# Bannerlord.BUTRLoader
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Extends the native launcher.
Adds support for community used mod metadata that fixes issues with mod load order sorting! It will sort correctly Harmony, UIExtender, ButterLib and MCM.
## Features
**BUTRLoader** consists of two modules - **BUTRLoader** itself and **LauncherEx**.
**BUTRLoader** expands the game launch with the following features:
* **Interceptor** - BUTRLoader checks if the is a class with a custom attribute named ***BUTRLoaderInterceptorAttribute***. If it's found it checks if there are the following signatures:
* **void OnInitializeSubModulesPrefix()** - will execute just before the game starts to initialize the SubModules. This gives us the ability to add SubModules declared in other programming languages like [Python]( and [Lua](
* **void OnLoadSubModulesPostfix()** - will execute just after all SubModules were initialized
* **LoadReferencesOnLoad** - gives the ability to add <Tag key="LoadReferencesOnLoad" value="false" /> that will disable explicit dependency load. Will be useful after switch to .NET Core runtime.
**LauncherEx** is the UI module. It expands the native launcher with the following features:
* **Option Screen** - provides various options that will be listed below.
* **Extended Sorting** - the launcher now respects the community metadata when sorting. Available in Options. Enabled by default.
* **Scrollbar** - the launcher before e1.7.2 didn't had a way to scroll without the mouse wheel. We added a scrollbar to fix this.
* **Enable/Disable All Mods Checkbox** - added the ability to enable and disable all mods with one click.
* **Expanded Dependencies Hint** - added our community metadata to be displayed in the Hints added in e1.7.0.
* **Issue Hint System** - the launcher displays an arrow that when expanded, will display why a mod can't be enabled. The issue can be a wrong dependency module version, binary incompatibility with the current game version
* **Compact Module List** - allows a more compact display of the Module List. Available in Options. Disabled by default.
* **Fix Common Issues** - the launcher checks if 0Harmony.dll is present in the main /bin folder. If there is one, will prompt the user whether t delete it.
* **File Unblocking** - the launcher will unblock the .dll's if they are locked itself. Available in Options. Enabled by default.
* **Reset Module List** - will forcefully reset the module list and force the raw loaded list to be sorted. Available in Options. Will be disabled after restart.
* **Binary Compatibility Check** - the launcher will check whether the are ABI issues in the module with the current game version. ABI issues mean the module won't work in the game and will need a new updated version.
* **Import/Export Mod List** - provides a way to export and import Mod Lists with the correct load order and module versions. If a module version is incorrect, with highlight that.
## Installation
Download the file and extract it's contents into the game's root folder (e.g. `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord`).
## Troubleshooting
### Unblocking DLL's
You may need to right click on Bannerlord.BUTRLoader.dll file, click Properties, and click `Unblock` if you extracted the zip file with Windows Explorer or other programs that try to secure extracted files.
## For Modders
See [BLSE]( for a newer version!
BUTRLoader adds support for a new tag DependedModuleMetadatas that allows you to better define your load order, see the example below
<!-- order: [ "LoadBeforeThis", "LoadAfterThis" ] -->
<!-- optional: [ "true", "false" ] -->
<!-- version: [ "e1.0.0.0", "e1.*", "e1.0.*", "e1.0.0.*" ] -->
<!-- incompatible: [ "true", "false" ] -->
<DependedModuleMetadata id="Bannerlord.Harmony" order="LoadBeforeThis" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="Native" order="LoadAfterThis" version="e1.4.3.*" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="SandBoxCore" order="LoadAfterThis" version="e1.5.*" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="Sandbox" order="LoadAfterThis" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="StoryMode" order="LoadAfterThis" version="e1.*" optional="true" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="CustomBattle" order="LoadAfterThis" optional="true" />
<DependedModuleMetadata id="MyCustomMod" incompatible="true" />