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BeelabSimplePageBundle Documentation

1. [Installation](#1-installation)
2. [Configuration](#2-configuration)
3. [Usage](#3-usage)
4. [Complete configuration](#3-complete-configuration)

### 1. Installation

Run from terminal:

$ composer require beelab/simple-page-bundle

Bundle is automatically enabled by Flex.

### 2. Configuration

Create a `Page` entity class.

// src/Entity
namespace App\Entity;

use Beelab\SimplePageBundle\Entity\Page as BasePage;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Table()
 * @ORM\Entity()
class Page extends BasePage
    // add your custom properties and methods, if any

Insert in main configuration:

# config/packages/beelab_simple_page.yaml

    page_class: App\Entity\Page

Add to your routing configuration:

# config/routing.yaml

# your other routes...

    path: /{path}
    defaults: { _controller: BeelabSimplePageBundle:Default:show, path: '' }
        path: "^(?!img\/|css\/|js\/).+"

> ⚠️️ **Warning**: The `page` route must be placed at the very end of your routing file,
> since it uses a catch-all parameter. If you put any other route after `page` route,
> it won't work.

Note that `page` route is not matching for canonical URLs for images, styles and JavaScripts. Feel free to adapt
the regular expression to match your assets directories.

### 3. Usage

Just create some pages and use them in your website.

This bundle provides a basic template. You can create your custom template and tell the bundle
to use it.
Suppose you created a template inside `App\Resources\views\Page\default.html.twig`,
you can add this to configuration:

# config/packages/beelab_simple_page.yaml

    page_class: App\Entity\Page
    resources_prefix: 'AppBundle:Page:'

If you prefer a solutions suitable with official best practices, you can use the same option like so:
# config/packages/beelab_simple_page.yaml

    resources_prefix: 'PageTemplate/'
and put your page templates under `app/Resources/views/PageTemplate/` directory of your project.

You can also create different templates with other names than `default`. If you do so, you should add that new
templates inside the `$templates` static property of your page entity.

Likely, you'll want to create a CRUD for pages. If so, you must be aware that the `path` property of
`Page` must not start with a slash (because of the way the `page` route is built).

### 4. Complete Configuration

The following is the complete configuration, with default values:

    page_class: ~
    resources_prefix: 'BeelabSimplePageBundle:Default:'
    show_route: true

The last option can be used to customize the behavior of validation. The default validation checks if the path
submitted by user is contained in an existing route. Whit `show_route` options set to `true` (default value),
the name of the matching route is displayed in the error message. Using `false`, the route name will be omitted.