"""Neuron / DEAP optimisation example using a cerebellar Granule cell model (D'Angelo et al. 2001)""" # These scripts were developed (partly based on existing code) during the 2015 HBP Summit Hackathon# by# Werner Van Geit @ BlueBrain Project# Stefan Masoli @ Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Pavia University, Pavia import random import neuronneuron.h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') import efelimport numpy as npimport GranuleCell1 as grcstepsimport bluepyopt.deapext from scoop import futures # dictionary with all the original conductancesimport collectionsorig_conductances = collections.OrderedDict()orig_conductances['GrC_CaHVA'] = 0.00046orig_conductances['GrC_KA'] = 0.004orig_conductances['GrC_Lkg1'] = 5.68e-5orig_conductances['GrG_KM'] = 0.00035orig_conductances['Calc'] = 1.5orig_conductances['GrC_KCa'] = 0.004orig_conductances['GrC_Kir'] = 0.0009orig_conductances['GrC_Lkg2'] = 2.17e-5orig_conductances['GrC_pNa'] = 2e-5orig_conductances['GrG_KV'] = 0.003orig_conductances['GrG_Na'] = 0.013orig_conductances['GrG_Nar'] = 0.0005 import deap.gpfrom deap import basefrom deap import creatorfrom deap import tools FEATURES = ['voltage_base', 'spike_count', 'min_voltage_between_spikes', 'steady_state_voltage_stimend'] Function `get_features` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def get_features(conductances): feature_values = collections.defaultdict(dict) traces = [] times = [] voltages = [] for step_number in range(3): time, voltage = grcsteps.steps(step_number, conductances) trace = {} # dictionary with time, voltage start and end vectors. trace['T'] = time trace['V'] = voltage trace['stim_start'] = [100] trace['stim_end'] = [500] traces = [trace] # a think is a list from a dictionary result = efel.get_feature_values(traces, FEATURES, raise_warnings=False) for feature_name, feature_list in result[0].items(): if feature_list is not None and len(feature_list) > 0: feature_values[step_number][ feature_name] = np.mean(feature_list) else: feature_values[step_number][feature_name] = None times.append(time) voltages.append(voltage) return feature_values, times, voltages orig_features, orig_times, orig_voltages = get_features(orig_conductances) def evaluate(individual): """ Evaluate a neuron model with parameters e_pas and g_pas, extracts features from resulting traces and returns a tuple with abs(voltage_base-target_voltage1) and abs(steady_state_voltage-target_voltage2) """ conductances = dict() for conductance_number, key in enumerate(orig_conductances.keys()): conductances[key] = individual[conductance_number] new_features, times, voltages = get_features(conductances) individual.times = times individual.voltages = voltages obj_values = compare_features(orig_features, new_features) individual.tot_fitness = sum(obj_values) return obj_values def plot_selector(population, k, selector=None, **kwargs): selected_pop = selector(population, k, **kwargs) return selected_pop Function `compare_features` has a Cognitive Complexity of 11 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.def compare_features(orig_features, new_features): obj_values = [] for step_number in orig_features: for feature_name, feature_value in orig_features[step_number].items(): if feature_value is not None: # print new_features # print step_number, feature_name if new_features[step_number][feature_name] is None: obj_values.append(250.0) else: obj_values.append( abs(new_features [step_number][feature_name] - feature_value)) return obj_values random.seed(1)POP_SIZE = 50OFFSPRING_SIZE = 50NGEN = 100ALPHA = POP_SIZEMU = OFFSPRING_SIZELAMBDA = OFFSPRING_SIZE # Crossover, mutation probabilitiesCXPB = 0.7 # Eta parameter of crossover / mutation parameters# Basically defines how much they 'spread' solution around# The higher this value, the more spreadETA = 10.0 # Number of parametersIND_SIZE = 12 # Bounds for the parametersLOWER, UPPER = zip(*[(value - abs(value), value + abs(value)) for value in orig_conductances.values()]) # Number of objectivesOBJ_SIZE = 11 # Create a fitness function# By default DEAP selector will try to optimise fitness values,# so we add a -1 weight value to minisecreator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=[-1.0] * OBJ_SIZE) class Individual(list): def __init__(self, *args): list.__init__(self, *args) self.time = None self.voltage = None # Create an individual that consists of a listcreator.create("Individual", Individual, fitness=creator.Fitness) # Define a function that will uniformly pick an individualIdentical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.def uniform(lower_list, upper_list, dimensions): """Fill array """ if hasattr(lower_list, '__iter__'): return [random.uniform(lower, upper) for lower, upper in zip(lower_list, upper_list)] else: return [random.uniform(lower_list, upper_list) for _ in range(dimensions)] toolbox = base.Toolbox()toolbox.register("uniformparams", uniform, LOWER, UPPER, IND_SIZE)toolbox.register("Individual", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.uniformparams)toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.Individual)toolbox.register("evaluate", evaluate)toolbox.register("mate", deap.tools.cxSimulatedBinaryBounded, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER)toolbox.register("mutate", deap.tools.mutPolynomialBounded, eta=ETA, low=LOWER, up=UPPER, indpb=0.1)toolbox.register("variate", deap.algorithms.varAnd)toolbox.register("select", plot_selector, selector=bluepyopt.deapext.tools.selIBEA)toolbox.register("map", futures.map) def main(): pop = toolbox.population(n=MU) pop, logbook = bluepyopt.deapext.algorithms.eaAlphaMuPlusLambdaCheckpoint(pop, toolbox, MU, CXPB, 1 - CXPB, NGEN) return pop, logbook if __name__ == '__main__': main()