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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2023 by Björn Johansson.  All rights reserved.
# This code is part of the Python-dna distribution and governed by its
# license.  Please see the LICENSE.txt file that should have been included
# as part of this package.

:copyright: Copyright 2013-2023 by Björn Johansson. All rights reserved.
:license:   This code is part of the pydna package, governed by the
            license in LICENSE.txt that should be included as part
            of this package.

Pydna is a python package providing code for simulation of the creation of
recombinant DNA molecules using
`molecular biology <>`_
techniques. Development of pydna happens in this Github `repository <>`_.

  1. PCR simulation
  2. Assembly simulation based on shared identical sequences
  3. Primer design for amplification of a given sequence
  4. Automatic design of primer tails for Gibson assembly
     or homologous recombination.
  5. Restriction digestion and cut&paste cloning
  6. Agarose gel simulation
  7. Download sequences from Genbank
  8. Parsing various sequence formats including the capacity to
     handle broken Genbank format

pydna package layout

The most important modules and how to import functions or classes from
them are listed below. Class names starts with a capital letter,
functions with a lowercase letter:


      from pydna.module import function
      from pydna.module import Class

      Example: from pydna.gel import Gel

         ├── amplify
         │         ├── Anneal
         │         └── pcr
         ├── assembly
         │          └── Assembly
         ├── design
         │        ├── assembly_fragments
         │        └── primer_design
         ├── download
         │          └── download_text
         ├── dseqrecord
         │            └── Dseqrecord
         ├── gel
         │     └── Gel
         ├── genbank
         │         ├── genbank
         │         └── Genbank
         ├── parsers
         │         ├── parse
         │         └── parse_primers
         └── readers
                   ├── read
                   └── read_primers

How to use the documentation
Documentation is available as docstrings provided in the source code for
each module.
These docstrings can be inspected by reading the source code directly.
See further below on how to obtain the code for pydna.

In the python shell, use the built-in ``help`` function to view a
function's docstring::

  >>> from pydna import readers
  >>> help(
  ... # doctest: +SKIP

The doctrings are also used to provide an automaticly generated reference
manual available online at
`read the docs <>`_.

Docstrings can be explored using `IPython <>`_, an
advanced Python shell with
TAB-completion and introspection capabilities. To see which functions
are available in `pydna`,
type `pydna.<TAB>` (where `<TAB>` refers to the TAB key).
Use `pydna.open_config_folder?<ENTER>`to view the docstring or
`pydna.open_config_folder??<ENTER>` to view the source code.

In the `Spyder IDE <>`_ it is possible
to place the cursor immediately before the name of a module,class or
function and press ctrl+i to bring up docstrings in a separate window in Spyder

Code snippets are indicated by three greater-than signs::

    >>> x=41
    >>> x=x+1
    >>> x

pydna source code

The pydna source code is
`available on Github <>`_.

How to get more help

Please join the
`Google group <!forum/pydna>`_
for pydna, this is the preferred location for help. If you find bugs
in pydna itself, open an issue at the
`Github repository <>`_.

Examples of pydna in use

See this repository for a collection of
 `examples <>`_.


from pydna.utils import open_folder as _open_folder
from pathlib import Path as _Path
import os as _os
import logging as _logging
import logging.handlers as _handlers
import appdirs as _appdirs
import configparser as _configparser
from pydna._pretty import PrettyTable as _PrettyTable

__author__ = "Björn Johansson"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 - 2021 Björn Johansson"
__credits__ = ["Björn Johansson", "Mark Budde"]
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Björn Johansson"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"  # "Production" #"Prototype"
__version__ = "0.0.0"

# create config directory
_os.environ["pydna_config_dir"] = _os.getenv("pydna_config_dir", _appdirs.user_config_dir("pydna"))
config_dir = _Path(_os.environ["pydna_config_dir"])
config_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# set path for the pydna.ini file
_ini_path = config_dir / "pydna.ini"

# define user_data_dir
user_data_dir = _Path(_appdirs.user_data_dir("pydna"))

default_ini = {
    "ape": "put/path/to/ape/here",
    "cached_funcs": "pydna.genbank.genbank.nucleotide",
    "data_dir": str(user_data_dir),
    "email": "",
    "enzymes": str(user_data_dir / ""),
    "log_dir": _appdirs.user_log_dir("pydna"),
    "loglevel": str(_logging.WARNING),
    "primers": str(user_data_dir / ""),
    "assembly_limit": str(10),

# initiate a config parser instance
_parser = _configparser.ConfigParser()

# if a pydna.ini exists, it is read
if _ini_path.exists():
else:  # otherwise it is created with default settings
    _parser["main"] = default_ini
    with open(_ini_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:  # TODO needs encoding?

# pydna related environmental variables are set
# from pydna.ini if they are not set already
_main = _parser["main"]

for key in default_ini:
    _os.environ[f"pydna_{key}"] = _os.getenv(f"pydna_{key}", _main.get(key, default_ini[key]))

logdir = _Path(_os.environ["pydna_log_dir"])

# create log directory if not present
logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
_logmsg = "Log directory {}".format(logdir)

# create logger
_logger = _logging.getLogger("pydna")
_hdlr = _handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
    logdir / "pydna.log",
    maxBytes=10 * 1024 * 1024,

_formatter = _logging.Formatter(("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s" " %(funcName)s %(message)s"))
_logger.addHandler(_hdlr)"Environmental variable pydna_ape          = %s", _os.environ["pydna_ape"])"Environmental variable pydna_cached_funcs = %s", _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"])"Environmental variable pydna_data_dir     = %s", _os.environ["pydna_data_dir"])"Environmental variable pydna_email        = %s", _os.environ["pydna_email"])"Environmental variable pydna_log_dir      = %s", _os.environ["pydna_log_dir"])"Environmental variable pydna_loglevel     = %s", _os.environ["pydna_loglevel"])"Environmental variable pydna_primers      = %s", _os.environ["pydna_primers"])
    "Environmental variable pydna_assembly_limit = %s",

# create cache directory if not present

_Path(_os.environ["pydna_data_dir"]).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# find out if optional dependecies for gel module are in place
# def _missing_modules_for_gel():
#    import importlib
#    from importlib import util
#    _missing = []
#    for _optm in ["scipy", "PIL", "numpy", "pyparsing", "requests"]:
#        _missing.extend([_optm] if not util.find_spec(_optm) else [])
#    del importlib
#    del util
#    return _missing
# _missing = _missing_modules_for_gel()
# if _missing:
#    _logger.warning(
#        "gel simulation will NOT be available." " Missing modules: %s",
#        ", ".join(_missing),
#    )
# else:
#"gel simulation is available," " optional dependencies were found.")
#"__version__ = %s", __version__)

class _PydnaWarning(Warning):
    """Pydna warning.

    Pydna uses this warning (or subclasses of it), to make it easy to
    silence all warning messages:

    >>> import warnings
    >>> from pydna import _PydnaWarning
    >>> warnings.simplefilter('ignore', _PydnaWarning)

    Consult the warnings module documentation for more details.


class _PydnaDeprecationWarning(_PydnaWarning):
    """pydna deprecation warning.

    Pydna uses this warning instead of the built in DeprecationWarning
    since those are ignored by default since Python 2.7.

    To silence all our deprecation warning messages, use:

    >>> import warnings
    >>> from pydna import _PydnaDeprecationWarning
    >>> warnings.simplefilter('ignore', _PydnaDeprecationWarning)

    Code marked as deprecated will be removed in a future version
    of Pydna. This can be discussed in the Pydna google group:!forum/pydna



def open_current_folder():
    """Open the current working directory.

    Opens in the default file manager. The location for this folder is
    given by the :func:`os.getcwd` function
    return _open_folder(_os.getcwd())"Current working directory = os.getcwd() = %s", _os.getcwd())

def open_cache_folder():
    """Open the pydna cache folder.

    Opens in the default file manager. The location for this folder is stored
    in the *pydna_data_dir* environmental variable.
    return _open_folder(_os.environ["pydna_data_dir"])

def open_config_folder():
    """Open the pydna configuration folder.

    Opens in the default file manager. The location for this folder is stored
    in the *pydna_config_dir* environmental variable.

    The `pydna.ini` file can be edited to make pydna quicker to use.
    See the documentation of the :class:configparser.ConfigParser´ class.

    Below is the content of a typical `pydna.ini` file on a Linux


        ape=tclsh /home/bjorn/.ApE/AppMain.tcl

    The email address is set to by default. If you change
    this to you own address, the :func:`pydna.genbank.genbank` function can be
    used to download sequences from Genbank directly without having to
    explicitly add the email address.

    Pydna can cache results from the following functions or methods:

    - :func:`pydna.genbank.Genbank.nucleotide`   Genbank_nucleotide
    - :func:`pydna.amplify.Anneal`               amplify_Anneal
    - :func:`pydna.assembly.Assembly`            assembly_Assembly
    - :func:``       download.download_text
    - :func:`pydna.dseqrecord.Dseqrecord.synced` Dseqrecord_synced

    These can be added separated by a comma to the cached_funcs entry
    in **pydna.ini** file or the pydna_cached_funcs environment variable.

    return _open_folder(_os.environ["pydna_config_dir"])

def open_log_folder():
    return _open_folder(_os.environ["pydna_log_dir"])

def get_env():
    """Print a an ascii table containing all environmental variables.

    Pydna related variables have names that starts with `pydna_`
    _table = _PrettyTable(["Variable", "Value"])
    # _table.set_style(_prettytable.DEFAULT)
    _table.align["Variable"] = "l"  # Left align
    _table.align["Value"] = "l"  # Left align
    _table.padding_width = 1  # One space between column edges and contents
    for k, v in sorted(_os.environ.items()):
        if k.lower().startswith("pydna"):
            _table.add_row([k, v])
    return _table

def logo():
    """Ascii-art logotype of pydna."""
    from pydna._pretty import pretty_str as _pretty_str

    message = f"pydna {__version__}"
        from pyfiglet import Figlet
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        f = Figlet()
        message = f.renderText(message)
    return _pretty_str(message)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os as _os

    cached = _os.getenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "")
    _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = ""
    import doctest

    doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
    _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = cached