type JobConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [JobEdge]
type JobEdge {
node: Job
cursor: String!
type Job implements Node {
id: ID!
# Tests Status of the job
result: Result!
# Status of the job Completion
status: Status!
startTime: Float!
endTime: Float
sourceBranch: String
targetBranch: String
trigger: String
github: String
jenkins: String
numberOfThreads: Int!
totalNumberOfCombinations: Int!
currentNumberOfCombinations: Int!
firstReported: Float
lastReported: Float
numberOfFlows: Int!
tags: [String]
flows(after: String, first: Int, before: String, last: Int): FlowConnection
input JobInput {
id: FlakeID!
projectID: ID
startTime: Float!
sourceBranch: String
github: String
jenkins: String
targetBranch: String
numberOfThreads: Int!
numberOfCombinations: Int!
numberOfFlows: Int!
tags: [String]
trigger: String