* Copyright 2019, Momentum Ideas, Co. All rights reserved.
* Source and object computer code contained herein is the private intellectual
* property of Momentum Ideas Co., a Delaware Corporation. Use of this
* code in source form requires permission in writing before use or the
* assembly, distribution, or publishing of derivative works, for commercial
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
import Foundation
import SwiftGRPC
// MARK: - RPC Endpoints
/// Specifies a structure that provides information required to connect to a remote RPC endpoint exposed for access over
/// the public internet.
internal protocol RPCEndpoint {
/// Hostname or IP address to connect to.
var host: String { get }
/// Port to connect to.
var port: Int { get }
/// Specifies a structure that provides a secure RPC endpoint, wrapped with Transport Layer Security (i.e. TLS/HTTPS).
internal protocol SecureRPCEndpoint: RPCEndpoint {
/// Client-side identity certificate.
var cert: String? { get }
/// Client-side identity private key.
var key: String? { get }
/// Client-side trust chain.
var chain: String? { get }
/// SNI hostname, if applicable.
var hostname: String? { get }
/// Specifies a plaintext, unsecured endpoint.
internal struct PlaintextEndpoint: RPCEndpoint {
/// Host (domain or IP address), to connect to.
let host: String
/// Port to connect to at the specified host.
let port: Int
/// Specifies an RPC endpoint protected by TLS.
internal struct TLSEndpoint: SecureRPCEndpoint {
/// Host (domain or IP address) to connect to.
let host: String
/// Port to connect to at the specified host.
let port: Int
/// Chain of certificates to accept from the server-side endpoint.
let chain: String?
/// Certificate to present as the client-side identity.
let cert: String?
/// Key to use when authorizing the client-side identity.
let key: String?
/// Hostname to expect when connecting to the server.
let hostname: String?
// MARK: - RPC Services
/// Main protocol for a remotely-supported RPC service.
public protocol RPCService {
init(channel: Channel)
init(address: String, secure: Bool, arguments: [Channel.Argument])
/// Generic factory that is capable of creating new instances of RPC service logic classes. Given settings, this class
/// initializes and prepares an individual RPC service for use.
internal struct RPCServiceFactory<Service: ServiceClientBase> {
/// Produce an RPC endpoint spec from a set of RPC service settings.
static func endpoint(forService settings: RPCServiceSettings) -> RPCEndpoint {
if {
return TLSEndpoint(
port: settings.port,
chain: settings.chain,
cert: settings.cert,
key: settings.key,
hostname: settings.hostname ??
} else {
return PlaintextEndpoint(
port: settings.port)
/// Factory a new instance of the service this factory is specialized to. Given an endpoint spec, initialize the new
/// service and prepare it for use.
static func factory(endpoint: RPCEndpoint, withSettings settings: Bloombox.Settings) -> Service {
if let chan = {
// pre-existing channel
return Service.init(channel: chan)
if let secure = endpoint as? SecureRPCEndpoint {
// connect over TLS
if let _ = secure.chain {
return Service.init(
address: "\(\(endpoint.port)",
secure: true)
} else {
return Service.init(
address: "\(\(endpoint.port)", secure: true)
} else {
// connect over plaintext
return Service.init(
address: "\(\(endpoint.port)", secure: false)
/// Factory a new instance of the service this factory is specialized to. Given a set of RPC service settings, build
/// an endpoint spec, and then initialize the new service and prepare it for use.
static func factory(forService service: RPCServiceSettings, withSettings settings: Bloombox.Settings) -> Service {
return factory(endpoint: endpoint(forService: service), withSettings: settings)
// MARK: - RPC Logic
/// Low-level RPC logic class. Provides routines and methods for preparing, dispatching, and fulfilling callbacks for
/// RPCs of any type. Driven by the higher-order specialized service classes to apply stronger typing.
internal final class RPCLogic: ClientLogic {
/// Main API client settings.
let settings: Bloombox.Settings
/// Initialize this RPC logic with client settings.
init(settings: Bloombox.Settings) {
self.settings = settings
/// Prepare low-level RPC logic for use.
func prepare() { /* default: no-op */ }