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      <text id="text2" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Italic" font-size="18" transform="translate(33 97)">Phytophthora infestans</text>
      <text id="text4" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="12" transform="translate(262 164)">Control</text>
      <text id="text6" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="10" transform="translate(266 177)">(Water)</text>
      <text id="text14" transform="translate(229 266)"><tspan id="tspan8" x="0" y="0" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="12">Suspension of 10^6</tspan><tspan id="tspan10" x="-7.1" y="14.4" font-family="HelveticaNeue-ThinItalic" font-size="12">Phytophthora infestans </tspan><tspan id="tspan12" x="23" y="28.8" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="12">spores / ml</tspan></text>
      <text id="text16" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="10" transform="translate(370 342)">6 hours</text>
      <text id="text18" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="10" transform="translate(450 343)">12 hours</text>
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    <text id="text95" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="10" transform="translate(523 343)">24 hours</text>
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  <text id="text104" x="94.7" y="151.3" font-family="HelveticaNeue" font-size="8">24hr</text>
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      <text id="text112" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="8" transform="translate(90 122)">INNOCULATION</text>
      <text id="text114" font-family="HelveticaNeue-Thin" font-size="8" transform="translate(90 131)">24 hour sample</text>
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