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# About

![OpenRBF 2.0 logo]( "OpenRBF 2.0 ")

A rule engine on top of [dhis2]( developed by [Bluesquare](, to let power users describe their Results-Based Financing  scheme.

More info about the tool

Created with the support of the [World Bank](

![World Bank logo]( "World Bank ")

Thanks to the [DHIS2]( team for their help and support

![DHIS2 logo](

# Using

A wizard approach guiding you in the setup of projects


With your rules editor and visual explanation

![activity rule dependency graph](./doc/activity-rule.png)

![payment rule  dependency graph](./doc/payment-rule.png)

each formula will be mapped to a dhis2 data element.

You can easily verify your formula with the invoicing simulation form
with a built-in invoice explainer showing you how was this amount/score calculated

![invoicing explainer](./doc/invoicing-explainer.png)

Every change is tracked and you publish your project draft to be used at a given period.

### Database

The database configuration is handled in database.yml.

Rails limits the number of database connections with he `pool` setting. This is the maximum size of the connections your app can have to the database.

A puma worker on 1 dyno will need `RAILS_MAX_THREADS` connections.
Sidekiq on 1 dyno will need `SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY` connections.

Rails maintains its own database connection pool, with a new pool created for each worker process/dyno.
Threads within a worker/dyno will operate on the same pool.

The current pool is set to `ENV["DB_POOL"] || ENV['SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY'] || ENV['MAX_THREADS'] || 5`.

#### Current size

In production, we currently have:

  `MAX_THREADS`         => 5
  `WEB_CONCURRENCY`     => 1
  `DB_POOL`             => 1

This means that we need a `DB_POOL` of:

      => [20, 5*1].max
      => 20

The current pool size is `20`.

(Run `bundle exec rake config:check_db_pool` to get a live version of this output)

# Contributing

## Dependencies and config

Run `script/setup`, this should install all dependencies and create the local databases.

Run `script/test` to check if everything was successfull.

A default user and program will be create by the `db/seeds.rb` file.

## Seed a project

We have an example project that can be created using the public DHIS2 demo instance ( to showcase a RBF project configuration:

This will generate a "typical" RBF project with quality, quantity & payment rules for you to explore and play with.

## Admin interface

You can access any element in the application using the admin interface at

## Optional

If you set an ENV variable for `LOG_ROCKET_TOKEN`, a [logrocket]( session will be started. (Currently only enabled in production)

# Tests

Run the tests after any change:


# Deploying

## Hosting provider

We recommand Heroku to host the application, but any hosting should work as long as it support Rails & Postgresql. On heroku, deploy should be as simple as:

    git push heroku master
    heroku run rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Or you can use this button to get up and running immediately:


## Deploying the dhis2 app 'hesabu manager'

A dhis2 app called [hesabu-manager]( is available but not yet on par with the web application.

heroku run rake ui:setup_all -a yourappname
heroku run rake ui:deploy_all -a yourappname

## Restoring a testing or production Environment

get a fresh copy using Heroku

heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL orbf2 --app yourappname

to speed up things you can a copy without the dhis2_logs table

bundle exec rake db:fetch APP_NAME=yourappname

# Sub modules & related projects

* (equations building blocks extracted from this repo)
*         (ruby facade of go-hesabu for equation solving)
*      (golang implementation to speed up invoice calculations)
* dhis2 app to replace the rails frontend here
*  react components to allow building invoice apps (dhis2 dedicated apps with invoice templates, custom data entries, contracts modules,... )