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# terraform_cashier

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This uses []( to get pricing data

Designed to analyze terraform template files and return a cost estimate of running the infrastructure, assuming AWS is the target cloud. Perhaps other clouds can be supported going forward?

**NOTE**: This only calculates the cost of EC2 and RDS resources right now. To add support for more resources, open a PR or leave a comment. I'm always looking for feedback.

This is very much in a prototype state right now. Any advice or assistance is appreciated.

## Plan File
This relies on terraform plan files generated using `terraform plan -out=<filename>`.
It is recommended that you plan against an empty state so that all of your resources
are present in the plan file.

### Empty/Blank state plan
If you are using remote state, you will need to disable this. I accomplish this by renaming the file that defines my remote state, appending the extension `.off`. Then, I have to run `terraform init` again to initialize a blank local state. Then I can generate a plan that contains all my resources using the following command `terraform plan -out=<filename> -refresh=false`.

## Environment Variables
Variable Name | Description
------------ | -------------
AWS_REGION | The Region for which you want to create a price estimation (e.g. `us-east-1`)
TERRAFORM_PLANFILE | Where cashier should find your terraform plan output.
RUNNING_HOURS | (Optional) The number of running hours normally used in a month for your resources, on average. Defaults to 730 assuming 24/7 operation.
PRINT_VERSION | (Optional) If `true` will print current version of cashier and exit

## Installation and usage
Simply download the latest release from the releases page here: [](
Make sure that the binary is set executable
Set your environment variables appropriately
export TERRAFORM_PLANFILE="./terraform.plan"
export AWS_REGION="us-west-1"
And then run the `cashier` binary

If you wish to see the current version of cashier, use the following environment variable

## Docker 
The Docker image is not published on Docker Hub or any other registry provider, although you can build and use it locally.

$ docker build -t local/cashier:0.0.1 .

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/data local/cashier:0.0.1

*Run using custom ENV_VARs*
$ docker run --env AWS_REGION=us-east-1 --env TERRAFORM_PLANFILE=/data/terraform.plan -v $(pwd):/data local/cashier:0.0.1

## Local Development
This project uses []( for dependency management.
Be sure to install all required dependencies to build this locally using `govendor sync`.