File `extrafeats.py` has 385 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring."""Extracellular features functions""" """Copyright (c) 2024, EPFL/Blue Brain Project This file is part of eFEL <https://github.com/BlueBrain/eFEL> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.""" import numpy as npfrom scipy.stats import linregressfrom scipy.signal import resample_poly all_1D_features = [ "peak_to_valley", "halfwidth", "peak_trough_ratio", "repolarization_slope", "recovery_slope", "neg_peak_relative", "pos_peak_relative", "neg_peak_diff", "pos_peak_diff", "neg_image", "pos_image",] def _get_slope(x, y): """ Return the slope of x and y data, using scipy.signal.linregress """ slope = linregress(x, y) return slope def _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveform, after_max_trough=False): """ Return the indices of the detected troughs (minimum of waveform) and peaks (maximum of waveform, after trough) of the input waveforms. Assumes negative troughs and positive peaks Returns 0 if not detected """ if after_max_trough: max_trough_idx = np.unravel_index( np.argmin(waveform), waveform.shape)[1] trough_idx = ( np.argmin(waveform[:, max_trough_idx:], axis=1) + max_trough_idx ) peak_idx = ( np.argmax(waveform[:, max_trough_idx:], axis=1) + max_trough_idx ) else: trough_idx = np.argmin(waveform, axis=1) peak_idx = np.argmax(waveform, axis=1) return trough_idx, peak_idx Function `calculate_features` has a Cognitive Complexity of 16 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `calculate_features` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.def calculate_features( waveforms, sampling_frequency, upsample=None, feature_names=None, recovery_slope_window=0.7): """Calculate features for all waveforms Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sampling_frequency : float rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz) feature_names : list or None (if None, compute all) features to compute recovery_slope_window : float window length in ms after peak wherein recovery slope is computed Returns: dict (num_waveforms x num_metrics): Dictionary with computed metrics. Keys are the metric names, values are the computed features """ metrics = dict() if feature_names is None: feature_names = all_1D_features else: for name in feature_names: assert name in all_1D_features, f"{name} not in {all_1D_features}" if upsample is not None: assert upsample > 0 waveforms = _upsample_wf(waveforms, int(upsample)) sampling_frequency = upsample * sampling_frequency if "peak_to_valley" in feature_names: metrics["peak_to_valley"] = peak_to_valley( waveforms=waveforms, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency ) if "peak_trough_ratio" in feature_names: metrics["peak_trough_ratio"] = peak_trough_ratio(waveforms=waveforms) if "halfwidth" in feature_names: metrics["halfwidth"] = halfwidth( waveforms=waveforms, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency ) if "repolarization_slope" in feature_names: metrics["repolarization_slope"] = repolarization_slope( waveforms=waveforms, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, ) if "recovery_slope" in feature_names: metrics["recovery_slope"] = recovery_slope( waveforms=waveforms, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, window=recovery_slope_window, ) if "neg_peak_diff" in feature_names: metrics["neg_peak_diff"] = peak_time_diff( waveforms=waveforms, fs=sampling_frequency, sign="negative" ) if "pos_peak_diff" in feature_names: metrics["pos_peak_diff"] = peak_time_diff( waveforms=waveforms, fs=sampling_frequency, sign="positive" ) if "neg_peak_relative" in feature_names: metrics["neg_peak_relative"] = relative_amplitude( waveforms=waveforms, sign="negative" ) if "pos_peak_relative" in feature_names: metrics["pos_peak_relative"] = relative_amplitude( waveforms=waveforms, sign="positive" ) if "neg_image" in feature_names: metrics["neg_image"] = peak_image(waveforms=waveforms, sign="negative") if "pos_image" in feature_names: metrics["pos_image"] = peak_image(waveforms=waveforms, sign="positive") return metrics def peak_to_valley(waveforms, sampling_frequency): """ Time between trough and peak. If the peak precedes the trough, peak_to_valley is negative. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute feature for sampling_frequency : float rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz) Returns: np.ndarray (num_waveforms): peak_to_valley in seconds """ trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) ptv = (peak_idx - trough_idx) * (1 / sampling_frequency) ptv[ptv == 0] = np.nan return ptv def peak_trough_ratio(waveforms): """ Normalized ratio of peak height over trough depth Assumes baseline is 0 Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute feature for Returns: np.ndarray (num_waveforms): Peak to trough ratio """ trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) ptratio = np.empty(trough_idx.shape[0]) ptratio[:] = np.nan for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if peak_idx[i] == 0 and trough_idx[i] == 0: continue ptratio[i] = np.abs(waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]] / waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]]) return ptratio Function `halfwidth` has a Cognitive Complexity of 13 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def halfwidth( waveforms, sampling_frequency, return_idx=False): """ Width of waveform at half of its amplitude. If the peak precedes the trough, halfwidth is negative. Computes the width of the waveform peak at half its height Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sampling_frequency : float rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz) return_idx : bool if true, also returns index of threshold crossing before and index of threshold crossing after peak Returns: np.ndarray or (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): Halfwidth of the waveforms or (Halfwidth of the waveforms, index_cross_pre_peak, index_cross_post_peak) """ trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) hw = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0]) hw[:] = np.nan cross_pre_pk = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0], dtype=int) cross_post_pk = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0], dtype=int) for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if peak_idx[i] >= trough_idx[i]: trough_val = waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]] threshold = ( 0.5 * trough_val ) # threshold is half of peak heigth (assuming baseline is 0) cpre_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, :trough_idx[i]] < threshold)[0] cpost_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]:] < threshold)[0] if len(cpre_idx) == 0 or len(cpost_idx) == 0: continue cross_pre_pk[i] = ( cpre_idx[0] - 1 ) # last occurence of waveform lower than thr, before peak cross_post_pk[i] = ( cpost_idx[-1] + 1 + trough_idx[i] ) # first occurence of waveform lower than peak, after peak hw[i] = (cross_post_pk[i] - cross_pre_pk[i]) * ( 1 / sampling_frequency ) # + peak_idx[i] else: peak_val = waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]] threshold = ( 0.5 * peak_val ) # threshold is half of peak heigth (assuming baseline is 0) cpre_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, :peak_idx[i]] > threshold)[0] cpost_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]:] > threshold)[0] if len(cpre_idx) == 0 or len(cpost_idx) == 0: continue cross_pre_pk[i] = ( cpre_idx[0] - 1 ) # last occurence of waveform lower than thr, before peak cross_post_pk[i] = ( cpost_idx[-1] + 1 + trough_idx[i] ) # first occurence of waveform lower than peak, after peak hw[i] = -(cross_post_pk[i] - cross_pre_pk[i]) * ( 1 / sampling_frequency ) # + peak_idx[i] if not return_idx: return hw return hw, cross_pre_pk, cross_post_pk Function `repolarization_slope` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def repolarization_slope(waveforms, sampling_frequency, return_idx=False ): """ Return slope of repolarization period between trough and baseline After reaching its maxumum polarization, the neuron potential will recover. The repolarization slope is defined as the dV/dT of the action potential between trough and baseline. Optionally the function returns also the indices per waveform where the potential crosses baseline. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sampling_frequency : float rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz) return_idx : bool if true, also returns index of threshold crossing before and index of threshold crossing after peak Returns: np.ndarray or (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): Repolarization slope of the waveforms or (Repolarization slope of the waveforms, return to base index) """ trough_idx, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) rslope = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0]) rslope[:] = np.nan return_to_base_idx = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0], dtype=np.int_) return_to_base_idx[:] = 0 time = np.arange(0, waveforms.shape[1]) * (1 / sampling_frequency) # in s for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if trough_idx[i] == 0: continue rtrn_idx = np.where(waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]:] >= 0)[0] if len(rtrn_idx) == 0: continue return_to_base_idx[i] = ( rtrn_idx[0] + trough_idx[i] ) # first time after trough, where waveform is at baseline if return_to_base_idx[i] - trough_idx[i] < 3: continue slope = _get_slope( time[trough_idx[i]:return_to_base_idx[i]], waveforms[i, trough_idx[i]:return_to_base_idx[i]] ) rslope[i] = slope[0] if not return_idx: return rslope return rslope, return_to_base_idx def recovery_slope(waveforms, sampling_frequency, window): """ Return the recovery slope of input waveforms. After repolarization, the neuron hyperpolarizes until it peaks. The recovery slope is the slope of the action potential after the peak, returning to the baseline in dV/dT. The slope is computed within a user-defined window after the peak. Takes a numpy array of waveforms and returns an array with recovery slopes per waveform. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sampling_frequency : float rate at which the waveforms are sampled (Hz) window : float length after peak wherein to compute recovery slope (ms) Returns: np.ndarray: Recovery slope of the waveforms """ _, peak_idx = _get_trough_and_peak_idx(waveforms) rslope = np.empty(waveforms.shape[0]) rslope[:] = np.nan time = np.arange(0, waveforms.shape[1]) * (1 / sampling_frequency) # in s for i in range(waveforms.shape[0]): if peak_idx[i] in [0, waveforms.shape[1]]: continue max_idx = int(peak_idx[i] + ((window / 1000) * sampling_frequency)) max_idx = np.min([max_idx, waveforms.shape[1]]) if len(time[peak_idx[i]:max_idx]) < 3: continue slope = _get_slope( time[peak_idx[i]:max_idx], waveforms[i, peak_idx[i]:max_idx] ) rslope[i] = slope[0] return rslope def peak_image(waveforms, sign="negative"): """ Normalized amplitude at the time of peak minimum or maximum. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sign : str "positive" | "negative" Returns: np.ndarray: Peak images for the waveforms """ assert len(waveforms) > 1 if sign == "negative": funarg = np.argmin fun = np.min else: funarg = np.argmax fun = np.max peak_channel, peak_time = np.unravel_index( funarg(waveforms), waveforms.shape ) relative_peaks = waveforms[:, peak_time] / fun(waveforms[peak_channel]) return relative_peaks def relative_amplitude(waveforms, sign="negative"): """ Normalized amplitude with respect to channel with largest amplitude. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for sign : str "positive" | "negative" Returns: np.ndarray: Relative amplitudes for the waveforms """ assert len(waveforms) > 1 if sign == "negative": fun = np.min else: fun = np.max peak_amp = np.abs(fun(waveforms)) relative_peaks = np.abs(fun(waveforms, 1)) / peak_amp return relative_peaks def peak_time_diff(waveforms, fs, sign="negative"): """ Peak time differences with respect to channel with largest amplitude. Args: waveforms : numpy.ndarray (num_waveforms x num_samples) waveforms to compute features for fs : float Sampling rate in Hz sign : str "positive" | "negative" Returns: np.ndarray: Peak time differences for the waveforms """ assert len(waveforms) > 1 if sign == "negative": argfun = np.argmin else: argfun = np.argmax peak_chan = np.unravel_index(argfun(waveforms), waveforms.shape)[0] peak_time = argfun(waveforms[peak_chan]) relative_peak_times = (argfun(waveforms, 1) - peak_time) / fs return relative_peak_times def _upsample_wf(waveforms, upsample): ndim = len(waveforms.shape) waveforms_up = resample_poly(waveforms, up=upsample, down=1, axis=ndim - 1) return waveforms_up