# tracer for mono compartment granule cell# Stefano "Bremen" Masoli - 21 june 2014 from neuron import himport numpy as np class GrCmono: Function `__init__` has 33 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. def __init__(self, conductances): # Properties of the cell soma self.soma = h.Section(name='soma') self.soma.nseg = 1 self.soma.diam = 9.76 self.soma.L = 9.76 self.soma.Ra = 100 self.soma.cm = 1 # Soma channels self.soma.insert('GrC_CaHVA') self.soma.gcabar_GrC_CaHVA = conductances['GrC_CaHVA'] self.soma.insert('GrC_KA') self.soma.gkbar_GrC_KA = conductances['GrC_KA'] # for the 5 + 0.009 self.soma.insert('GrC_Lkg1') self.soma.gl_GrC_Lkg1 = conductances['GrC_Lkg1'] self.soma.insert('GrG_KM') self.soma.gkbar_GrG_KM = conductances['GrG_KM'] self.soma.insert('Calc') self.soma.beta_Calc = conductances['Calc'] self.soma.insert('GrC_KCa') self.soma.gkbar_GrC_KCa = conductances['GrC_KCa'] self.soma.insert('GrC_Kir') self.soma.gkbar_GrC_Kir = conductances['GrC_Kir'] self.soma.insert('GrC_Lkg2') self.soma.ggaba_GrC_Lkg2 = conductances['GrC_Lkg2'] self.soma.insert('GrC_pNa') self.soma.gnabar_GrC_pNa = conductances['GrC_pNa'] self.soma.insert('GrG_KV') self.soma.gkbar_GrG_KV = conductances['GrG_KV'] self.soma.insert('GrG_Na') self.soma.gnabar_GrG_Na = conductances['GrG_Na'] self.soma.insert('GrG_Nar') self.soma.gnabar_GrG_Nar = conductances['GrG_Nar'] # Specific Reversal potential. The one for the two leakage are taken # directly from the mod files. self.soma.ena = 87.39 self.soma.ek = -84.69 self.soma.eca = 129.33 Function `steps` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def steps(step_number, parameters): # instantiate the class cell = GrCmono(parameters) # no table are in use from the mod files h.usetable_GrG_Na = 0 h.usetable_GrC_pNa = 0 h.usetable_GrC_CaHVA = 0 h.usetable_GrG_KV = 0 h.usetable_GrC_KA = 0 h.usetable_GrC_Kir = 0 h.usetable_GrC_KCa = 0 h.usetable_GrG_KM = 0 # load graph for the membrane voltage in mV # h('load_file("vm.ses")') # h.nrncontrolmenu() # Stimulation data. Del = delay in ms, dur = duration in ms, amp = # amplitude in nA stimdata = dict() Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. if step_number == 0: stimdata['stim0del'] = 100 stimdata['stim0dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim0amp'] = 0.010Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif step_number == 1: stimdata['stim1del'] = 100 stimdata['stim1dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim1amp'] = 0.016Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif step_number == 2: stimdata['stim2del'] = 100 stimdata['stim2dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim2amp'] = 0.022 # totale time of the simulation stimdata['timeglobal'] = 700 # integration step h.dt = 0.025 h.cvode_active(1) # temperature h.celsius = 30 # time at which the simulation have to end h.tstop = stimdata['timeglobal'] # initial voltage h.v_init = -80 Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. if step_number == 0: # actual current injections, one for each current step. stim = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim[0].delay = stimdata['stim0del'] stim[0].dur = stimdata['stim0dur'] stim[0].amp = stimdata['stim0amp']Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif step_number == 1: stim2 = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim2[0].delay = stimdata['stim1del'] stim2[0].dur = stimdata['stim1dur'] stim2[0].amp = stimdata['stim1amp']Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif step_number == 2: stim3 = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim3[0].delay = stimdata['stim2del'] stim3[0].dur = stimdata['stim2dur'] stim3[0].amp = stimdata['stim2amp'] # Code to record everything. time = h.Vector() time.record(h._ref_t) vm = h.Vector() vm.record(cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v) # function to initialize the simulation. def initialize(): h.finitialize() h.run() initialize() #np.savetxt('trace_%d.txt' % step_number, np.column_stack((np.array(time),np.array(vm))), delimiter = ' ') return np.array(time), np.array(vm)