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File `` has 299 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
"""Features that are depending on the inter-spike intervals."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing_extensions import deprecated
import warnings
import numpy as np
from efel.pyfeatures.cppfeature_access import (
_get_cpp_data, get_cpp_feature
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@deprecated("Use all_ISI_values instead")
def ISIs() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Get all ISIs, inter-spike intervals."""
return get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
@deprecated("Use ISIs instead.")
def ISI_values() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Get all ISIs, inter-spike intervals."""
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
return isi_values
def __ISI_CV(isi_values) -> float | None:
if len(isi_values) < 2:
return None
# Calculate mean
isi_mean = np.mean(isi_values)
# Calculate coefficient of variation
cv = np.std(isi_values, ddof=1) / isi_mean # ddof 1 to replicate C++ impl
return cv
def ISI_CV() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Coefficient of variation of ISIs.
If the ignore_first_ISI flag is set, the first ISI will be ignored.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
result = __ISI_CV(isi_values)
if result is None:
return None
return np.array([result])
def single_burst_ratio() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculates the single burst ratio.
The ratio is the length of the first ISI over the average of the rest.
If the ignore_first_ISI flag is set, the first ISI will be ignored.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
if len(isi_values) < 2:
return None
single_burst_ratio_value = isi_values[0] / np.mean(isi_values)
return np.array([single_burst_ratio_value])
def irregularity_index() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the irregularity index of ISI values.
If the ignore_first_ISI flag is set, the first ISI will be ignored.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
# Calculate the absolute differences between consecutive ISI values
isi_differences = np.abs(np.diff(isi_values))
result = np.mean(isi_differences)
return np.array([result])
Function `_isi_log_slope_core` has 5 arguments (exceeds 4 allowed). Consider refactoring.
def _isi_log_slope_core(
isi_values, skip=False, spike_skipf=0.0, max_spike_skip=0, semilog=False
) -> np.ndarray | None:
if isi_values is None or len(isi_values) == 0:
return None
if skip:
isisToRemove = min(
max_spike_skip, int((len(isi_values) + 1) * spike_skipf + 0.5)
isi_values = isi_values[isisToRemove:]
log_isi_values = np.log(isi_values)
x = np.arange(1, len(log_isi_values) + 1)
if not semilog:
x = np.log(x)
slope, _ = np.polyfit(x, log_isi_values, 1)
except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, SystemError) as e:
warnings.warn(f"Error in polyfit: {e}")
return None
return np.array([slope])
def ISI_log_slope() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""The slope of a linear fit to a loglog plot of the ISI values.
If the ignore_first_ISI flag is set, the first ISI will be ignored.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
return _isi_log_slope_core(isi_values, False, 0.0, 0, False)
def ISI_semilog_slope() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""The slope of a linear fit to a semilog plot of the ISI values.
If the ignore_first_ISI flag is set, the first ISI will be ignored.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
return _isi_log_slope_core(isi_values, False, 0.0, 0, True)
def ISI_log_slope_skip() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""The slope of a linear fit to a loglog plot of the ISI values,
but not taking into account the first ISI values.
Uses the spike_skipf and max_spike_skip settings to determine how many
ISIs to skip.
isi_values = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
if isi_values is None:
return None
# Check "ignore_first_ISI" flag
ignore_first_ISI = _get_cpp_data("ignore_first_ISI")
if ignore_first_ISI:
isi_values = isi_values[1:]
spike_skipf = _get_cpp_data("spike_skipf")
if spike_skipf < 0 or spike_skipf >= 1:
raise ValueError("spike_skipf should lie between [0, 1).")
max_spike_skip = _get_cpp_data("max_spike_skip")
return _isi_log_slope_core(isi_values, True, spike_skipf, max_spike_skip, False)
Function `burst_ISI_indices` has a Cognitive Complexity of 9 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
def burst_ISI_indices() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate burst ISI indices based on burst factor and ISI values."""
# Fetching necessary data
isi_values = ISI_values()
if isi_values is None:
return None
burst_factor = _get_cpp_data("burst_factor")
if len(isi_values) < 4:
logger.warning("4 or more spikes are needed for burst calculation.")
return None
burst_indices = []
count = -1
for i in range(1, len(isi_values) - 1):
isi_p_copy = isi_values[count + 1: i]
n = len(isi_p_copy)
if n == 0:
# Compute median
d_median = np.median(isi_p_copy)
# Check burst condition
if isi_values[i] > (burst_factor * d_median) and isi_values[i + 1] < (
isi_values[i] / burst_factor
burst_indices.append(i + 1)
count = i - 1
if burst_indices == []:
return None
return np.array(burst_indices)
def burst_mean_freq() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the mean frequency of bursts."""
# Fetching required features
peak_time = get_cpp_feature("peak_time")
burst_isi_idx = burst_ISI_indices()
if burst_isi_idx is None or peak_time is None:
return None
burst_mean_freq = []
burst_index_tmp = burst_isi_idx
burst_index = np.insert(
burst_index_tmp, burst_index_tmp.size, len(peak_time) - 1
burst_index = burst_index.astype(int)
# 1st burst
span = peak_time[burst_index[0]] - peak_time[0]
# + 1 because 1st ISI is ignored
N_peaks = burst_index[0] + 1
burst_mean_freq.append(N_peaks * 1000 / span)
for i, burst_idx in enumerate(burst_index[:-1]):
if burst_index[i + 1] - burst_idx != 1:
span = peak_time[burst_index[i + 1]] - peak_time[burst_idx + 1]
N_peaks = burst_index[i + 1] - burst_idx
burst_mean_freq.append(N_peaks * 1000 / span)
return np.array(burst_mean_freq)
def interburst_voltage() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""The voltage average in between two bursts."""
peak_idx = get_cpp_feature("peak_indices")
v = get_cpp_feature("voltage")
t = get_cpp_feature("time")
burst_isi_idx = burst_ISI_indices()
if peak_idx is None or v is None or t is None or burst_isi_idx is None:
return None
interburst_voltage = []
for idx in burst_isi_idx:
ts_idx = peak_idx[idx]
t_start = t[ts_idx] + 5
start_idx = np.argwhere(t < t_start)[-1][0]
te_idx = peak_idx[idx + 1]
t_end = t[te_idx] - 5
end_idx = np.argwhere(t > t_end)[0][0]
interburst_voltage.append(np.mean(v[start_idx:end_idx + 1]))
return np.array(interburst_voltage)
Function `initburst_sahp` has a Cognitive Complexity of 16 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
def initburst_sahp() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""SlowAHP voltage after initial burst."""
# Required cpp features
voltage = get_cpp_feature("voltage")
time = get_cpp_feature("time")
if voltage is None or time is None:
return None
time = time[:len(voltage)]
peak_times = get_cpp_feature("peak_time")
if peak_times is None:
return None
# Required python features
all_isis = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
# Required trace data
stim_end = _get_cpp_data("stim_end")
# Required settings
initburst_freq_thresh = _get_cpp_data("initburst_freq_threshold")
initburst_sahp_start = _get_cpp_data("initburst_sahp_start")
initburst_sahp_end = _get_cpp_data("initburst_sahp_end")
last_isi = None
# Loop over ISIs until frequency higher than initburst_freq_threshold
if all_isis is None:
return None
for isi_counter, isi in enumerate(all_isis):
# Convert to Hz
freq = 1000.0 / isi
if freq < initburst_freq_thresh:
# Threshold reached
# Add isi to initburst
last_isi = isi_counter
if last_isi is None:
# No initburst found
return None
# Get index of second peak of last ISI
last_peak = last_isi + 1
# Get time of last peak
last_peak_time = peak_times[last_peak]
# Determine start of sahp interval
sahp_interval_start = min(
last_peak_time +
# Get next peak, we wont search beyond that
next_peak = last_peak + 1
# Determine end of sahp interval
# Add initburst_slow_ahp_max to last peak time
# If next peak or stim_end is earlier, use these
# If no next peak, use stim end
if next_peak < len(peak_times):
next_peak_time = peak_times[next_peak]
sahp_interval_end = min(
last_peak_time + initburst_sahp_end, next_peak_time, stim_end)
sahp_interval_end = min(
last_peak_time + initburst_sahp_end, stim_end)
if sahp_interval_end <= sahp_interval_start:
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return None
sahp_interval = voltage[np.where(
(time <= sahp_interval_end) &
(time >= sahp_interval_start))]
if len(sahp_interval) > 0:
min_volt_index = np.argmin(sahp_interval)
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return None
slow_ahp = sahp_interval[min_volt_index]
Avoid too many `return` statements within this function.
return np.array([slow_ahp])
def strict_burst_number() -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the strict burst number.
This implementation does not assume that every spike belongs to a burst.
The first spike is ignored by default. This can be changed by setting
ignore_first_ISI to 0.
The burst detection can be fine-tuned by changing the setting
strict_burst_factor. Default value is 2.0."""
burst_mean_freq = get_cpp_feature("strict_burst_mean_freq")
if burst_mean_freq is None:
return np.array([0])
return np.array([burst_mean_freq.size])
def inv_ISI_values() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of ISI values."""
all_isi_values_vec = get_cpp_feature("all_ISI_values")
return None if all_isi_values_vec is None else 1000.0 / all_isi_values_vec
def inv_first_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the first ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) == 0:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[0]])
def inv_second_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the second ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) < 2:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[1]])
def inv_third_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the third ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) < 3:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[2]])
def inv_fourth_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the fourth ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) < 4:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[3]])
def inv_fifth_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the fifth ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) < 5:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[4]])
def inv_last_ISI() -> np.ndarray | None:
"""Calculate the inverse of the last ISI."""
inv_isi_values = inv_ISI_values()
if inv_isi_values is None or len(inv_isi_values) == 0:
return None
return np.array([inv_isi_values[-1]])