* Copyright 2019, Momentum Ideas, Co. All rights reserved.
* Source and object computer code contained herein is the private intellectual
* property of Momentum Ideas Co., a Delaware Corporation. Use of this
* code in source form requires permission in writing before use or the
* assembly, distribution, or publishing of derivative works, for commercial
* purposes or any other purpose, from a duly authorized officer of Momentum
* Ideas Co.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
// Type Definitions
public typealias MenuRetrieveCallback = (CallResult, GetMenu.Response?) -> ()
public typealias MenuAPIContext = (partner: PartnerCode, location: LocationCode, apiKey: APIKey)
/// Enumerates code-level errors in the menu client. The errors occur before requests hit the server, and deal with
/// configuration errors in most cases.
public enum MenuClientError: Error {
/// The partner code was not provided, and could not be resolved, before calling a method that needed it.
case invalidPartnerCode
/// The location code was not provided, and could not be resolved, before calling a method that needed it.
case invalidLocationCode
/// The API key was not provided, and could not be resolved, before calling a method that needed it.
case invalidApiKey
/// An unknown client-side error occurred.
case unknown
/// Provides functionality for the Menu API, which supports operations related to fetching, querying, and managing, menu
/// catalog data (i.e. product content, pricing, materials information, and so on). Menus do not include inventory.
public final class MenuClient: RemoteService {
/// Name of the Menu API, which is "menu".
let name = "menu"
/// Version of this service.
let version = "v1beta1"
// MARK: Internals
/// Client-wide settings.
internal let settings: Bloombox.Settings
/// Service client.
internal var svc: MenuService?
/// Library-internal initializer.
/// - Parameter settings: Client-wide settings to apply.
internal init(settings: Bloombox.Settings) {
self.settings = settings
/// Menu service. Retrieve an implementation of the menu service, capable of retrieving product catalog information,
/// focused on the display/showcase of items.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API Key to use.
/// - Returns: Prepared Menu API service class.
internal func service(_ apiKey: APIKey) throws -> MenuService {
if let s = self.svc {
return s
let svc = RPCServiceFactory<MenuService>.factory(
withSettings: self.settings)
try svc.metadata.add(key: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
self.svc = svc
return svc
/// Resolve an API key, and partner/location context, throwing an error if it cannot be figured out. These items are
/// required for all calls to the Menu API. Check library defaults and fall back to them if overrides are not given.
/// - Parameter partner: Partner account code to use.
/// - Parameter location: Location account code to use.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API key to use with the service.
/// - Returns: Tuple of partner, location, and API key to use.
/// - Throws: `MenuClientError` codes if items cannot be resolved.
private func resolveContext(_ partner: PartnerCode? = nil,
_ location: LocationCode? = nil,
_ apiKey: APIKey? = nil) throws -> MenuAPIContext {
let partnerCode: PartnerCode? = partner ?? settings.partner
let locationCode: LocationCode? = location ?? settings.location
let apiKey: APIKey? = apiKey ?? settings.apiKey
guard apiKey != nil else {
throw MenuClientError.invalidApiKey
// validate partner and location codes
guard partnerCode != nil, locationCode != nil else {
// throw error: we require a partner or location code from somewhere
if partnerCode == nil {
throw MenuClientError.invalidPartnerCode
throw MenuClientError.invalidLocationCode
return (partner: partnerCode!, location: locationCode!, apiKey: apiKey!)
// MARK: - Public API -
// MARK: Menu Retrieve
/// Retrieve the active product catalog (menu) for a given partner/location. Menus are essentially sets of product
/// catalog information, with a focus on showcasing/displaying the items. This means that items that are currently out
/// of stock, or not available at this location, or under other similar circumstances, are withheld as results when
/// querying via the Menu API. These items are available by passing special flags, or via the Inventory API.
/// - Parameter partner: Partner account code to use.
/// - Parameter location: Location account code to use.
/// - Parameter keysOnly: Flag to indicate keys-only or full data.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API key to identify ourselves with to the Menu API.
/// - Returns: Materialized menu response for the subject partner/location.
/// - Throws: Client and server-side errors, since this method is synchronous.
public func retrieve(partner: PartnerCode? = nil,
location: LocationCode? = nil,
keysOnly: Bool = false,
apiKey: APIKey? = nil) throws -> GetMenu.Response {
let (partnerCode, locationCode, apiKey) = try resolveContext(partner, location, apiKey)
let service = try self.service(apiKey)
return try service.retrieve(GetMenu.Request.with { builder in
builder.scope = "partners/\(partnerCode)/locations/\(locationCode)"
/// Retrieve the active product catalog (menu) for a given partner/location, asynchronously. Menus are essentially
/// sets of product catalog information, with a focus on showcasing/displaying the items. This means that items that
/// are currently out of stock, or not available at this location, or under other similar circumstances, are withheld
/// as results when querying via the Menu API. These items are available by passing special flags, or via the
/// Inventory API.
/// The provided callback is dispatched once either a terminal error or RPC response is encountered. The return value
/// may be used to cancel the call or observe its status.
/// - Parameter partner: Partner account code to use.
/// - Parameter location: Location account code to use.
/// - Parameter keysOnly: Flag to indicate keys-only or full data.
/// - Parameter apiKey: API key to identify ourselves with to the Menu API.
/// - Parameter callback: Callable to dispatch once a result or terminal error is available.
/// - Returns: RPC call object, which can be observed to track call status, or used to cancel the call.
/// - Throws: Client-side errors only. Server-side errors are surfaced in the callback.
public func retrieve(partner: PartnerCode? = nil,
location: LocationCode? = nil,
keysOnly: Bool = false,
apiKey: APIKey? = nil,
callback: @escaping MenuRetrieveCallback) throws -> GetMenuCall {
let (partnerCode, locationCode, apiKey) = try resolveContext(partner, location, apiKey)
let service = try self.service(apiKey)
return try service.retrieve(GetMenu.Request.with { builder in
builder.scope = "partners/\(partnerCode)/locations/\(locationCode)"
}) { (response, callResult) in
callback(callResult, response)