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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package main

import (

type graphQLHTTPRequestBody struct {
    Query         string `json:"query"`
    Variables     string `json:"variables"`
    OperationName string `json:"operationName"`

type graphQLHTTPResponseBody struct {
    Data map[string][]graphQLResponseData `json:"data"`

type graphQLResponseData struct {
    PricePerUnit string `json:"PricePerUnit"`
    Unit         string `json:"Unit"`
    Currency     string `json:"Currency"`

type resourceCostMap struct {
    Resources map[string]float32
    Name      string
    Total     float32

type resourceMap struct {
    Resources map[string]map[string]int

var knownResourceTypes = map[string]string{
    // Using query aliases to get the pricing data for different types of instances at the same time
    "aws_instance":    "%s: AmazonEC2(Location:\"%s\", TermType:\"%s\", InstanceType:\"%s\", OS:\"Linux\", PreInstalledSW:\"NA\", CapacityStatus:\"Used\", Tenancy:\"%s\") {PricePerUnit Unit Currency}",
    "aws_db_instance": "%s: AmazonRDS(Location:\"%s\", TermType:\"%s\", InstanceType:\"%s\", Deployment_Option:\"%s\", Database_Engine:\"%s\") {PricePerUnit Unit Currency}",

var resourceTypesToFriendlyNames = map[string]string{
    "aws_instance":    "EC2",
    "aws_db_instance": "RDS",

var regionMap = map[string]string{
    "us-gov-west-1":  "AWS GovCloud (US)",
    "us-gov-east-1":  "AWS GovCloud (US-East)",
    "us-east-1":      "US East (N. Virginia)",
    "us-east-2":      "US East (Ohio)",
    "us-west-1":      "US West (N. California)",
    "us-west-2":      "US West (Oregon)",
    "ca-central-1":   "Canada (Central)",
    "cn-north-1":     "China (Beijing)",
    "cn-northwest-1": "China (Ningxia)",
    "eu-central-1":   "EU (Frankfurt)",
    "eu-west-1":      "EU (Ireland)",
    "eu-west-2":      "EU (London)",
    "eu-west-3":      "EU (Paris)",
    "eu-north-1":     "EU (Stockholm)",
    "ap-northeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)",
    "ap-northeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)",
    "ap-northeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)",
    "ap-southeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)",
    "ap-southeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)",
    "ap-south-1":     "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)",
    "sa-east-1":      "South America (Sao Paulo)",

// See for the code of this API
const apiURL = ""

// Should match the git tagged release
const version = "0.6"

func main() {
    // notest

    if os.Getenv("PRINT_VERSION") == "true" {
        fmt.Println("Terraform Cashier")
        fmt.Printf("Version: %s\n", version)

    if os.Getenv("AWS_REGION") == "" {
        log.Fatal("AWS_REGION not set")

    var terraformPlanFile string
    if os.Getenv("TERRAFORM_PLANFILE") == "" {
        log.Fatal("TERRAFORM_PLANFILE not set")
    } else {
        terraformPlanFile = os.Getenv("TERRAFORM_PLANFILE")

    masterResourceMap := resourceMap{
        Resources: map[string]map[string]int{
            "aws_instance":    {"r4.xlarge,Shared": 0},
            "aws_db_instance": {"db.r4.xlarge,mysql,Single-AZ": 0},

    var err error

    masterResourceMap, err = processTerraformPlan(masterResourceMap, terraformPlanFile)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error processing terraform plan: '%s'\n", err)

    graphQLQueryString, err := generateGraphQLQuery(masterResourceMap)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error generating GraphQL Query: '%s'\n", err)
    // We want a high timeout because the lambda function
    // needs at least 1 request to warm up. The first request
    // always takes a long time.
    timeout := time.Duration(40 * time.Second)

    client := http.Client{
        Timeout: timeout,

    fmt.Println("Calling GraphQL Pricing API...")

    resp, err := client.Post(apiURL, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(graphQLQueryString)))
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error making request to Pricing API: '%s'", err)
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error reading response body: '%s'", err)
    var response graphQLHTTPResponseBody

    unmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal(body, &response)
    if unmarshalErr != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error Unmarshalling Response Body", unmarshalErr)

    resourceCostMapArray, err := calculateInfraCost(response, masterResourceMap)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error generating []resourceCostMap", err)

    var runningHours uint64
    if os.Getenv("RUNNING_HOURS") == "" {
        runningHours = 730
    } else {
        runningHours, err = strconv.ParseUint(os.Getenv("RUNNING_HOURS"), 10, 16)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error parsing int from RUNNING_HOURS environment variable", err)

    var totalMonthlyCost float32

    for _, resourceCostMap := range resourceCostMapArray {
        fmt.Println("Cost of", resourceTypesToFriendlyNames[resourceCostMap.Name])
        fmt.Println("Breakdown by type:")
        for resourceType, cost := range resourceCostMap.Resources {
            if resourceType != "" && cost != 0.00 {
                fmt.Printf("%v (%v): $%v\n", resourceType, masterResourceMap.Resources[resourceCostMap.Name][resourceType], cost)
        fmt.Printf("Total Hourly: $%v\nTotal Monthly: $%v\nNote: Monthly cost based on %v runtime hours per month\n", resourceCostMap.Total, resourceCostMap.Total*float32(runningHours), runningHours)

        totalMonthlyCost = totalMonthlyCost + resourceCostMap.Total*float32(runningHours)
    fmt.Printf("Total Monthly Cost of All Services: %v\n", totalMonthlyCost)

// This function takes the pricing data and uses it to calculate the infrastructure cost by looking at the
// map of terraform resources. Basically, we're just iterating over some maps here...
func calculateInfraCost(pricingData graphQLHTTPResponseBody, terraformResources resourceMap) ([]resourceCostMap, error) {
    var returnArray []resourceCostMap
    var oneDedicatedEc2 = false

    for resourceName, resourceTypes := range terraformResources.Resources {
        var resourceSpecificCostMap resourceCostMap
        resourceSpecificCostMap.Name = resourceName
        resourceSpecificCostMap.Resources = map[string]float32{"": 0.00}
        for resourceType, count := range resourceTypes {
            var alias string
            alias = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(resourceType, ".", "_", -1), ",", "_", -1), "-", "_", -1)
            var price float64
            var err error
            for _, element := range pricingData.Data[alias] {
                price, err = strconv.ParseFloat(element.PricePerUnit, 32)
                if err != nil {
                    return []resourceCostMap{}, err
            resourceSpecificCostMap.Resources[resourceType] = (float32(price) * float32(count))
            if oneDedicatedEc2 == false && resourceName == "aws_instance" && strings.Split(resourceType, ",")[1] == "Dedicated" {
                resourceSpecificCostMap.Resources["DedicatedPerRegionFee"] = 2.00
                oneDedicatedEc2 = true
        var runningTotalCost float32
        for _, cost := range resourceSpecificCostMap.Resources {
            runningTotalCost = resourceSpecificCostMap.Total
            resourceSpecificCostMap.Total = runningTotalCost + cost
        returnArray = append(returnArray, resourceSpecificCostMap)
    return returnArray, nil

func processTerraformPlan(masterResourceMap resourceMap, planFile string) (resourceMap, error) {
    file, err := planfile.Open(planFile)
    if err != nil {
        return masterResourceMap, err

    plan, err := file.ReadPlan()
    if err != nil {
        return masterResourceMap, err

    for _, resource := range plan.Changes.Resources {
        ty, err := resource.ChangeSrc.After.ImpliedType()
        if err != nil {
            return masterResourceMap, err
        value, err := resource.ChangeSrc.After.Decode(ty)
        if err != nil {
            return masterResourceMap, err

        valueMap := value.AsValueMap()

        resourceType := strings.Split(resource.Addr.String(), ".")[0]
        switch resourceType {
        case "aws_instance":
            var resourceMapKey string
            if valueMap["tenancy"].Equals(cty.StringVal("dedicated")) == cty.True {
                resourceMapKey = valueMap["instance_type"].AsString() + ",Dedicated"
            } else {
                resourceMapKey = valueMap["instance_type"].AsString() + ",Shared"
            masterResourceMap = countResource(masterResourceMap, resourceType, resourceMapKey)
        case "aws_db_instance":
            var resourceMapKey string
            if valueMap["multi_az"].Equals(cty.True) == cty.True {
                resourceMapKey = valueMap["instance_class"].AsString() + "," + valueMap["engine"].AsString() + ",Multi-AZ"
            } else {
                resourceMapKey = valueMap["instance_class"].AsString() + "," + valueMap["engine"].AsString() + ",Single-AZ"
            masterResourceMap = countResource(masterResourceMap, resourceType, resourceMapKey)
            fmt.Println("resource type not recognized: ", resourceType)

    return masterResourceMap, nil

// This takes a terraform file and adds it to the global resource map used to shape the GraphQL query

func countResource(masterResourceMap resourceMap, resourceType string, resourceDescription string) resourceMap {
    if count := masterResourceMap.Resources[resourceType][resourceDescription]; count == 0 {
        masterResourceMap.Resources[resourceType][resourceDescription] = 1
    } else {
        masterResourceMap.Resources[resourceType][resourceDescription] = count + 1
    return masterResourceMap

func generateGraphQLQuery(masterResourceMap resourceMap) (string, error) {
    graphQLQueryString := ""
    requestBody := graphQLHTTPRequestBody{
        Query:         "",
        Variables:     "",
        OperationName: "",
    for resource := range masterResourceMap.Resources {
        if queryStringTemplate, ok := knownResourceTypes[resource]; ok {
            for resourceType, count := range masterResourceMap.Resources[resource] {
                if count > 0 {
                    region := regionMap[os.Getenv("AWS_REGION")]
                    var alias string
                    alias = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(resourceType, ".", "_", -1), ",", "_", -1), "-", "_", -1)
                    switch resource {
                    case "aws_instance":
                        ec2Instance := strings.Split(resourceType, ",")
                        instanceType := ec2Instance[0]
                        tenancy := ec2Instance[1]
                        graphQLQueryString = graphQLQueryString + " " + fmt.Sprintf(queryStringTemplate, alias, region, "OnDemand", instanceType, tenancy)
                    case "aws_db_instance":
                        rdsInstance := strings.Split(resourceType, ",")
                        instanceClass := rdsInstance[0]
                        engine := rdsInstance[1]
                        deploymentOption := rdsInstance[2]
                        graphQLQueryString = graphQLQueryString + " " + fmt.Sprintf(queryStringTemplate, alias, region, "OnDemand", instanceClass, deploymentOption, engine)
    graphQLQueryString = "{" + graphQLQueryString + "}"
    requestBody.Query = graphQLQueryString
    requestBodyJSON, err := json.Marshal(requestBody)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return string(requestBodyJSON), nil