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import { Router, Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { log, error } from "console";
import db from "./db";
import { ServerEvents } from "./server-events";
import { ExdatemanApplication } from "./application";
import { crudType } from "./authentication";

export class ClientEvents {
  private static singletonFlag = false;

   * The ClientEvents routes
  public routes: Router;

   * The event-logs (every inventory has its own)
   * Works like a dict
  private static eventLogs: { [uuid: string]: InventoryEvent[] } = {};

   * Public accessor for the event log
  get events(): { [uuid: string]: InventoryEvent[] } {
    return ClientEvents.eventLogs;

  constructor() {
    // Enforce singleton
    if (ClientEvents.singletonFlag) {
      throw new Error("A ClientEvents instance already exists.");
    } else ClientEvents.singletonFlag = true;

    // Fetch all event logs available on the db and load them into the dict

    // Instantiate the router
    this.routes = Router();

    // Get the events of one inventory
      (req: Request, res: Response) =>
        this.handleGetInventoryEventsRequest(req, res),

    // Add an event to an inventory
      (req: Request, res: Response) =>
        this.handleAppendInventoryEventRequest(req, res),

   * Fetches all events of every inventory from the db and parses them
   * This method is called in the ClientEvents constructor.
  private async fetchAllInventoryEvents() {
     * A list of all uuids of inventories
    const inventoryUuids = await this.getAllInventoryUuids();

    // Iterate over all inventory uuids
    for (const inventoryUuid of inventoryUuids) {
      // Get the events of that inventory
      ] = await this.getInventoryEvents(inventoryUuid.inventoryUuid);

      // Apply the events inside of the Authorization instance

   * Check for the management event stream uuid, and deny access to it
  private checkForManagementEventLogs(
    req: Request,
    res: Response,
    next: NextFunction,
  ) {
    if (req.body.inventoryUuid == ServerEvents.userEventLogUuid) {
        message: "You may not access that",
        oof: true,
    } else {

  private async handleGetInventoryEventsRequest(req: Request, res: Response) {
    try {
      // Check for read access
      if (
      ) {
        // Unauthorized

      // Get the events from the db
      const result = ClientEvents.eventLogs[req.params.inventoryUuid];

      // Send the events back
    } catch (err) {
      // error(err);
        message: "That didn't work",
        oof: true,

  private async getInventoryEvents(
    inventoryUuid: string,
  ): Promise<InventoryEvent[]> {
    return (
      await (await db()).query(
      SELECT "inventoryUuid", date, data
        FROM ${process.env.EDM_DB_SCHEMA}.events
      WHERE "inventoryUuid" = $1
      ORDER BY date ASC;

   * Gets all inventory uuids (with event logs) from the db
  public async getAllInventoryUuids(): Promise<{ inventoryUuid: string }[]> {
    return (
      await (await db()).query(
      SELECT "inventoryUuid"
        FROM ${process.env.EDM_DB_SCHEMA}.events
      WHERE "inventoryUuid" != $1
      GROUP BY "inventoryUuid";

   * Handles API requests to append an event to an inventory event log
  private async handleAppendInventoryEventRequest(req: Request, res: Response) {
    try {
      // Check for authorization
      if (
      ) {
        // Unauthorized

      // Append the event
      const result = await this.appendInventoryEvent(req.body);

      // If the item is about an inventory...
      if ((req.body as InventoryEvent).data.itemType == itemType.INVENTORY)
        // ...update the inventory projection;

      // Send the events back
    } catch (err) {
      // error(err);
        message: "That didn't work",
        oof: true,

   * Appends an event both to the db and the local event log.
   * The projection is not affected.
   * If the local dict is missing the event log required, it will get
   * initialized.
   * @param event The event to be appended
  private async appendInventoryEvent(event: InventoryEvent) {
    // Write the event to the db
    const result = await (await db()).query(
      INSERT INTO ${process.env.EDM_DB_SCHEMA}.events
       ("inventoryUuid", date, data)
      VALUES ($1, $2, $3)

    // Check, if the dict entry needs to be initialized
    if (ClientEvents.eventLogs[event.inventoryUuid] == null)
      ClientEvents.eventLogs[event.inventoryUuid] = [];

    // Write the event to the local cache at the correct position

    return result.rows;

   * Inserts an item into a sorted array keeping the array sorted
   * This assumes that the array is already sorted.
   * This method can handle items which should be placed after the last element
   * in the array.
   * @param array The array to insert into
   * @param item The item to be inserted
   * @param keyName The name of the key of the item
  static sortedInsert<T>(array: T[], item: T, keyName: string): void {
    for (let i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
      if (item[keyName] < array[i][keyName]) {
        // Insert the item before the one at i in the array
        array.splice(i, 0, item);

        // Stop this method to avoid duplicates

    // If the last item in the array is still smaller
    // than the one to be inserted, append the item.
    // This will also ensure that an empty array is handled properly.

 * The data structure of an event
export interface InventoryEvent {
   * The date of the event
  date: Date;

   * The uuid of the inventory-event-stream this event belongs to
  inventoryUuid: string;

   * The data of the event
  data: {
     * The uuid of the item this event is about
     * This information is redundant (but still required) on inventory events
    uuid: string;

     * The uuid of the user who issued this event
    userUuid: string;

     * Defines what type of item is this event about
    itemType: itemType;

     * Defines what type of operation was performed
    crudType: crudType;

     * The inventory-specific data (if this event is about an inventory)
    inventoryData?: {
       * The name of this inventory
      name?: string;

       * The uuid of the owner of this inventory
      ownerUuid?: string;

       * An array of users who have the admin privilege for this inventory
      adminsUuids?: string[];

       * An array of user uuids who have the write privilege for this inventory
      WritablesUuids?: string[];

       * An array of user uuids who have the read privilege for this inventory
      readablesUuids?: string[];

       * The date of the creation of this inventory
       * This field may only be set in an inventory-created event
      createdOn?: Date;
     * The category-specific data (if this event is about a category)
    categoryData?: {
       * The name of the category
      name?: string;

       * The parent-category of this category
       * Top-level categories are their own parent
      parentUuid?: string;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

     * The thing-specific data (if this event is about a thing)
    thingData?: {
       * The name of the thing
      name: string;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

       * The UUIDs of the categories this thing has
      categoryUuids?: string[];

     * The stock-specific data (if this event is about a stock)
    stockData?: {
       * The expiration date of the stock
      exDate?: Date;

       * How many days after the opening of this stock is it still usable?
      useUpIn?: number;

       * Text description of the quantity of the stock
      quantity?: string;

       * When was this stock opened?
      openedOn: Date;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

 * Used to describe on which type of item an operation was performed on
export enum itemType {
  INVENTORY = "inventory",
  CATEGORY = "category",
  THING = "thing",
  STOCK = "stock",