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# promcord

## What is promcord?

Promcord is a Discord bot which provides metrics from a Discord server to create insight and alerting on actions and messages. Using [Grafana]( you can easily visualize all your metrics in beautiful dashboards.

![Grafana Gif](

## Table of Contents

  - [Contributing](#contributing)
  - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
    - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
    - [Kubernetes Deployment](#kubernetes-deployment-helm)
    - [Docker Installation ](#docker-installation-local-install)
    - [Developer Installation ](#developer-installation)
  - [Collected data](#collected-data)
  - [Screenshots](#screenshots)
  - [Built with](#built-with)
  - [License](#license)

## Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Easiest way of reaching me is via [Discord](

## Getting Started

This section provides a high-level requirement & quick start guide. **For detailed installations, such as getting started with Maven, Docker, or Grafana, please check out their docs.**

### Prerequisites

- [JDK]( 
- [Maven](
- [Prometheus](
- [Grafana](

### Kubernetes Deployment (Helm)

Thanks to [ChipWolf](, there is a Helm chart for a simple Kubernetes deployment.

#### Docker Installation (local install)

1. Follow the [Docker CE install guide]( and the [Docker Compose install guide](, which illustrates multiple installation options for each OS.
2. Set up your environment variables/secrets in `.env` file
DISCORD_TOKEN=<your token>
3. Download the [prometheus.yml](prometheus.yml) file to your current directory.
4. Run the Docker App with `docker-compose up -d`
5. Navigate to http://localhost:80 to access Grafana. Follow [this]( guide to configure your Grafana server. You will need to add Prometheus as your datasource. For the Prometheus datasource settings, use `http://localhost:9090` as the URL and `Browser` as the Access.
6. That's it! To simplify the creation of Grafana Dashboards, you can download a ready-made dashboard [here](grafana.json) to [import it into Grafana](

#### Docker Installation (production install)

1. Follow the [Docker CE install guide]( and the [Docker Compose install guide](, which illustrates multiple installation options for each OS.
2. Set up your environment variables/secrets in `.env` file
DISCORD_TOKEN=<your token>
3. Modify the provisioning/datasources/automatic.yml file and change the `access` value to `proxy` AND change the `url` value to `http://prometheus:9090`.
4. Download the [prometheus.yml](prometheus.yml) file to your current directory.
5. Rename docker-compose.yml.sample to docker-compose.yml (The .sample compose file will contain links in order for Grafana and Prometheus to talk to each other)
6. Run the Docker App with `docker-compose up -d`
7. Navigate to http://ip_address:80 to access Grafana. Follow [this]( guide to configure your Grafana server - you will need to add Prometheus as your datasource. For the Prometheus datasource settings, use `http://prometheus:9090` as the URL and `Server` as the Access.
8. That's it! To simplify the creation of Grafana Dashboards, you can download a ready-made dashboard [here](grafana.json) to [import it into Grafana](
8. It is recommended you use Nginx and [reverse proxy]( to the Grafana instance for production use. Simply change docker-compose.yml Grafana ports from `80:3000` to `3000:3000`, then reverse proxy to http://localhost:3000 in the Nginx configuration. 

### Developer Installation

1. Make sure all the prerequisites are installed.
2. Fork promcord repository, ie.
3. Clone your forked repository, ie. `git clone<your-username>/promcord.git`
4. Set up your environment variables/secrets
DISCORD_TOKEN=<your token>
5. Use [prometheus.yml](prometheus.yml) for Prometheus (Edit target hostname!)
6. That's it! Go to [http://your-ip:grafana-port](http://localhost:3000) to access Grafana. Then follow [this]( guide to configure your Grafana server. 
7. To simplify the creation of Grafana Dashboards, you can download a ready-made dashboard [here](grafana.json) to [import it into Grafana](

## Collected data

- Channel ID of voice and text channels
- Word count and length from a message
- Guild ID 
- Emote Name
- Game name provided by a Discord RPC
- ToxicityScore calculated by PerspectiveAPI
- Amount of members on a guild
- Amount of online members on a guild
- Time spent streaming in a voice channel
- Time spent in a voice channel
- Nitro Boosts
- Discord Gateway Ping
- Discord Rest Ping

## Screenshots

![Image of Grafana](

## Built with 

- [JDA]( - Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service  [@discordapp](
- [Prometheus]( 
- [Perspective API]( 

## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

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