* Copyright 2019, Momentum Ideas, Co. All rights reserved.
* Source and object computer code contained herein is the private intellectual
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import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
// Type Aliases
public typealias KeyID = String
// Callback Types
/// Callback type definition for an identity resolution routine, where public key material is fetched according to its
/// opaque key ID, or cryptographic fingerprint.
/// - Parameters:
/// - `CallResult`: gRPC call result object, which includes a status code.
/// - `ResolveKey.Response?`: If the call succeeded, a key resolution response, else `nil`.
/// - `Error?`: If an error occurred before request transmission, or server-side, it is provided here.
public typealias IdentityResolveCallback = (CallResult?, ResolveKey.Response?, Error?) -> ()
/// Enumerates code-level errors in the identity client.
public enum IdentityClientError: Error {
/// No API key could be resolved, or the given API key was invalid.
case invalidApiKey
/// Thrown when a key is attempted for resolution with a fingerprint that uses an unsupported algorithm.
case unsupportedAlgorithm
/// Thrown when digest content cannot be resolved.
case invalidDigest
/// An unknown client-side error occurred.
case unknown
/// Provides functionality for the Identity API, which is a simple service that supports resolution of arbitrary public
/// key material, previously registered by the agent that controls each key, by the public key's opaque key ID or
/// cryptographic fingerprint. In some circumstances, key ownership information is provided as well.
/// The main function of the Identity API is to resolve public keys for the purpose of verifying signatures. In most
/// cases, a signature in the Bloombox ecosystem includes the fingerprint of the public key portion of the asymmetric
/// keypair that performed the signing.
public final class IdentityClient: RemoteService {
/// Name of the Identity API, which is "identity".
let name = "identity"
/// Version of this service.
let version = "v1beta1"
// MARK: Internals
/// Client-wide settings.
internal let settings: Bloombox.Settings
/// Low-level identity service.
internal var svc: IdentityService?
/// Library-internal initializer.
/// - Parameter settings: Client-wide settings to apply.
internal init(settings: Bloombox.Settings) {
self.settings = settings
/// Identity service. Retrieve an implementation of the identity service, capable of communicating with server-side
/// methods for resolving public key material.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API Key to use.
/// - Parameter settings: Combined settings to use.
/// - Returns: Prepared Identity API service class.
/// - Throws: Client-side errors. See: `IdentityClientError`.
private func service(_ apiKey: APIKey) throws -> IdentityService {
if let s = self.svc {
return s
let svc = RPCServiceFactory<IdentityService>.factory(
withSettings: self.settings)
try svc.metadata.add(key: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
self.svc = svc
return svc
/// Resolve method context, throwing an error if it cannot be figured out. Where identity ops are concerned, this
/// only includes the API key with which we should connect to the service.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API key to connect to the service with.
/// - Returns: API key to use, based either on the override or library-default value.
/// - Throws: Client-side errors. See: `IdentityClientError`.
private func resolveContext(_ apiKey: APIKey? = nil) throws -> APIKey {
let apiKey: APIKey? = apiKey ?? settings.apiKey
guard apiKey != nil else {
throw IdentityClientError.invalidApiKey
return apiKey!
/// Resolve cryptographic hex digest from a `Hash` data structure, for the purpose of resolving a key.
/// - Parameter fingerprint: Cryptographic fingerprint structure.
/// - Returns: Hash algorithm in use and resolved hexdigest.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError.invalidDigest` if digest content cannot be resolved.
private func resolveHexdigest(_ fingerprint: Hash) throws -> (algorithm: HashAlgorithm, content: String) {
guard fingerprint.algorithm == .sha1 || fingerprint.algorithm == .md5 else {
throw IdentityClientError.unsupportedAlgorithm
guard let digest = fingerprint.digest else {
throw IdentityClientError.invalidDigest
// we have some kind of digest content
let subject: String
switch digest {
case .hex(let content):
subject = content.uppercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
throw IdentityClientError.invalidDigest
return (algorithm: fingerprint.algorithm, content: subject)
// MARK: - Public API -
// MARK: Key Resolution
/// Resolve public key material by the key pair's assigned or generated opaque key ID. In some circumstances,
/// public keys are resolved by an ID (for instance when JWT or JWS structures are involved). Keypairs are
/// registered by the agent that originally retains custody of the key.
/// - Parameter id: Opaque key ID to retrieve.
/// - Parameter apiKey: Override the API key set in library defaults.
/// - Returns: Key material response. This method is synchronous, so a response is returned directly.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError` codes related to the API key or other circumstances.
public func publicKey(byID id: KeyID,
authorizedBy apiKey: APIKey? = nil) throws -> ResolveKey.Response {
return try self.service(try resolveContext(apiKey)).keyResolve(ResolveKey.Request.with { builder in
builder.keyID = id
/// Resolve public key material, asynchronously, by the key pair's assigned or generated opaque key ID. In some
/// circumstances, public keys are resolved by an ID (for i nstance when JWT or JWS structures are involved).
/// Keypairs are registered by the agent that originally retains custody of the key.
/// - Parameter id: Opaque key ID to retrieve.
/// - Parameter apiKey: Override the API key set in library defaults.
/// - Parameter callback: Callable to dispatch once either a response or terminal error is available.
/// - Returns: RPC call object, which can be observed or cancelled.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError` codes related to the API key or other circumstances.
public func publicKey(byID id: KeyID,
authorizedBy apiKey: APIKey? = nil,
_ callback: @escaping IdentityResolveCallback) throws -> ResolveKeyCall {
return try self.service(try resolveContext(apiKey)).keyResolve(ResolveKey.Request.with { builder in
builder.keyID = id
}) { (response, callResult) in
callback(callResult, response, nil)
/// Resolve public key material, synchronously, by the subject keypair's public key cryptographic
/// fingerprint. In circumstances where a signature is present (for instance, a transaction), the asymmetric
/// keypair that performed the signature is referenced by a cryptographic fingerprint of the key pair's
/// constituent public key. This method allows fetching of the backing public key, so it may be used to
/// verify signatures associated with the key pair.
/// - Parameter fingerprint: Key fingerprint to retrieve. Only SHA1 and MD5 are supported, for now.
/// - Parameter apiKey: Override the API key set in library defaults.
/// - Returns: Key material response. This method is synchronous, so a response is returned directly.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError` codes related to the API key or other circumstances.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError.invalidDigest` if the digest content cannot be resolved.
/// - Throws: `IdentityCLientError.unsupportedAlgorithm` if the fingerprint structure uses an unsupported
/// algorithm. At the time of writing, SHA1 and MD5 are supported.
public func publicKey(fingerprint: Hash,
authorizedBy apiKey: APIKey? = nil) throws -> ResolveKey.Response {
let (algorithm, subject) = try self.resolveHexdigest(fingerprint)
return try self.service(try resolveContext(apiKey)).keyResolve(ResolveKey.Request.with { builder in
// we support SHA1 and MD5 here, for now
switch algorithm {
case .sha1: builder.sha1 = subject
case .md5: builder.md5 = subject
default: throw IdentityClientError.unsupportedAlgorithm
/// Resolve public key material, asynchronously, by the subject keypair's public key cryptographic
/// fingerprint. In circumstances where a signature is present (for instance, a transaction), the asymmetric
/// keypair that performed the signature is referenced by a cryptographic fingerprint of the key pair's
/// constituent public key. This method allows fetching of the backing public key, so it may be used to
/// verify signatures associated with the key pair.
/// - Parameter fingerprint: Key fingerprint to retrieve. Only SHA1 and MD5 are supported, for now.
/// - Parameter apiKey: Override the API key set in library defaults.
/// - Parameter callback: Callable to dispatch once either a response or terminal error is available.
/// - Returns: RPC call object, which can be observed or cancelled.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError` codes related to the API key or other circumstances.
/// - Throws: `IdentityClientError.invalidDigest` if the digest content cannot be resolved.
/// - Throws: `IdentityCLientError.unsupportedAlgorithm` if the fingerprint structure uses an unsupported
/// algorithm. At the time of writing, SHA1 and MD5 are supported.
public func publicKey(fingerprint: Hash,
authorizedBy apiKey: APIKey? = nil,
_ callback: @escaping IdentityResolveCallback) throws -> ResolveKeyCall {
let (algorithm, subject) = try self.resolveHexdigest(fingerprint)
return try self.service(try resolveContext(apiKey)).keyResolve(ResolveKey.Request.with { builder in
// we support SHA1 and MD5 here, for now
switch algorithm {
case .sha1: builder.sha1 = subject
case .md5: builder.md5 = subject
default: throw IdentityClientError.unsupportedAlgorithm
}) { (response, callResult) in
callback(callResult, response, nil)