#!/bin/sh## clean up the mess that NT makes of my source tree# Prefer [ p ] && [ q ] as [ p -a q ] is not well defined.if [ -f makefile.ssl -a ! -f Makefile.ssl ]; then /bin/mv makefile.ssl Makefile.sslfichmod +x Configure util/*echo cleaningQuote this to prevent word splitting.
Use $(..) instead of legacy `..`./bin/rm -f `find . -name '*.$$$' -print` 2>/dev/null >/dev/nullecho 'removing those damn ^M'Quote this to prevent word splitting.
Use $(..) instead of legacy `..`.perl -pi -e 's/\015//' `find . -type 'f' -print |grep -v '.obj$' |grep -v '.der$' |grep -v '.gz'`make -f Makefile.ssl links