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2 hrs
Test Coverage
import t from 'tcomb'
import debug from 'debug'
import warning from 'warning'
import { compose } from 'stampit'
import { oneLine } from 'common-tags'

import { assign } from './core/Object'
import ObjectCache from './core/ObjectCache'

import SubjectList from './SubjectList'
import TreeList from './TreeList'
import BehaviorList from './BehaviorList'
import Compiler from './Compiler'

import ExecutionToolbox from './ExecutionToolbox'
import ExecutionCompiler from './ExecutionCompiler'

import { Status as StatusType } from './types'
import { BEHAVIOR_TYPE } from './const'

const log = debug('chief')
const logTick = debug('chief:tick')

const Execution = compose(
    SubjectList, TreeList, BehaviorList, Compiler, {
        methods: { planExecution },

function planExecution(toolboxFactory = () => null, onError = log) {
    const getExecutionRootNode = ObjectCache(
        buildExecutionTree, (tree) => tree.getId(),

    const getSubjectExecution = ObjectCache(
        buildSubjectExecution, (subject) => subject.getId(),

    const toolbox = ExecutionToolbox.create({ onError })
    const getSubjectTargetToolbox = ObjectCache(
        (subject) => assembleSubjectToolbox(toolbox, toolboxFactory(subject)),
        (subject) => subject.getTarget(),

    const compileBehavior = ExecutionCompiler({ compiler: this.compiler, onError })

    const buildExecutionNode = (node) => {
        const behaviorId = node.getBehaviorId()
        const behavior = this.getBehavior(behaviorId)
        const compilation = compileBehavior(behavior)
        return createExecutionNode(node, behavior, compilation)

    const getTreeExecution = (subjectExecution) => (treeId) => {
        const tree = this.getTree(treeId)
        if (tree === null) {
            return toolbox.error('trying to execute invalid tree %s', treeId)

        const rootExecutionNode = getExecutionRootNode(tree, buildExecutionNode)
        if (rootExecutionNode === null) {
            return toolbox.error('%s has no root node attached', treeId)

        return subjectExecution(rootExecutionNode)

    const executeSubject = (subject) => {
        const subjectToolbox = getSubjectTargetToolbox(subject)

        const subjectExecution = getSubjectExecution(subject, subjectToolbox)
        const executeTree = getTreeExecution(subjectExecution)

        // this isn't very pretty solution as it makes the function accessible
        // on execution context object as well and it shouldn't be possible to
        // execute tree in different method than tick
        // however with current layout there is other way to pass that all the
        // way down there (createSubtreeExecutionTick)
        subjectToolbox.executeTree = executeTree

        log('executing subject %s with target %s', subject.getId(), subject.getTarget())
        return executeTree(subject.getTreeId())

    return executeSubject

const isNodeOpenMemoryTag = '__isOpen'

function execute(executionNode, executionContext, executionTick) {
    const { memory, status: { ERROR, RUNNING }} = executionContext

    if (executeEnter(executionNode, executionContext) === ERROR) {
        return ERROR

    const isClosed = memory.get(isNodeOpenMemoryTag) !== true

    if (isClosed && executeOpen(executionNode, executionContext) === ERROR) {
        return ERROR

    const tickStatus = executeTick(
        executionNode, executionContext, executionTick,

    if (tickStatus !== RUNNING) {
        if (executeClose(executionNode, executionContext) === ERROR) {
            return ERROR

    if (executeExit(executionNode, executionContext) === ERROR) {
        return ERROR

    return tickStatus

function executeEnter({ node, compilation }, executionContext) {
    log('entering node %s...', node)
    return executeCompilation(compilation, 'onEnter', executionContext)

function executeOpen(executionNode, executionContext) {
    log('opening node %s...', executionNode.node)
    const result = executeCompilation(executionNode.compilation, 'onOpen', executionContext)
    if (result === executionContext.status.ERROR) {
        // if open fails, the exit should be still executed for a cleanup
        executeExit(executionNode, executionContext)
    } else {
        executionContext.memory.set(isNodeOpenMemoryTag, true)
    return result

function executeTick({ node, compilation }, executionContext, executionTick) {
    log('ticking node %s...', node)

    const resultStatus = executeCompilation(
        compilation, 'tick', executionContext, executionTick,

    if ( === false) {
        return executionContext.error(
            'invalid status returned by node %s: %s',
            node, resultStatus,

    logTick('node %s result: %s', node, resultStatus)
    return resultStatus

function executeClose({ node, compilation }, executionContext) {
    log('closing node %s...', node)
    const result = executeCompilation(compilation, 'onClose', executionContext)
    return result

function executeExit({ node, compilation }, executionContext) {
    log('exiting node %s...', node)
    return executeCompilation(compilation, 'onExit', executionContext)

function executeCompilation(compilation, methodName, arg1, arg2) {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
        return compilation[methodName](arg1, arg2)
    return executeCompilationSafe(compilation, methodName, arg1, arg2)

function executeCompilationSafe(compilation, methodName, arg1, arg2) {
    try {
        return compilation[methodName](arg1, arg2)
    } catch (err) {
        const executionContext = arg1
        return executionContext.error(
            err, 'failed to execute method %s on %s', methodName, compilation.behavior,

function buildSubjectExecution(subject, toolbox) {
    const getExecutionContext = ObjectCache(createExecutionContext)
    const getExecutionTick = ObjectCache(createExecutionTick)

    function executeNode(executionNode) {
        const executionContext = getExecutionContext(executionNode, subject, toolbox)
        const executionTick = getExecutionTick(executionNode, executeNode, toolbox)
        return execute(executionNode, executionContext, executionTick)

    return executeNode

function buildExecutionTree(tree, buildExecutionNode) {
    const treeId = tree.getId()
    const nodes = tree.listNodes()
    const executionNodes =
    const executionNodeMap = executionNodes.reduce(convertToNodeMap, {})

    let rootExecutionNode = null

    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 1) {
        const node = nodes[i]
        const executionNode = executionNodeMap[node.getId()]

        executionNode.treeId = treeId

        const parentId = node.getParentId()
        if (parentId === treeId) {
            rootExecutionNode = executionNode
        } else {
            const parentExecutionNode = executionNodeMap[parentId]
            if (parentExecutionNode !== undefined) {
                parentExecutionNode.children[node.getChildIndex()] = executionNode

    return rootExecutionNode

function convertToNodeMap(map, executionNode) {
    return assign(map, { [executionNode.node.getId()]: executionNode })

function createExecutionNode(node, behavior, compilation) {
    warning(!, oneLine`
        Unknown behavior %s specified for node %s.
    `, node.getBehaviorId(), node.getId())

    warning(!, oneLine`
        Compilation for behavior %s is missing.
    `, node.getBehaviorId())

    if (!(behavior || compilation)) {
        return null

    const type = behavior.getType()
    const config = assembleNodeConfig(

    return {
        children: [],

function assembleNodeConfig(behaviorConfig, nodeConfig) {
    return assign({}, behaviorConfig || {}, nodeConfig || {})

function assembleSubjectToolbox(toolbox, toolboxFactoryOutput) {
    if ( {
        return assign(toolboxFactoryOutput, toolbox)
    return assign({}, toolbox)

function createExecutionContext(executionNode, subject, toolbox) {
    return assign({
        config: executionNode.config,
        memory: subject.getNodeMemory(executionNode.node.getId(), executionNode.treeId),
        treeMemory: subject.getTreeMemory(executionNode.treeId),
        subjectMemory: subject.getSubjectMemory(),
    }, toolbox)

const executionTickByBehaviorType = {
    [BEHAVIOR_TYPE.DECORATOR]: createDecoratorExecutionTick,
    [BEHAVIOR_TYPE.COMPOSITE]: createCompositeExecutionTick,
    [BEHAVIOR_TYPE.SUBTREE]: createSubtreeExecutionTick,

function createExecutionTick(executionNode, executeNode, toolbox) {
    const factoryFunction = executionTickByBehaviorType[executionNode.type]
    if (factoryFunction !== undefined) {
        return factoryFunction(executionNode, executeNode, toolbox)
    return {}

function createDecoratorExecutionTick(executionNode, executeNode, toolbox) {
    const validExecutionNode = executionNode.children.find(Boolean)
    if (validExecutionNode === undefined) {
        return {
            child: () => toolbox.error('decorator node %s is missing required child', executionNode.node),
    return {
        child: executeNode.bind(undefined, validExecutionNode),

function createCompositeExecutionTick(executionNode, executeNode) {
    const children = => executeNode.bind(undefined, child))
    return { children }

function createSubtreeExecutionTick(executionNode, executeNode, toolbox) {
    return { executeTree: toolbox.executeTree }

export default Execution