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import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { environment } from "../../../environments/environment";
import { AsyncConstructor } from "../../interfaces/async-constructor";

 * This Service stores & sorts Events and syncs them with the API.
 * This class needs to await async operations before it can be used, but
 * TypeScript does not support await to be used in constructors, so the user
 * has to await the ready promise of this class.
  providedIn: "root"
export class EventSourcingService implements AsyncConstructor {
  constructor(private api: HttpClient) {

   * The events of all inventories cached in memory
  public static events: LocalEventStorage[];

   * Sneaky stuff
   * Used to get around the "no async constructors" limitation
  public ready: Promise<any>;

   * The API base url
  private baseUrl: string = environment.baseUrl;

   * Loads the events from localStorage into memory
  loadEvents(): void {
    // Get the events from LocalStorage
    const events = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("events"));

    // Prevent undefined array
    if (events == null) { = [];
    } else { = events;

   * Stores the events in localStorage
  saveEvents(): void {
    // console.log(
    //   "The events are being saved.\n" +
    //     JSON.stringify(
    // );

    // Set the localStorage to the new value

   * Prepares this class for operaton and resolves the ready promise when done
  private prepare() {
    // Ready declaration
    this.ready = new Promise(resolve => {
      if ( == null || === 0
      ) {
        this.reFetchAll().then(() => {
          // Mark as ready
      } else {
        // Mark as ready

   * Refreshes all Events
  public async reFetchAll(): Promise<void> {
    // Reset all current event logs = [];

    try {
      // Try to fetch all events from the API
      await this.fetchAllInventoryEvents();

      // Persist the data offline & refresh everything
    } catch (err) {
      //  Use the offline data instead of the API

   * Fetches a list of all accessible inventory uuids via the API
   * Then it iterates over said list and fetches the events of each
   * This method gets called in the EventSourcingService constructor
  private async fetchAllInventoryEvents() {
    // Get a list of all accessible inventory uuids from the API
    const accessibleUuids = await this.api
      .get<string[]>(this.baseUrl + "/authorization/accessibleInventoryUuids")

    // Iterate over the list
    for (const inventoryUuid of accessibleUuids) {
      // Fetch the events from the inventory
      await this.fetchSingleInventoryEvents(inventoryUuid);

   * Fetches an inventories event-log and parses it
   * @param inventoryUuid The uuid of the inventory to be fetched
  private async fetchSingleInventoryEvents(
    inventoryUuid: string
  ): Promise<void> {
    let res: Event[] = await this.api
      .get<Event[]>(this.baseUrl + "/events/" + inventoryUuid)

    // Get the event log of the inventory
    let inventoryEvents =
      el => el.uuid === inventoryUuid

    // Check, if the event log doesn't exist yet
    if (inventoryEvents == null) {
      // If so, create it
      const newValue = {
        uuid: inventoryUuid,
        events: []
      inventoryEvents = newValue;

    // Make sure the local events are not null
    if (window.localStorage.getItem("events") != null) {
      // Load the events of the current eventLog from LocalStorage
      const localEventLog = JSON.parse(
        (eventLog: { uuid: string; events: Event[] }) =>
          eventLog.uuid === inventoryUuid

      const localEvents = localEventLog == null ? [] :;

      // Reload flag
      let needsReload = false;

      // Merge the event streams from the API with the local one
      for (const le of localEvents) {
        // Check for events missing in the API response
        if (!res.some(event => === {
          // Upload the missing event to the API
          await this.api
            .put<Event[]>(this.baseUrl + "/events/", le)

          // Set the needsReload flag
          needsReload = true;

      if (needsReload) {
        // Reload the events list the API to make sure they are sorted
        res = await this.api
          .get<Event[]>(this.baseUrl + "/events/" + inventoryUuid)

    // Write the received events in the event log of the inventory = res;

   * Appends an event to its corresponding event log and sends it to the API
   * @param event The event to be appended to its log
  public async appendEventToInventoryLog(event: Event): Promise<void> {
    try {
      // After a successful transmission, the event gets appended to the local event log
      // EventSourcingService.eventLogs[event.inventoryUuid].push(event);
      let inventoryEvents =
        el => el.uuid === event.inventoryUuid

      if (inventoryEvents == null) {
        const newLog = { events: [], uuid: event.inventoryUuid };;
        inventoryEvents = newLog;

      // Persist the data offline & refresh everything

      // Transmit the event to the server to be stored in the db
      const res: Event[] = await this.api
        .put<Event[]>(this.baseUrl + "/events/", event)
    } catch (err) {
      console.log("Couldn't push event");


 * The data format of the persistent localStorage data
interface LocalEventStorage {
   * An array of event streams
   * Every inventory has its own event stream to keep unauthorized users form
   * accessing data for which they do not have permissions for.
   * This works since the user-access-separation is made on the inventory level
  // inventories: {

   * The uuid of the inventory this event stream is dedicated to
  uuid: string;

   * The event log of the inventory
  events: Event[];

  // }[];

 * The data structure of an event
export interface Event {
   * The date of the event
  date: Date;

   * The uuid of the inventory-event-stream this event belongs to
  inventoryUuid: string;

   * The data of the event
  data: {
     * The uuid of the item this event is about
     * This information is redundant (but still required) on inventory events
    uuid: string;

     * The uuid of the user who issued this event
    userUuid: string;

     * Defines what type of item is this event about
    itemType: itemType;

     * Defines what type of operation was performed
    crudType: crudType;

     * The inventory-specific data (if this event is about an inventory)
    inventoryData?: {
       * The name of this inventory
      name?: string;

       * The uuid of the owner of this inventory
      ownerUuid?: string;

       * An array of users who have the admin privilege for this inventory
      adminsUuids?: string[];

       * An array of user uuids who have the write privilege for this inventory
      WritablesUuids?: string[];

       * An array of user uuids who have the read privilege for this inventory
      readablesUuids?: string[];

       * The date of the creation of this inventory
       * This field may only be set in an inventory-created event
      createdOn?: Date;
     * The category-specific data (if this event is about a category)
    categoryData?: {
       * The name of the category
      name?: string;

       * The parent-category of this category
       * Top-level categories are their own parent
      parentUuid?: string;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

     * The thing-specific data (if this event is about a thing)
    thingData?: {
       * The name of the thing
      name?: string;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

       * The UUIDs of the categories this thing has
      categoryUuids?: string[];

     * The stock-specific data (if this event is about a stock)
    stockData?: {
       * The expiration date of the stock
      exDate?: Date;

       * How many days after the opening of this stock is it still usable?
      useUpIn?: number;

       * Text description of the quantity of the stock
      quantity?: string;

       * When was this stock opened?
      openedOn: Date;

       * The date of the creation of this category
       * This field may only be set in an category-created event
      createdOn?: Date;

       * The UUID of the Thing this stock belongs to
      thingUuid: string;

       * The percentage of how much of the Stock is left
      percentLeft: number;

 * Used to describe on which type of item an operation was performed on
export enum itemType {
  INVENTORY = "inventory",
  CATEGORY = "category",
  THING = "thing",
  STOCK = "stock"

 * Used to describe which type of operation was performed
 * (read is excluded from this list since it doesn't affect the data)
export enum crudType {
  CREATE = "create",
  UPDATE = "update",
  DELETE = "delete"