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# The file(s) and variable name of where the version number is stored.
# The way we get and set the new version. Can be commit or tag.
# If set to tag, will get the current version from the latest tag matching vX.Y.Z.
# This won’t change the source defined in version_variable.
# If set to commit, will get the current version from the source defined in
# version_variable, edit the file and commit it.
version_source = commit
# Import path of a Python function that can parse commit messages and return
# information about the commit.
commit_parser = semantic_release.history.angular_parser
# If set to false the pypi uploading will be disabled.
# If set to false, do not upload distributions to GitHub releases.
# The branch to run releases from.
# The name of your hvcs. Currently only GitHub and GitLab are supported.
# Whether or not to commit changes when bumping version.
# The name of the file where the changelog is kept, relative to the root of the repo.
# Comma-separated list of sections to display in the changelog. They will be
# displayed in the order they are given. The available options depend on the commit
# parser used.
changelog_sections = feature,fix,breaking,documentation,performance
# A comma-separated list of the import paths of components to include in the changelog.
changelog_components = semantic_release.changelog.changelog_headers,semantic_release.changelog.compare_url

max-line-length = 88
extend-ignore = E203