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = character to look for.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NULL if c not found in s or upon any kind of error, or:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pointer to first occurrence of c in s, searching from left to right.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrchr(char * s, char c)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrchr(s,c) char *s, c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckstrchr */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s && *s != c)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((*s == c) ? s : NULL);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R R C H R */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Replacement for strrchr(), which is not universal. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to string to look in.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = character to look for.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NULL if c not found in s or upon any kind of error, or:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pointer to first occurrence of c in s, searching from right to left.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrrchr(char * s, char c)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrrchr(s,c) char *s, c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckstrchr */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s2 = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == c)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R P B R K -- Portable replacement for strpbrk() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns pointer to first char in s1 that is also in s2, or NULL */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrpbrk(s1, s2) char * s1, * s2; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c1, c2, * s3;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s1 || !s2) return(NULL);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s1 || !*s2) return(NULL);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((c1 = *s1++)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s3 = s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((c2 = *s3++)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c2 == c1)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K L O W E R -- Lowercase a string IN PLACE */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns the length of the string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cklower(s) char *s; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(*s)) *s = (char) tolower(*s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s++, n++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K U P P E R -- Uppercase a string IN PLACE */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns the length of the string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckupper(s) char *s; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (islower(*s)) *s = (char) toupper(*s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s++, n++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K L T O A -- Long to string -- FOR DISCIPLINED USE ONLY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define NUMBUF 1024
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char numbuf[NUMBUF+32] = { NUL, NUL };
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int numbp = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltoa() and ckitoa() are like atol() and atoi() in the reverse direction,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
returning a pointer to the string representation of the given number without
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
the caller having to worry about allocating or defining a buffer first.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
They manage their own internal buffer, so successive calls return different
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pointers. However, to keep memory consumption from growing without bound,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
the buffer recycles itself. So after several hundred calls (depending on
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
the size of the numbers), some of the earlier pointers might well find
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
themselves referencing something different. Moral: You can't win in C.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Therefore, these routines are intended mainly for generating numeric strings
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for short-term use, e.g. for passing numbers in string form as parameters to
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
functions. For long-term use, the result must be copied to a safe place.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltoa(long n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltoa(n) long n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckltoa */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char buf[32]; /* Internal working buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, * s, * q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k, x, len = 0, sign = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n < 0L) { /* Sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0L - n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sign = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[31] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = 30; k > 0; k--) { /* Convert number to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = n % 10L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[k] = x + '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = n / 10L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (sign) buf[--k] = '-'; /* Add sign if necessary */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 31 - k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len + numbp > NUMBUF)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = numbuf + numbp;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf + k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++)) ; /* Copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp += len+1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(q); /* Return pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K U L T O A -- Unsigned long to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckultoa(unsigned long n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckultoa(n) unsigned long n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckultoa */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char buf[32]; /* Internal working buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, * s, * q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k, x, len = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[31] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = 30; k > 0; k--) { /* Convert number to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = n % 10L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[k] = x + '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = n / 10L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 31 - k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len + numbp > NUMBUF)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = numbuf + numbp;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf + k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++)) ; /* Copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp += len+1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(q); /* Return pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltox(long n) /* Long int to "0x.." hex string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckltox(n) long n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckltox */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char buf[32]; /* Internal working buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *p, *q, *s, *bp = buf + 2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[0] = '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[1] = 'x';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sprintf(bp, "%lx", n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = strlen(bp);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k&1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sprintf(bp, "0%lx", n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k += 2; /* "0x" */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (numbp + k >= NUMBUF)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = numbuf + numbp;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++)) ; /* Copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp += k+1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(q); /* Return pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K F S T O A -- File Size (or offset) to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* This is just like ckltoa() except for the data type of the argument. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* It's mainly for printing file sizes without having to know their data */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* type, so we don't have to hardware "%ld" or "%lld" into printf()s. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Works for 32 or 64 bits, according to CK_OFF_T definition. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckfstoa(CK_OFF_T n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckfstoa(n) CK_OFF_T n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckfstoa */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char buf[32]; /* Internal working buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, * s, * q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k, x, len = 0, sign = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n < (CK_OFF_T)0) { /* Sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = (CK_OFF_T)0 - n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sign = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[31] = NUL; /* 2^63-1 is about 20 decimal digits */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = 30; k > 0; k--) { /* Convert number to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = n % (CK_OFF_T)10;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x < 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* x += 10; */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sign = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = 23;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[k] = x + '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = n / (CK_OFF_T)10;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!n)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (sign) buf[--k] = '-'; /* Add sign if necessary */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 31 - k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len + numbp > NUMBUF)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = numbuf + numbp;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf + k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++)) ; /* Copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
numbp += len+1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(q); /* Return pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K A T O F S -- String to File Size (or offset) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* This is the inverse of ckfstoa(), a replacement for atol() that works */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* for either 32-bit or 64-bit arguments, according to CK_OFF_T definition. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Like atol(), there is no error indication. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckatofs(char * s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckatofs(s) char * s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckatofs */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CK_OFF_T result = (CK_OFF_T)0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int minus = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s && (*s == SP || *s == HT)) s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '+') s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '-') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
minus = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (isdigit(*s)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
result = (result * (CK_OFF_T)10) + (CK_OFF_T)(*s - '0');
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(minus ? -result : result);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K I T O A -- Int to string -- FOR DISCIPLINED USE ONLY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckitoa(n) int n; { /* See comments with ckltoa(). */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
long nn;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nn = n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * /* Unsigned int to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckuitoa(n) unsigned int n; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
unsigned long nn;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nn = n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckitox(n) int n; { /* Int to hex */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
long nn;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nn = n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckctoa(char c) /* Char to string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckctoa(c) char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckctoa */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char buf[32];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int current = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (current >= 30)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
current = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[current++] = c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[current++] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)(buf + current - 2));
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckctox(CHAR c, int flag) /* Unsigned char to hex */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckctox(c, flag) CHAR c; int flag;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ckctox */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char buf[48];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int current = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char h;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (current > 45)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
current = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (c >> 4) & 0x0f;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
h = rxdigits[x];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!flag && isupper(rxdigits[x]))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
h = tolower(rxdigits[x]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[current++] = h;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = c & 0x0f;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
h = rxdigits[x];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!flag && isupper(rxdigits[x]))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
h = tolower(rxdigits[x]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[current++] = h;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[current++] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)(buf + current - 3));
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K I N D E X -- C-Kermit's index function */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
We can't depend on C libraries to have one, so here is our own.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s1 - String to look for.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 - String to look in.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t - Offset from right or left of s2, 0 based; -1 for rightmost char in s2.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r - 0 for left-to-right search, non-0 for right-to-left.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
icase 0 for case independence, non-0 if alphabetic case matters.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Returns 0 if string not found, otherwise a 1-based result.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Also returns 0 on any kind of error, e.g. junk parameters.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckindex(s1,s2,t,r,icase) char *s1, *s2; int t, r, icase; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int len1 = 0, len2 = 0, i, j, x, ot = t; /* ot = original t */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s1 || !s2) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = s1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s++) len1++; /* length of string to look for */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s++) len2++; /* length of string to look in */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (t < 0) t = len2 - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = len2 - len1; /* length difference */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (j < 0 || (r == 0 && t > j)) /* search string is longer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (r == 0) { /* Index */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = s2 + t; /* Point to beginning of target */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i <= (j - t); i++) { /* Now compare */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = ckstrcmp(s1,s++,len1,icase);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!x)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Reverse Index */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i = len2 - len1; /* Where to start looking */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (ot > 0) /* Figure in offset if any */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i -= t;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (j = i; j > -1; j--) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!ckstrcmp(s1,&s2[j],len1,icase))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R S T R -- Portable replacement for strstr() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns pointer to first occurrence of s1 in s2, or NULL */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrstr(s1, s2) char * s1, * s2; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckindex(s2,s1,0,0,1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((k < 1) ? NULL : &s1[k-1]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* B R S T R I P -- Strip enclosing braces from arg string, in place. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Pointer to string that can be poked.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Pointer to string without enclosing braces.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If original string was not braced, this is the arg pointer;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
otherwise it is 1 + the arg pointer, with the matching closing
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brace zero'd out. If the string starts with a brace but does
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
not end with a matching brace, the original pointer to the original
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string is returned. If the arg pointer is NULL, a pointer to an
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
empty string is returned.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* This is the original version, handling only braces */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brstrip(p) char *p; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!p) return("");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '{') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (int)strlen(p) - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[x] == '}') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[x] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* New version handles braces and doublequotes */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brstrip(p) char *p; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!p) return("");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '{' || (*p == '"' && dblquo)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (int)strlen(p) - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((*p == '{' && p[x] == '}') ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(*p == '"' && p[x] == '"')) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 0 && p[x-1] != CMDQ) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[x] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Even newer experimental version -- breaks many things */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
fnstrip(p) char *p; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, j, k, n, len;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
extern int cmd_quoting; /* Bad - no externs allowed! */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!p)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '{') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = strlen(p);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (j = 0; j < len; j++ ) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[j] == '{' &&
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(!cmd_quoting || j == 0 || p[j-1] != CMDQ)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (n = 1, i = j+1; i < len; i++ ) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[i] == '{' && (!cmd_quoting || p[i-1] != CMDQ))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else if (p[i] == '}' && (!cmd_quoting || p[i-1] != CMDQ)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (--n == 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = j; k < i - 1; k++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[k] = p[k+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (; i < len; i++ )
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[i-1] = p[i+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= 2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = i - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n == 1) { /* Implied right brace at end of field */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = j; k < len; k++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[k] = p[k+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*p == '"') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = strlen(p);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[j] == '"' &&
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(!cmd_quoting || j == 0 || p[j-1] != CMDQ)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = j + 1; i < len; i++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p[i] == '"' && (!cmd_quoting || p[i-1] != CMDQ)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = j; k < i - 1; k++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[k] = p[k+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (; i < len; i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[i-1] = p[i+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= 2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = i - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n == 1) { /* Implied double quote at end of field */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = j; k < len; k++ )
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[k] = p[k+1];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len -= 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Not used -- Note: these not only write into their arg, but write past
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
past the end.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brace(fn) char *fn; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int spaces = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, ch, ch2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (p = fn; *p; p++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == SP) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
spaces = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (spaces) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = fn;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch = *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = '{';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*p) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch2 = *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = ch;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch = ch2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = ch;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = '}';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* d q u o t e -- Puts doublequotes around arg in place. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Pointer to buffer and its total length and flag = 0 to use
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
doublequotes, 1 to use braces.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Number: length of result.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dquote(fn, len, flag) char *fn; int len; int flag; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int spaces = 0, k = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, ch, ch2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!fn)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = strlen(fn);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (p = fn; *p; p++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == SP) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
spaces = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (spaces) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k + 2 >= len)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = fn;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch = *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = flag ? '{' : '"';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*p) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch2 = *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = ch;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ch = ch2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = ch;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = flag ? '}' : '"';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* U N T A B I F Y --- Untabify s1 into s2, assuming tabs every 8 space */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
untabify(s1,s2,max) char * s1, * s2; int max; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, j, k, x, z;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = strlen(s1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0, k = 0; k < x; k++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (s1[k] != '\t') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (i >= max-1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2[max-1] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2[i++] = s1[k];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
z = 8 - i%8;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (z == 0) z = 8;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (j = 0; j < z && i < max; j++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2[i++] = ' ';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2[i] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* M A K E L I S T --- Breaks {{s1}{s2}..{sn}} into an array of strings */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to string to break up.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
list = array of string pointers.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = number of elements in array.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NOTE: The array must be preinitialized to all NULL pointers.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If any array element is not NULL, it is assumed to have been malloc'd
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
and is therefore freed. Do NOT call this function with an uninitialized
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
array, or with an array that has had any static elements assigned to it.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makelist(s,list,len) char * s; char *list[]; int len; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, n, q, bc = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *p = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"makelist s",s,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) { /* Check for null or empty string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
list[0] = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = strlen(s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n == 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
list[0] = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((s2 = (char *)malloc(n+1))) { /* Safe copy for poking */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
strcpy(s2,s); /* (no need for ckstrncpy here) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = brstrip(s); /* Strip braces */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = strlen(s); /* Get length */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s != '{') { /* Outer braces only */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((p = (char *)malloc(n+1))) { /* So just one pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
strcpy(p,s); /* (no need for ckstrncpy here) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (list[0])
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
list[0] = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (s2) free(s2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 0; /* Inner ones too */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i = 0; /* so a list of patterns. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s && i < len) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == CMDQ) { /* Quote... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '{' && !q) { /* Opening brace */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bc++ == 0) { /* Beginning of a group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = ++s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* It's a brace inside the group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*s == '}' && !q) { /* Closing brace */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (--bc == 0) { /* End of a group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*s++ = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"makelist element",p,i);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (list[i])
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((list[i] = (char *)malloc(n+1))) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncpy(list[i],p,n+1); /* Note: n+1 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s == SP) s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Within a group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Regular character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p && i < len) { /* Last one */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (list[i])
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((list[i] = (char *)malloc(n+1))) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"makelist last element",p,i);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
i++; /* Clear out the rest of the list */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for ( ; i < len; i++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (list[i])
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
free (list[i]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
list[i] = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (s2) free(s2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
M A K E S T R -- Creates a dynamically allocated string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Makes a new copy of string s and sets pointer p to its address.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Handles degenerate cases, like when buffers overlap or are the same,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
one or both arguments are NULL, etc.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
The source string is assumed to be NUL-terminated. Therefore it can not
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
be a UCS-2 string or arbitrary binary data.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
The target pointer must be either NULL or else a pointer to a previously
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
malloc'ed buffer. If not, expect a core dump or segmentation fault.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Note: The caller can tell whether this routine failed as follows:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q & !p) { makestr() failed };
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Really this routine should have returned a length, but since it doesn't
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
we set the global variable makestrlen to the length of the result string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int makestrlen = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestr(char **p, const char *s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestr(p,s) char **p, *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* makestr */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *q = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register const char * s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register char * s2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register char * q2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == s) /* The two pointers are the same. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return; /* Don't do anything. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) { /* New definition is null? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p) /* Free old storage. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = NULL; /* Return null pointer. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestrlen = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = s; /* Maybe new string will fit */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
This is a fairly big win, allowing us to skip the malloc() and free if the
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
destination string already exists and is not shorter than the source string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
But it doesn't allow for possible overlap of source and destination.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p) { /* into old storage... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p2 = *p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (c = *p2) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!(*p2++ = *s2++))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestrlen = x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c) return;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Didn't fit */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s2++) x++; /* Get (rest of) length of s. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x >= 0) { /* Get length, even of empty string. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = malloc(x+1); /* Get and point to temp storage. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
makestrlen = x; /* Remember length for stats */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = s; /* Point back to beginning of source */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q2 = q; /* Copy dest pointer to increment... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*q2++ = *s2++)) ; /* Instead of calling strcpy(). */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Note: HP flexelint says that the above loop can result in creation (++) and
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
access (*) of out-of-bounds pointers. I really don't see it.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else { /* This would be a really bad error */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char tmp[24]; /* So get a good record of it. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 23) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
tmp[23] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
strcpy(tmp,s); /* We already checked the length */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"MAKESTR MALLOC FAILURE ",tmp,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = NULL; /* Length of string is zero */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p) /* Now free the original storage. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* X M A K E S T R -- Non-destructive makestr() if s is NULL. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xmakestr(char **p, const char *s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xmakestr(p,s) char **p, *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* xmakestr */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (s) makestr(p,s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K M E M C P Y -- Portable (but slow) memcpy() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Copies n bytes from s to p, allowing for overlap. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* For use when real memcpy() not available. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmemcpy(p,s,n) char *p, *s; int n; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * q = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register int i;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s || !p || n <= 0 || p == s) /* Verify args */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = p - s; /* Check for overlap */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x < 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 0 - x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x < n) { /* They overlap */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!(p = (char *)malloc(n))) /* So use a temporary buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* Copy n bytes */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p[i] = s[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q) { /* If we used a temporary buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* copy from it to destination */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q[i] = p[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) free(p); /* and free the temporary buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* USE_MEMCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R C M P -- String comparison with case-matters selection */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with pointers to the two strings, s1 and s2, a length, n,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
and c == 0 for caseless comparison, nonzero for case matters.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with n == -1 to compare without a length limit.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Compares up to n characters of the two strings and returns:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 if s1 > s2
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 if s1 = s2
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1 if s1 < s2
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Note: case handling is only as good as isupper() and tolower().
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrcmp(s1,s2,n,c) char *s1, *s2; register int n, c; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register CHAR t1, t2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n == 0) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s1) s1 = ""; /* Watch out for null pointers. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s2) s2 = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s1) return(*s2 ? -1 : 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s2) return(1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (n--) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = (CHAR) *s1++; /* Get next character from each. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t2 = (CHAR) *s2++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!t1) return(t2 ? -1 : 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!t2) return(1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!c) { /* If case doesn't matter */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(t1)) t1 = tolower(t1); /* Convert case. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(t2)) t2 = tolower(t2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (t1 < t2) return(-1); /* s1 < s2 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (t1 > t2) return(1); /* s1 > s2 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(0); /* They're equal */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K S T R P R E -- Caseless string prefix comparison */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns position of the first char in the 2 strings that doesn't match */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrpre(s1,s2) char *s1, *s2; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CHAR t1, t2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s1) s1 = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s2) s2 = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = (CHAR) *s1++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t2 = (CHAR) *s2++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!t1 || !t2) return(n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(t1)) t1 = tolower(t1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(t2)) t2 = tolower(t2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (t1 != t2)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define GLOBBING
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K M A T C H -- Match a string against a pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern to be matched.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string to look for the pattern in.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
icase is 1 if case-sensitive, 0 otherwise.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
opts is a bitmask:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Bit 0 (=1):
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 = Match strings starting with '.'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 = Don't match them (used with UNIX filenames).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Bit 1 (=2):
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 = File globbing (dirseps are fences);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 = Dirseps are not fences.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Bit 2 (=4):
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 = Allow ^ and $ anchors at beginning and end of pattern.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 = Don't allow them (normal case for filename matching).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Bit 3 (and beyond): Undefined.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Works only with NUL-terminated strings.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Pattern may contain any number of ? and/or *.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If CKREGEX is defined, also [abc], [a-z], and/or {string,string,...}.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(Note: REGEX is a misnomer, see below.)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 if string does not match pattern,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
>= 1, the 1-based position in the string where the match was found.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
To be done:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Find a way to identify the piece of the string that matched the pattern,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
as in Snobol "LINE (PAT . RESULT)". This is now partially done by
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
setting matchpos and matchend (except matchend needs some tuning). But
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
these are useless unless a copy of the string is kept, or a copy of the
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matching part is made. But that would be too costly in performance --
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
this routine has to be fast because it's used for wildcard expansion.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Patterns are not the same as regular expressions, in which '*' means
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 or more repetitions of the preceding item. For example "a*b" as a
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern matches any string that starts with 'a' and ends with 'b'; as a
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
regular expression it matches any string of zero or more a's followed by
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
one b. Regular expressions are especially useful in matching strings of
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(say) digits, or letters, e.g. "[0-9]*" matches any string of digits.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char * mypat = NULL; /* For rewriting pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int matchpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int matchend = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int matchdepth = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int stringpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char * ostring = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define MATCHRETURN(x,y) { rc=y; where=x; goto xckmatch; }
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char * lastpat = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int xxflag = 0; /* Global bailout flag for ckmatch() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckmatch(pattern, string, icase, opts) char *pattern,*string; int icase, opts; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int q = 0, i = 0, k = -1, x, flag = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int rc = 0; /* Return code */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int where = -1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CHAR cp; /* Current character from pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CHAR cs; /* Current character from string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * patstart; /* Start of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int plen, dot, globbing, xstar = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int bronly = 0; /* Whole pattern is {a,b,c,...} */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH ENTRY pat opt",pattern,opts);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH ENTRY str dep",string,matchdepth);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* debug(F101,"CKMATCH ENTRY icase","",icase); */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
globbing = opts & 2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!string) string = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!pattern) pattern = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*pattern) { /* Empty pattern matches anything */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchdepth++; /* (it wasn't incremented yet) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (!*string) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
patstart = pattern; /* Remember beginning of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (matchdepth == 0) { /* Top-level call? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xxflag = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
stringpos = 0; /* Reset indices etc. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchend = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ostring = string;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
lastpat = pattern;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*pattern == '{') /* Entire pattern is {a,b.c} */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bronly = 1; /* Maybe */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
dot = (opts & 1) || /* Match leading dot (if file) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(opts & 2 == 0) || /* always if not file */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(pattern[0] == '.'); /* or if pattern starts with '.' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
plen = strlen(pattern); /* Length of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* This would be used in calculating length of matching segment */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (plen > 0) /* User's pattern ends with '*' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (pattern[plen - 1] == '*')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xstar = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (pattern[0] == '*') { /* User's pattern starts with '*' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH 1",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (opts & 4) { /* ^..$ allowed (top level only) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Rewrite pattern to account for ^..$ anchoring... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (mypat) free(mypat); /* Get space for "*pattern*" */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
mypat = (char *)malloc(plen + 4);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (mypat) { /* Got space? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s = pattern, * p = mypat; /* Set working pointers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '^') { /* First source char is ^ */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s++; /* so skip past it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*s != '*') { /* otherwise */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = '*'; /* prepend '*' to pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s) { /* Copy rest of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*(s+1)) { /* Final pattern character? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s != '$') { /* If it's not '$' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = *s; /* Copy it into the pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s++ != '*') /* And if it's also not '*' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = '*'; /* append '*'. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
break; /* Done */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else /* Not final character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = *s++; /* Just copy it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p = NUL; /* Terminate the new pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern = mypat; /* Make the switch */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH INIT pat",pattern,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchdepth++; /* Now increment call depth */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef UNIX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!dot) { /* For UNIX file globbing */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*string == '.' && *pattern != '.' && !matchdot) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKREGEX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*pattern != '{' && *pattern != '['
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKREGEX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"ckmatch skip",string,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* UNIX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cp = *pattern; /* Character from pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cs = *string; /* Character from string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,"CKMATCH pat cp",pattern,cp);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,"CKMATCH str cs",string,cs);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!cs) { /* End of string - done. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (!cp || (cp == '*' && !*(pattern+1))) ? 1 : 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH A",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchend = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH ZERO d",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!icase) { /* If ignoring case */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(cp)) /* convert both to lowercase. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cp = tolower(cp);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(cs))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cs = tolower(cs);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q) { /* This character was quoted */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,"CKMATCH QUOTED",pattern,cp);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 0; /* Turn off quote flag */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (cs == cp) { /* Compare directly */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) { /* Matches */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH \\ new match",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Doesn't match */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern = lastpat; /* Back up the pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH \\ no match",pattern, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (cp == CMDQ && !q) { /* Quote in pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,"CKMATCH QUOTE",pattern,cp);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 1; /* Set flag */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern++; /* Advance to next pattern character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
continue; /* and continue. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (cs && cp == '?') { /* '?' matches any char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH D",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH ? pat",pattern,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH ? str",string,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKREGEX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (cp == '[') { /* Have bracket */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int q = 0; /* My own private q */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * psave = NULL; /* and backup pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CHAR clist[256]; /* Character list from brackets */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CHAR c, c1, c2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) /* memset() etc not portable */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[i] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
psave = ++pattern; /* Where pattern starts */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH [] ",pattern-1, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (flag = 0; !flag; pattern++) { /* Loop thru pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = (CHAR)*pattern; /* Current char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,">>> pattern char","",c);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q) { /* Quote within brackets */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[c] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!icase) /* Case conversion */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isupper(c))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = tolower(c);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
switch (c) { /* Handle unquoted character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case NUL: /* End of string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(4,0); /* No matching ']' so fail */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case CMDQ: /* Next char is quoted */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 1; /* Set flag */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
continue; /* and continue. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case '-': /* A range is specified */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c1 = (pattern > psave) ? (CHAR)*(pattern-1) : NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c2 = (CHAR)*(pattern+1); /* IGNORE OUT-OF-BOUNDS WARNING */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c2 == ']') c2 = NUL; /* (it can't happen) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c1 == NUL) c1 = c2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (c = c1; c <= c2; c++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[c] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!icase) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (islower(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[toupper(c)] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (isupper(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[tolower(c)] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case ']': /* End of bracketed sequence */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
flag = 1; /* Done with FOR loop */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
break; /* Compare what we have */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
default: /* Just a char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[c] = 1; /* Record it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!icase) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (islower(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[toupper(c)] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (isupper(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
clist[tolower(c)] = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,">>> cs","",cs);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,">>> clist[cs]","",clist[cs]);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F000,">>> string",string,*string);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!clist[(unsigned)cs]) { /* No match? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*string) { /* This clause 16 Jun 2005 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(5,0); /* Nope, done. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string++; /* From here to end added 2005/6/15 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern = lastpat; /* Back up pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckmatch(pattern,string,icase,opts);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (xxflag) MATCHRETURN(0,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos && k > 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(5, (*string) ? matchpos : 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH [] match",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string++; /* Yes, advance string pointer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
continue; /* and go on. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (cp == '{') { /* Braces enclosing list of strings */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, * s, * s2, * buf = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int n, bc = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int len = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} ",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (p = pattern++; *p; p++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '{') bc++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '}') bc--;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bc < 1) break;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bc != 0) { /* Braces don't match */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(6,0); /* Fail */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Braces do match */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int q = 0, done = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = *p ? strlen(p+1) : 0; /* Length of rest of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (len)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bronly = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bronly && (matchdepth != 1))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bronly = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = p - pattern; /* Size of list in braces */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((buf = (char *)malloc(n+1))) { /* Copy so we can poke it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * tp = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k, sofar;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sofar = string - ostring - matchpos + 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (sofar < 0) sofar = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH .. string",string,sofar);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH .. ostring",ostring,sofar);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (s = s2 = buf; 1; s++) { /* Loop through segments */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (q) { /* This char is quoted */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
done = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == CMDQ && !q) { /* Quote next char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s || *s == ',') { /* End of this segment */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int tplen = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s) /* If end of buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
done = 1; /* then end of last segment */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*s = NUL; /* Overwrite comma with NUL */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} segment",s2,done);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
tplen = n + len + sofar + 2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s2) { /* Empty segment, no advancement */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if ((tp = (char *)malloc(tplen))) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int savpos, opts2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * pp;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pp = matchpos > 0 ?
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&ostring[matchpos-1] :
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bronly) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (matchpos > 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
tp[0] = '*';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
tp[1] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (matchpos > 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncat(tp,s2,tplen); /* Current segment */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncat(tp,p+1,tplen); /* rest of pattern */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"CKMATCH {} matchpos","",matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
savpos = matchpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (deblog) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} tp",tp,matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} string",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} ostring",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* If segment starts with dot */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* then set matchdot option.. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
opts2 = opts;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s2 == '.') opts2 |= 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} recursing",s2,opts2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckmatch(tp,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(string > ostring) ?
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&ostring[savpos-1] : string,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (deblog) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"CKMATCH {} k","",k);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"CKMATCH {} savpos","",savpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
tp = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (xxflag) MATCHRETURN(0,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k == 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = savpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k > 0) { /* If it matched we're done */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Malloc failure */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k) { /* Successful comparison */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH {} match",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string += n-1; /* Advance pointers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern = p+1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (done) /* If no more segments */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
break; /* break out of segment loop. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = s+1; /* Otherwise, on to next segment */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKREGEX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (cp == '*') { /* Pattern char is asterisk */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * psave;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * p, * s = NULL; /* meaning match anything */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int k, n, q = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*pattern == '*') /* Collapse successive asterisks */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
psave = pattern; /* First non-asterisk after asterisk */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
lastpat = pattern - 1; /* Ditto, global */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * ",string,matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (n = 0, p = psave; *p; p++,n++) { /* Find next meta char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!q) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p == '?' || *p == '*' || *p == CMDQ
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKREGEX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
|| *p == '[' || *p == '{'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKREGEX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (globbing
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *p == '/'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef VMS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& (*p == '.' || *p == ']' ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p == '<' || *p == '>' ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p == ':' || *p == ';')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef datageneral
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *p == ':'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef STRATUS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *p == '>'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* STRATUS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* datageneral */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* VMS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* UNIXOROSK */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* GLOBBING */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * n string",string,n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * n pattrn",pattern,n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * n p",p,n);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n > 0) { /* Literal string to match */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = (char *)malloc(n+1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckstrncpy(s,psave,n+1); /* Copy cuz no poking original */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*p) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckindex(s,string,0,0,icase); /* 1-based index() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH * Index() string",string,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH * Index() pattrn",s,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"CKMATCH * Index() result","",k);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* String is right-anchored */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckindex(s,string,-1,1,icase); /* rindex() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * Rindex()",string,k);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH * Rindex() pattrn",s,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"CKMATCH * Rindex() result","",k);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k < 1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * stringpos matchpos",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckitoa(stringpos), matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = string - ostring + k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * new match ", string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string += k + n - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
stringpos += k + n - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pattern += n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH * new string", string, stringpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F110,"CKMATCH * new pattrn", pattern, 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (!*p) { /* Asterisk at end matches the rest */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!globbing) { /* (if not filename globbing) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH *$ ",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchend = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*string) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (globbing /* Filespec so don't cross fields */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef OS2
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *string == '/' || *string == '\\' ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*string == ':'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *string == '/'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef VMS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& (*string == '.' || *string == ']' ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*string == '<' || *string == '>' ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*string == ':' || *string == ';')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef datageneral
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *string == ':'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef STRATUS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *string == '>'
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
&& *string == '/' /* (catch-all) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* STRATUS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* datageneral */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* VMS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* UNIXOROSK */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* OS2 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchend = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH *$ match",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* GLOBBING */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH ** match",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchend = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* A meta char follows asterisk */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*string)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(17, matchpos = 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* This is more elegant but it doesn't work. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = ckmatch(p,string,icase,opts);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*string && ((k = ckmatch(p,string,icase,opts)) < 1)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (xxflag) MATCHRETURN(0,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*string && k < 1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Definitely no match so we set a global flag to inibit further backing up
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
and retrying by previous incarnations, since they don't see that the string
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
and/or pattern, which are on the stack, have been exhausted at this level.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH *<meta> k",string, k);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos && k > 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH *<meta> matchpos",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
MATCHRETURN(12, (*string) ? matchpos : 0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (cs == cp) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!matchpos) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = stringpos;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"CKMATCH cs=cp",string, matchpos);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char msgbuf[256];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (matchdepth > 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
matchpos = rc;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"] matchpos=",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
" matchdepth=",
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
" pat=",pattern,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
" string=",string,NULL,NULL
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKFLOAT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* I S F L O A T -- Verify that arg represents a floating-point number */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Portable replacement for atof(), strtod(), scanf(), etc.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to string
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
flag == 0 means entire string must be a (floating-pointing) number.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
flag != 0 means to terminate scan on first character that is not legal.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 if result is a legal number;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
2 if result has a fractional part;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 if not or if string empty.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Side effect:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Sets global floatval to floating-point value if successful.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Number need not contain a decimal point -- integer is subcase of float.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Scientific notation not supported.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CKFLOAT floatval = 0.0; /* For returning value */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
isfloat(s,flag) char *s; int flag; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int state = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int sign = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CKFLOAT d = 0.0, f = 0.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (isspace(*s)) s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '-') { /* Handle optional sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sign = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*s == '+')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((c = *s++)) { /* Handle numeric part */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
switch (state) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 0: /* Mantissa... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isdigit(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f = f * 10.0 + (CKFLOAT)(c - '0');
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (c == '.') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
state = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = 1.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (flag) /* Not digit or period */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
goto done; /* break if flag != 0 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(0); /* otherwise fail. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 1: /* Fraction... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isdigit(c)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d *= 10.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f += (CKFLOAT)(c - '0') / d;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (flag) /* Illegal character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
goto done; /* Break */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(0); /* or fail, depending on flag */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (sign) f = 0.0 - f; /* Apply sign to result */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
floatval = f; /* Set result */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(d ? 2 : 1); /* Succeed */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKFLOAT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Sorting routines... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* S H _ S O R T -- Shell sort -- sorts string array s in place. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Highly defensive and relatively quick.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Uses shell sort algorithm.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to array of strings.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = pointer to a second array to sort in parallel s, or NULL for none.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = number of elements in s.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = position of key.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r = ascending lexical order if zero, reverse lexical order if nonzero.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = 0 for case independence, 1 for case matters, 2 for numeric.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If k is past the right end of a string, the string is considered empty
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for comparison purposes.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
To sort a piece of an array, call with s pointing to the first element
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
and n the number of elements to sort.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Return value:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
None. Always succeeds, unless any of s[0]..s[n-1] are bad pointers,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
in which case memory violations are possible, but C offers no defense
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
against this, so no way to gracefully return an error code.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sh_sort(s,p,n,k,r,c) char **s, **p; int n, k, r, c; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int m, i, j, x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *t, *t1, *t2, *u = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKFLOAT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
CKFLOAT f1, f2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
long n1, n2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKFLOAT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return; /* Nothing to sort? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n < 2) return; /* Not enough elements to sort? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k < 0) k = 0; /* Key */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
m = n; /* Initial group size is whole array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
m = m / 2; /* Divide group size in half */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (m < 1) /* Small as can be, so done */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (j = 0; j < n-m; j++) { /* Sort each group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t = t2 = s[j+m]; /* Compare this one... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!t) /* But if it's NULL */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t2 = ""; /* make it the empty string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) /* Handle parallel array, if any */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
u = p[j+m];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k > 0 && *t2) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((int)strlen(t2) < k) /* If key too big */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t2 = ""; /* make key the empty string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else /* Key is in string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t2 = t + k; /* so point to key position */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = j; i >= 0; i -= m) { /* Loop thru comparands s[i..]*/
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = s[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!t1) /* Same deal */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k > 0 && *t1) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((int)strlen(t1) < k)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t1 = s[i]+k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c == 2) { /* Numeric comparison */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CKFLOAT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f2 = 0.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f1 = 0.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isfloat(t1,1)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f1 = floatval;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (isfloat(t2,1))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f2 = floatval;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
f1 = 0.0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (f2 < f1)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = -1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n2 = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n1 = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (rdigits(t1)) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n1 = atol(t1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (rdigits(t2))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n2 = atol(t2);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n1 = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n2 < n1)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = -1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CKFLOAT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = ckstrcmp(t1,t2,-1,c); /* Compare */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (r == 0 && x < 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (r != 0 && x > 0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s[i+m] = s[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) p[i+m] = p[i];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s[i+m] = t;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (p) p[i+m] = u;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C K R A D I X -- Radix converter */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s: a number in string format.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
in: int, specifying the radix of s, 2-36.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out: int, specifying the radix to convert to, 2-36.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NULL on error (illegal radix, illegal number, etc.).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"-1" on overflow (number too big for unsigned long).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Otherwise: Pointer to result.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ckradix(s,in,out) char * s; int in, out; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c, *r = rxresult;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int d, minus = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
unsigned long zz = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
long z = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (in < 2 || in > 36) /* Verify legal input radix */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (out < 2 || out > 36) /* and output radix. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (*s == '+') { /* Get sign if any */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*s == '-') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s == SP || *s == '0') /* Trim leading blanks or 0's */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
For detecting overflow, we use a signed copy of the unsigned long
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
accumulator. If it goes negative, we know we'll overflow NEXT time
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
through the loop.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (; *s; s++) { /* Convert from input radix to */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = *s; /* unsigned long */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = c - '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = c - 'A' + 10;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (d >= in) /* Check for illegal digit */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
zz = zz * in + d;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (z < 0L) /* Clever(?) overflow detector */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
z = zz;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!zz) return("0");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r = &rxresult[RXRESULT]; /* Convert from unsigned long */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*r-- = NUL; /* to output radix. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (zz > 0 && r > rxresult) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = zz % (unsigned)out;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*r-- = rxdigits[d];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
zz = zz / (unsigned)out;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (minus) *r-- = '-'; /* Replace original sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)(r+1));
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef NOB64
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Base-64 conversion routines */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char b64[] = { /* Encoding vector */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef pdp11
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* pdp11 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int b64tbl[] = { /* Decoding vector */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
B 8 T O B 6 4 -- Converts 8-bit data to Base64 encoding.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = Pointer to 8-bit data;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = Number of source bytes to encode (SEE NOTE).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If it's a null-terminated string, you can use -1 here.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out = Address of output buffer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = Length of output buffer (should > 4/3 longer than input).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
>= 0 if OK, number of bytes placed in output buffer,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
with the subsequent byte set to NUL if space permits.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1 on error (output buffer space exhausted).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If this function is to be called repeatedly, e.g. to encode a data
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
stream a chunk at a time, the source length must be a multiple of 3
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
in all calls but the final one to avoid the generation of extraneous
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
pad characters that would throw the decoder out of sync. When encoding
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
only a single string, this is not a consideration. No internal state
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
is kept, so there is no reset function.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b8tob64(s,n,out,len) char * s,* out; int n, len; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int b3, b4, i, x = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
unsigned int t;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n < 0) n = strlen(s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < n; i += 3,x += 4) { /* Loop through source bytes */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b3 = b4 = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t = (unsigned)((unsigned)((unsigned int)s[i] & 0xff) << 8);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n - 1 > i) { /* Do we have another after this? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t |= (unsigned)(s[i+1] & 0xff); /* Yes, OR it in */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b3 = 1; /* And remember */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t <<= 8; /* Move over */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n - 2 > i) { /* Another one after that? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t |= (unsigned)(s[i+2] & 0xff); /* Yes, OR it in */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b4 = 1; /* and remember */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x + 4 > len) /* Check output space */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out[x+3] = b64[b4 ? (t & 0x3f) : 64]; /* 64 = code for '=' */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t >>= 6;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out[x+2] = b64[b3 ? (t & 0x3f) : 64];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t >>= 6;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out[x+1] = b64[t & 0x3f];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t >>= 6;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out[x] = b64[t & 0x3f];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x < len) out[x] = NUL; /* Null-terminate the string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
B 6 4 T O B 8 -- Converts Base64 string to 8-bit data.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = pointer to Base64 string (whitespace ignored).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = length of string, or -1 if null terminated, or 0 to reset.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out = address of output buffer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = length of output buffer.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
>= 0 if OK, number of bytes placed in output buffer,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
with the subsequent byte set to NUL if space permits.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
< 0 on error:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1 = output buffer too small for input.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-2 = input contains illegal characters.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-3 = internal coding error.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Can be called repeatedly to decode a Base64 stream, one chunk at a
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
time. However, if it is to be called for multiple streams in
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
succession, its internal state must be reset at the beginning of
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
the new stream.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
b64tob8(s,n,out,len) char * s,* out; int n, len; { /* Decode */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int bits = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static unsigned int r = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, k = 0, x, t;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
unsigned char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n == 0) { /* Reset state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bits = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (n < 0) ? strlen(s) : n; /* Source length */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = ((x + 3) / 4) * 3; /* Compute destination length */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 0 && s[x-1] == '=') n--; /* Account for padding */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > 1 && s[x-2] == '=') n--;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n > len) /* Destination not big enough */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(-1); /* Fail */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < x; i++) { /* Loop thru source */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = (CHAR)s[i]; /* Next char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
t = b64tbl[c]; /* Code for this char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (t == -2) { /* Whitespace or Ctrl */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n--; /* Ignore */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (t == -1) { /* Illegal code */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(-2); /* Fail. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (t > 63 || t < 0) /* Illegal value */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(-3); /* fail. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bits += 6; /* Count bits */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r <<= 6; /* Make space */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
r |= (unsigned) t; /* OR in new code */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (bits >= 8) { /* Have a byte yet? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
bits -= 8; /* Output it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = (unsigned) ((r >> bits) & 0xff);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
out[k++] = c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (k < len) out[k] = NUL; /* Null-terminate in case it's */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return(k); /* a text string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NOB64 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* C H K N U M -- See if argument string is an integer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns 1 if OK, zero if not OK */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* If OK, string should be acceptable to atoi() or atol() or ckatofs() */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Allows leading space, sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
chknum(s) char *s; { /* Check Numeric String */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x = 0; /* Flag for past leading space */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int y = 0; /* Flag for digit seen */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((c = *s++)) { /* For each character in the string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
switch (c) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case SP: /* Allow leading spaces */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case HT:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x == 0) continue;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case '+': /* Allow leading sign */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case '-':
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x == 0) x = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
else return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
default: /* After that, only decimal digits */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = y = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* R D I G I T S -- Verify that all characters in arg ARE DIGITS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Returns 1 if so, 0 if not or if string is empty */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
rdigits(s) char *s; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
do {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!isdigit(*s)) return(0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} while (*s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* P A R N A M -- Return parity name */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
parnam(char c)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
parnam(c) char c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* parnam */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
switch (c) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 'e': return("even");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 'o': return("odd");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 'm': return("mark");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 's': return("space");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case 0: return("none");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
default: return("invalid");
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * /* Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hhmmss(long x)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hhmmss(x) long x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* hhmmss(x) */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char buf[10];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
long s, h, m;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
h = x / 3600L; /* Hours */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = x % 3600L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
m = x / 60L; /* Minutes */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = x % 60L; /* Seconds */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > -1L)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[0] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)buf);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* L S E T -- Set s into p, right padding to length n with char c; */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s is a NUL-terminated string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If length(s) > n, only n bytes are moved.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
The result is NOT NUL terminated unless c == NUL and length(s) < n.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
The intended of this routine is for filling in fixed-length record fields.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
lset(p,s,n,c) char *s; char *p; int n; int c; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* USE_MEMCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) s = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = strlen(s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > n) x = n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n > x)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = *s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (; i < n; i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* USE_MEMCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* R S E T -- Right-adjust s in p, left padding to length n with char c */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
rset(p,s,n,c) char *s; char *p; int n; int c; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int x;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef USE_MEMCPY
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* USE_MEMCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) s = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = strlen(s);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x > n) x = n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < (n - x); i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = c;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (; i < n; i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*p++ = *s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* USE_MEMCPY */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* U L O N G T O H E X -- Unsigned long to hex */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Converts unsigned long arg to hex and returns string pointer to
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
rightmost n hex digits left padded with 0's. Allows for longs
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
up to 64 bits. Returns pointer to result.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ulongtohex( unsigned long z, int n )
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ulongtohex(z,n) unsigned long z; int n;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* ulongtohex */ {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char hexbuf[17];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i = 16, x, k = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hexbuf[16] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n > 16) n = 16;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = 2 * (sizeof(long));
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (i > k || z == 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hexbuf[15-i] = '0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = z & 0x0f;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
z = z >> 4;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hexbuf[15-i] = x + ((x < 10) ? '0' : 0x37);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
return((char *)(&hexbuf[16-i]));
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* H E X T O U L O N G -- Hex string to unsigned long */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Converts n chars from s from hex to unsigned long.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0L or positive, good result (0L is returned if arg is NULL or empty).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1L on error: non-hex arg or overflow.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
hextoulong(s,n) char *s; int n; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char buf[64];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
unsigned long result = 0L;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int d, count = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int flag = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) s = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n < 1)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n > 63) n = 63;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
buf[n] = '\0';
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = buf;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*s) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = *s++;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((d == '0' || d == ' ')) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!flag)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
flag = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (islower(d))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d = toupper(d);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (d >= '0' && d <= '9') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d -= 0x30;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (d >= 'A' && d <= 'F') {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
d -= 0x37;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (++count > (sizeof(long) * 2))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
result = (result << 4) | (d & 0x0f);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c k s p l i t -- Splits a string into words, or:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
extracts a given word from a string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Allows for grouping.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Operates on a copy of the string; does not alter the original string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
All strings NUL-terminated.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Call with:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
fc = function code:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 = split, 0 = word.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n1 = desired word number if fc == 0.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s1 = source string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s2 = break string (NULL to accept default = all non-alphanum).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s3 = include string (NULL to accept default = all alphanum).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n2 = grouping mask (OR desired ones together):
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
1 = doublequotes, 2 = braces, 4 = apostrophes,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
8 = parens, 16 = brackets, 32 = angle brackets,
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1 = 63 = all of these.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n3 = group quote character, ASCII value, used and tested only for
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
LISP quote, e.g. (a 'b c '(d e f)).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n4 = 0 to collapse adjacent separators;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nonzero not to collapse them.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Pointer to struct stringarray, with size:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-1 = memory allocation error.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
-2 = too many words in string.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = number of words (0 or more).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordarray = array of pointers to n words (n == 1 if fc == 0), 1-based.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Each pointer is to a malloc'd string. This array is recycled upon each
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
call; if you need to keep the strings, make copies of them. This routine
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
must have control of allocation and deallocation.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
If a given character is included in the include list, it is not treated
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
as a separator or as a grouping character.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Groups may be nested only if they are formed with braces, parens, or
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
brackets, but not with quotes or apostrophes since ASCII quotes have no
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
intrinsic handedness. Group-start and end characters are treated as
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
separators even in the absence of other separators, so a string such as
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
"a{b}c" results in three words, not one.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Sample call to split a string into an array:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
struct stringarray * q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = cksplit(1,0,s1,s2,s3,-1,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q->a_size = size (>=0) or failure code (<0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q->a_head = pointer to array (elements 0 thru q->asize - 1).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Sample call to extract word n from a string:
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
struct stringarray * q;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q = cksplit(0,n,s1,s2,s3,-1,0);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q->a_size = size (1) or failure code (<0)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
q->a_head = pointer to array (element 1 is the desired word).
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* States */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define ST_BW 0 /* Between Words */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define ST_IW 1 /* In Word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define ST_IG 2 /* Start Group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* Character Classes (bitmap) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CL_SEP 1 /* Separator */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CL_OPN 2 /* Group Open */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CL_CLS 4 /* Group Close */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CL_DAT 8 /* Data */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define CL_QUO 16 /* Group quote */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef MAXWORDS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define MAXWORDS 4096 /* Max number of words */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* MAXWORDS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef NESTMAX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define NESTMAX 64 /* Maximum nesting level */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NESTMAX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef MAXWORDS
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define MAXWORDS 128 /* Max number of words */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* MAXWORDS */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifndef NESTMAX
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#define NESTMAX 16 /* Maximum nesting level */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* NESTMAX */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* BIGBUFOK */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* static */ char ** wordarray = NULL; /* Result array of word pointers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static struct stringarray ck_sval = { /* Return value structure */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
NULL, /* Pointer to array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
0 /* Size */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int * wordsize = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static VOID
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
setword(n,s,len) int n, len; char * s; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register char * p;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
register int i, k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s) s = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!wordarray) { /* Allocate result array (only once) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!(wordarray = (char **)malloc((MAXWORDS+1) * sizeof(char *))))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!(wordsize = (int *)malloc((MAXWORDS+1) * sizeof(int))))
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i <= MAXWORDS; i++) { /* Initialize result array */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordarray[i] = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordsize[i] = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (wordsize[n] < len /* || !wordarray[n] */ ) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = (len < 16) ? 16 : len + (len / 4);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordarray[n] = (char *) malloc(k+1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordsize[n] = (wordarray[n]) ? k : 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (wordarray[n]) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = wordarray[n];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++) && k-- > 0) ;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (len > 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
k = wordsize[n]; /* (In case len arg is a lie) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = wordarray[n];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*p++ = *s++) && k-- > 0) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if ((*(s-1) == CMDQ) && *s != CMDQ) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (wordarray[n]) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordarray[n][0] = NUL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static char * splitbuf = NULL;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
static int nsplitbuf = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* n4 = 1 to NOT collapse adjacent separators */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
struct stringarray *
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cksplit(fc,n1,s1,s2,s3,n2,n3,n4) int fc,n1,n2,n3,n4; char *s1, *s2, *s3; {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int splitting = 0; /* What I was asked to do */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int i, k, ko = 0, n, x, max = MAXWORDS; /* Workers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s = NULL, * ss, * p; /* Workers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * sep = ""; /* Default break set */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * notsep = ""; /* Default include set */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int grouping = 0; /* Grouping option */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * gr_opn = "\"{'([<"; /* Group open brackets */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * gr_cls = "\"}')]>"; /* Group close brackets */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int gr_stk[NESTMAX]; /* Nesting bracket stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int gr_lvl = 0; /* Nesting level */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int wordnum = 0; /* Current word number */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char c = 'A'; /* Current char (dummy start value) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int class = 0; /* Current character class */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int state = ST_BW; /* Current FSA state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int len = 0; /* Length of current word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int slen = 0; /* Length of s1 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int gquote = 0; /* Quoted group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int cquote = 0; /* Quoted character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int collapse = 1; /* Collapse adjacent separators */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n4) collapse = 0; /* Don't collapse */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 0; i < NESTMAX; i++) /* Initialize nesting stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_stk[i] = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_head = wordarray; /* Initialize return value struct */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!s1) s1 = ""; /* s1 = source string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!*s1) { /* If none, nothing to do */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
splitting = fc; /* Our job */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitting) { /* If splitting n = word count */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = 0; /* Initialize it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Otherwise */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n1 < 1) { /* If 0 (or less) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 0; /* nothing to do. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
n = n1; /* n = desired word number. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
slen = 0; /* Get length of s1 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef COMMENT
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*p++) slen++; /* Make pokeable copy of s1 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!splitbuf || slen > nsplitbuf) { /* Allocate buffer if needed */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int xx;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitbuf)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xx = (slen < 255) ? 255 : xx + (xx / 4);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F101,"cksplit splitbuf","",xx);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
splitbuf = (char *)malloc(xx+1);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!splitbuf) { /* Memory allocation failure... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nsplitbuf = xx; /* Remember size of buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
The idea is to just copy the string into splitbuf (if it exists). This
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gives us both the copy and the length so we only need to grovel through the
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
string once in most cases. Only when splitbuf doesn't exist or is too short
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
do we re-malloc(), which should be very infrequent so who cares if we have
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
to go through the string again in that case.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = splitbuf;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitbuf) { /* Make pokeable copy of s1 */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*s++ = *p++) && (slen++ < nsplitbuf)) /* Try to copy */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!splitbuf || slen >= nsplitbuf) { /* Need to do more... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int xx;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitbuf) /* Free previous buf if any */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*p++) slen++; /* Get (rest of) length */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xx = (slen < 255) ? 255 : slen + (slen / 4); /* Size of new buffer */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
splitbuf = (char *)malloc(xx+1); /* Allocate it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!splitbuf) { /* Memory allocation failure... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
nsplitbuf = xx; /* Remember (new) buffer size */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = splitbuf;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while ((*s++ = *p++)) ;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* COMMENT */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s = splitbuf;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
sep = s2; /* s2 = break set */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!sep) sep = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
notsep = s3; /* s3 = include set */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!notsep) notsep = "";
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (n2 < 0) n2 = 63; /* n2 = grouping mask */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
grouping = n2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = ""; /* Pointer to current word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (c) { /* Loop through string */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!cquote && c == CMDQ) { /* If CMDQ */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cquote++; /* next one is quoted */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
goto nextc; /* go get it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (cquote && c == CMDQ) { /* Quoted CMDQ is special */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (state != ST_BW) { /* because it can still separate */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s2 = s-1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (s2 > p) { *s2 = *(s2-1); s2--; }
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cquote = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (cquote) { /* Other quoted character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (state != ST_BW) { /* can't separate or group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
char * s2 = s-1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (s2 > p) { *s2 = *(s2-1); s2--; }
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class = CL_DAT; /* so treat it as data */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
cquote = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Character is not quoted */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c < SP) { /* Get its class */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = 0; /* x == 0 means "is separator" */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (*sep) { /* Break set given */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ss = sep;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*ss && *ss != c) ss++; /* (instead of ckstrchr()) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (*ss != c);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Default break set is */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || /* all but alphanumerics */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (x == 0 && *notsep && c) { /* Include set if given */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ss = notsep;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
while (*ss && *ss != c) ss++; /* (instead of ckstrchr()) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
x = (*ss == c);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c == n3 && grouping && state == ST_BW) { /* Group quote? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class = CL_QUO;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class = x ? CL_DAT : CL_SEP; /* Class = data or separator */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (grouping) { /* Grouping? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
int j; /* Look for group start */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) { /* Group-start char? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
j = 1 << k; /* Get its mask bit value */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (grouping & j) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c == gr_opn[k]) { /* Selected group opener? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ko = k;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class |= CL_OPN;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { /* These can also */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class |= CL_CLS; /* be closers */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (c == gr_cls[k]) { /* Group closer? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
class |= CL_CLS;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
switch (state) { /* State switcher... */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (class & CL_OPN) { /* Group opener */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl == 0 && !gquote) { /* If not in group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s; /* point to beginning of word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_lvl++; /* Push closer on nesting stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl >= NESTMAX)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
goto xxsplit;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_stk[gr_lvl] = gr_cls[ko];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
state = ST_IG; /* Switch to INGROUP state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (class & CL_DAT) { /* Data character */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_lvl = 0; /* Clear group nesting stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_stk[gr_lvl] = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s; /* Point to beginning of word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gquote) { /* Adjust for quote */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gquote = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
state = ST_IW; /* Switch to INWORD state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (class & CL_QUO) { /* Group quote */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gquote = gr_lvl+1; /* Remember quoted level */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
p = s - 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (collapse)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case ST_IW: /* INWORD (but not in a group) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (class & CL_SEP) { /* Ends on any kind of separator */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*s = NUL; /* Terminate this word */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordnum++; /* Count it */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitting) { /* Dispose of it appropriately */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (wordnum > max) { /* Add to array if splitting */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (wordnum == n) { /* Searching for word n */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
state = ST_BW; /* Switch to BETWEENWORDS state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
case ST_IG: /* INGROUP */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (class & CL_CLS) { /* Have group closer? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (c == gr_stk[gr_lvl]) { /* Does it match current opener? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_lvl--; /* Yes, pop stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl < 0) /* Don't pop it too much */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_lvl = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl == 0) { /* If at top of stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gquote)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
c = *s;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
*s = NUL; /* we have word. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
wordnum++; /* Count and dispose of it. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitting) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (wordnum > max) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (wordnum == n) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
state = ST_BW; /* Switch to BETWEENWORDS state */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
len = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl < gquote)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gquote = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (class & CL_OPN) { /* Have group opener */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_lvl++; /* Push on nesting stack */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl >= NESTMAX) goto xxsplit;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
gr_stk[gr_lvl] = gr_cls[ko];
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} /* switch */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
s++; /* Next char */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (state)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} /* while (c) */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (gr_lvl > 0) { /* In case of an unclosed group */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (splitting) { /* make it the last word. */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (++wordnum > max) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else if (wordnum == n) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 1;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (!splitting) { /* Wanted word n but there was none? */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = 0;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
} else { /* Succeed otherwise */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = wordnum;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (wordnum < MAXWORDS)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#ifdef DEBUG
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
if (deblog) {
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
for (i = 1; i <= wordnum; i++)
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
debug(F111,"cksplit result",wordarray[i],i);
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
#endif /* DEBUG */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
xxsplit: /* Error return */
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
ck_sval.a_size = -2;
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 223 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.
/* End of ckclib.c */