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package api

import (
    _ "embed"

    log ""


//go:embed i18n.json
var i18nJson []byte

var I18n map[string]map[string]string

func init() {
    utils.Must(json.Unmarshal(i18nJson, &I18n))

type MissingI18n struct {
    Key      string
    Language string

func (e MissingI18n) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Missing I18n %s[%s]", e.Key, e.Language)

func GetI18ns(key string) (map[string]string, error) {
    i18ns, ok := I18n[key]
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown i18n key: %s", key)

    // we create a clone so users won't change our own instance
    var newMap = make(map[string]string, len(i18ns))
    for k, v := range i18ns {
        newMap[k] = v

    return newMap, nil

func T(key, language string) (string, error) {
    i18ns, err := GetI18ns(key)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    val, ok := i18ns[language]
    if ok {
        return val, nil
    return "", MissingI18n{Key: key, Language: language}

type ContentUnitDescriber interface {
    DescribeContentUnit(boil.Executor, *models.ContentUnit, CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error)

type CollectionDescriber interface {
    DescribeCollection(boil.Executor, *models.Collection) ([]*models.CollectionI18n, error)

type GenericDescriber struct{}

func (d GenericDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name
    if ct == common.CT_KITEI_MAKOR ||
        ct == common.CT_LELO_MIKUD ||
        ct == common.CT_FULL_LESSON ||
        ct == common.CT_PUBLICATION ||
        ct == common.CT_RESEARCH_MATERIAL {

        // Keep technical name for these guys
        names := map[string]string{
            common.LANG_HEBREW:  metadata.FinalName,
            common.LANG_ENGLISH: metadata.FinalName,
            common.LANG_RUSSIAN: metadata.FinalName,

        return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, names), nil
    } else {
        // just use content_type i18ns
        k := fmt.Sprintf("content_type.%s", ct)
        return FixedKeyDescriber{Key: k}.DescribeContentUnit(exec, cu, metadata)

func (d GenericDescriber) DescribeCollection(exec boil.Executor, c *models.Collection) ([]*models.CollectionI18n, error) {
    i18nKey := fmt.Sprintf("content_type.%s", common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[c.TypeID].Name)
    names, err := GetI18ns(i18nKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Get I18ns")

    if len(names) == 0 {
        return make([]*models.CollectionI18n, 0), nil

    return makeCI18ns(c.ID, names), nil

type LessonPartDescriber struct{}

func (d LessonPartDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    var err error
    var names map[string]string

    // Use collection number if applicable
    var cNumber *int
    if metadata.CollectionUID.Valid && metadata.Number.Valid {
        cNumber = &metadata.Number.Int

    if metadata.Part.Valid && metadata.Part.Int == 0 {
        names, err = GetI18ns("autoname.lesson_preparation")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

        if cNumber != nil {
            for k, v := range names {
                names[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", v, *cNumber)
    } else if metadata.Major != nil {
        idx := metadata.Major.Idx
        switch metadata.Major.Type {
        case "source":
            if idx >= len(metadata.Sources) {
                log.Warnf("metadata.major index out of bounds got %d but only %d elements in sources",
                    idx, len(metadata.Sources))
            names, err = nameBySourceUID(exec, metadata.Sources[idx])
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by source")
        case "tag":
            if idx >= len(metadata.Tags) {
                log.Warnf("metadata.major index out of bounds got %d but only %d elements in tags",
                    idx, len(metadata.Tags))
            names, err = nameByTagUID(exec, metadata.Tags[idx], cNumber)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by tag")
        case "likutim":
            if idx >= len(metadata.Likutim) {
                log.Warnf("metadata.major index out of bounds got %d but only %d elements in likutim",
                    idx, len(metadata.Likutim))
            names, err = nameByUnitUID(exec, metadata.Likutim[idx])
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by likutim")
            log.Warnf("Unknown metadata.major type %s", metadata.Major.Type)
    } else {
        // no Major info from metadata
        // give names by what we have in DB
        // may be used by batch processes
        err = cu.L.LoadTags(exec, true, cu, nil)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Load tags from DB")
        if len(cu.R.Tags) > 0 {
            names, err = nameByTagUID(exec, cu.R.Tags[0].UID, nil)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by tag")
        } else {
            err = cu.L.LoadSources(exec, true, cu, nil)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Load sources from DB")
            if len(cu.R.Sources) > 0 {
                names, err = nameBySourceUID(exec, cu.R.Sources[0].UID)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by source")
            } else {
                // give name by content unit type
                ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name
                names, err = GetI18ns(fmt.Sprintf("content_type.%s", ct))
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

                if cNumber != nil {
                    for k, v := range names {
                        names[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", v, *cNumber)

    // make sure major languages has something
    genericNames := map[string]string{
        common.LANG_HEBREW:  metadata.FinalName,
        common.LANG_ENGLISH: metadata.FinalName,
        common.LANG_RUSSIAN: metadata.FinalName,
    names = mergeMaps(genericNames, names)

    return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, names), nil

type FixedKeyDescriber struct {
    Key string

func (d FixedKeyDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    names, err := GetI18ns(d.Key)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

    return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, names), nil

type CollectionNameDescriber struct{}

func (d CollectionNameDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    if !metadata.CollectionUID.Valid {
        return new(GenericDescriber).DescribeContentUnit(exec, cu, metadata)

    collection, err := models.Collections(
        qm.Where("uid=?", metadata.CollectionUID.String),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup collection in DB")

    var names = make(map[string]string)
    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        i18n := getCollectionI18n(collection, language)
        if i18n == nil {
        n := i18n.Description
        if !n.Valid || strings.TrimSpace(n.String) == "" {
            n = i18n.Name
        names[language] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", n.String)

    return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, names), nil

type BlogPostDescriber struct{}

func (d BlogPostDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    names, err := GetI18ns("autoname.declamation")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

    var props map[string]interface{}
    if cu.Properties.Valid {
        if err := json.Unmarshal(cu.Properties.JSON, &props); err != nil {
            log.Errorf("json.Unmarshal cu properties [%d]: %v", cu.ID, err)
        } else {
            if lang, ok := props["original_language"]; ok {
                for k, v := range names {
                    if lang18n, err := T(fmt.Sprintf("lang.%s", lang.(string)), k); err == nil {
                        names[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", v, lang18n)

    return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, names), nil

type LessonSeriesDescriber struct{}

func (d LessonSeriesDescriber) DescribeCollection(exec boil.Executor,
    c *models.Collection) ([]*models.CollectionI18n, error) {
    var props map[string]interface{}
    var sourceUid string
    if c.Properties.Valid {
        if err := json.Unmarshal(c.Properties.JSON, &props); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        } else {
            if uid, ok := props["source"]; !ok {
                log.Errorf("not found source for collection %d", c.ID)
                return nil, nil
            } else {
                sourceUid = fmt.Sprintf("%s", uid)
    names, err := nameBySourceUID(exec, sourceUid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Name by source")

    return makeCI18ns(c.ID, names), nil

var CUDescribers = map[string]ContentUnitDescriber{
    common.CT_LESSON_PART:           new(LessonPartDescriber),
    common.CT_VIDEO_PROGRAM_CHAPTER: new(CollectionNameDescriber),
    common.CT_CLIP:                  new(CollectionNameDescriber),
    common.CT_VIRTUAL_LESSON:        new(CollectionNameDescriber),
    common.CT_BLOG_POST:             new(BlogPostDescriber),
    common.CT_MEAL:                  &FixedKeyDescriber{Key: "autoname.meal"},
    common.CT_FRIENDS_GATHERING:     &FixedKeyDescriber{Key: "autoname.yh"},

var CDescribers = map[string]CollectionDescriber{
    common.CT_LESSONS_SERIES: new(LessonSeriesDescriber),

type EventPartDescriber struct{}

func (d EventPartDescriber) DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor,
    cu *models.ContentUnit,
    metadata CITMetadata) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, error) {

    collection, err := models.Collections(
        qm.Where("uid=?", metadata.CollectionUID.String),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup collection in DB")

    var names map[string]string
    ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name
    switch ct {
    case common.CT_LESSON_PART, common.CT_FULL_LESSON:
        cuI18ns, err := new(LessonPartDescriber).DescribeContentUnit(exec, cu, metadata)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        names = make(map[string]string)
        for i := range cuI18ns {
            i18n := cuI18ns[i]
            names[i18n.Language] = i18n.Name.String

        names, err = GetI18ns(fmt.Sprintf("content_type.%s", ct))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

        // add event part number as suffix
        if !metadata.Number.Valid {
            for k, v := range names {
                names[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", v, metadata.Number.Int)

    // prefix names with event name
    var finalNames = make(map[string]string)
    for k, v := range names {
        i18n := getCollectionI18n(collection, k)
        if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
        finalNames[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s. %s", i18n.Name.String, v)

    return makeCUI18ns(cu.ID, finalNames), nil

func GetCUDescriber(exec boil.Executor, cu *models.ContentUnit, metadata CITMetadata) (ContentUnitDescriber, error) {
    var describer ContentUnitDescriber

    // do we need a special describer based on collection ?
    if metadata.CollectionUID.Valid {
        collection, err := models.Collections(
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup collection in DB")

        // Weekly webinar with rav in russian
        if collection.UID == "VwCQ0OBq" {
            describer = &FixedKeyDescriber{Key: "autoname.webinar"}
        } else {
            ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[collection.TypeID].Name

            // Events
            if ct == common.CT_CONGRESS || ct == common.CT_HOLIDAY || ct == common.CT_UNITY_DAY || ct == common.CT_PICNIC {
                describer = new(EventPartDescriber)

    // no special describer based on collection,
    // use describer based on CU type
    if describer == nil {
        var ok bool
        describer, ok = CUDescribers[common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name]
        if !ok {
            describer = GenericDescriber{}

    return describer, nil

func DescribeContentUnit(exec boil.Executor, cu *models.ContentUnit, metadata CITMetadata) error {
    describer, err := GetCUDescriber(exec, cu, metadata)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // describe
    i18ns, err := describer.DescribeContentUnit(exec, cu, metadata)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Auto naming content unit")

    // TODO: reuse relevant repo method when possible
    err = cu.AddContentUnitI18ns(exec, true, i18ns...)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Save to DB")

    return nil

func DescribeCollection(exec boil.Executor, c *models.Collection) error {
    describer, ok := CDescribers[common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[c.TypeID].Name]
    if !ok {
        describer = GenericDescriber{}

    i18ns, err := describer.DescribeCollection(exec, c)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Auto naming collection")

    // TODO: reuse relevant repo method when possible
    err = c.AddCollectionI18ns(exec, true, i18ns...)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Save to DB")

    return nil

func makeCI18ns(id int64, names map[string]string) []*models.CollectionI18n {
    i18ns := make([]*models.CollectionI18n, 0)
    for k, v := range names {
        i18n := &models.CollectionI18n{
            CollectionID: id,
            Language:     k,
            Name:         null.StringFrom(v),
        i18ns = append(i18ns, i18n)
    return i18ns

func makeCUI18ns(id int64, names map[string]string) []*models.ContentUnitI18n {
    i18ns := make([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, 0)
    for k, v := range names {
        i18n := &models.ContentUnitI18n{
            ContentUnitID: id,
            Language:      k,
            Name:          null.StringFrom(v),
        i18ns = append(i18ns, i18n)
    return i18ns

type sourceNamer interface {
    GetName(*models.Author, []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error)

func nameBySourceUID(exec boil.Executor, uid string) (map[string]string, error) {
    s, err := FindSourceByUID(exec, uid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Find source in DB")

    path, err := FindSourcePath(exec, s.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Load source path from DB")

    err = s.L.LoadSourceI18ns(exec, false, &path, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Load sources i18ns from DB")

    root := path[len(path)-1]
    author, err := FindAuthorBySourceID(exec, root.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Load author from DB")

    // Find the first matching namer, bottom up, for this source
    var namer sourceNamer
    var ok bool
    for _, source := range path {
        if namer, ok = sourceNamers[source.UID]; ok {
    if namer == nil {
        namer = new(PlainNamer)

    // reverse path
    for left, right := 0, len(path)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
        path[left], path[right] = path[right], path[left]

    return namer.GetName(author, path)

type PlainNamer struct{}

// <author>, <path...>
func (n PlainNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)
    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // author name
        ai18n := getAuthorI18n(author, language)
        if ai18n == nil || !ai18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, ai18n.Name.String)

        // sources path names
        for _, s := range path {
            i18n := getSourceI18n(s, language)
            if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
            vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)

        // skip if we don't have all i18ns
        if len(vals) != 1+len(path) {

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

type PrefaceNamer struct{}

// <author>. <leaf node in path>
func (n PrefaceNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)
    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // author name
        ai18n := getAuthorI18n(author, language)
        if ai18n == nil || !ai18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, ai18n.Name.String)

        // leaf node name
        i18n := getSourceI18n(path[len(path)-1], language)
        if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

type LettersNamer struct {

// <author>. <leaf node in path - cleaned of (...) suffixes>
func (n LettersNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)

    baseNames, err := n.PrefaceNamer.GetName(author, path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for k, v := range baseNames {
        a := strings.Split(v, "(")
        names[k] = strings.TrimSpace(a[0])

    return names, nil

type RBRecordsNamer struct{}

// <author>. Record <position>. <leaf node in path>
func (n RBRecordsNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    recordI18ns, err := GetI18ns("autoname.record")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

    names := make(map[string]string)
    for language, recordI18n := range recordI18ns {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // author name
        ai18n := getAuthorI18n(author, language)
        if ai18n == nil || !ai18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, ai18n.Name.String)

        // leaf node position & name
        leaf := path[len(path)-1]
        if !leaf.Position.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", recordI18n, leaf.Position.Int))

        i18n := getSourceI18n(leaf, language)
        if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

type RBArticlesNamer struct{}

// <author>. <>. <number (year)>
func (n RBArticlesNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)

    // TODO: skip year-number when root article (UID="rQ6sIUZK")

    // is expected to be "<year-number> <non-i18n title>"
    // we strip the year-number part and transform it a little
    leaf := path[len(path)-1]
    yearNum := strings.Split(leaf.Name, " ")[0]
    yearNum = yearNum[1 : len(yearNum)-1]
    x := strings.Split(yearNum, "-")
    year, num := x[0], strings.TrimLeft(x[1], "0")
    if len(x) > 2 {
        num = num + "-" + x[2]
    suffix := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", num, year)

    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // author name
        ai18n := getAuthorI18n(author, language)
        if ai18n == nil || !ai18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, ai18n.Name.String)

        // article name
        i18n := getSourceI18n(leaf, language)
        if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)

        // num (year) suffix
        vals = append(vals, suffix)

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

type ShamatiNamer struct{}

// <author>. path[0].name, <path[1]'s number (heb gimatria)>. path[1].name
func (n ShamatiNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)

    // is expected to be "<number> <non-i18n title>"
    // we strip the number part and transform it a little
    pLast := path[len(path)-1]
    num, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(pLast.Name, " ")[0])
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Bad %s", pLast.Name)

    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // author name
        ai18n := getAuthorI18n(author, language)
        if ai18n == nil || !ai18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, ai18n.Name.String)

        // collection name (Shamati)
        p0 := getSourceI18n(path[0], language)
        if p0 == nil || !p0.Name.Valid {

        // article number cleaned and maybe hebrew letters numbering
        if language == common.LANG_HEBREW {
            vals = append(vals, fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", p0.Name.String, utils.NumToHebrew(uint16(num))))
        } else {
            vals = append(vals, fmt.Sprintf("%s, %d", p0.Name.String, num))

        // article name
        i18n := getSourceI18n(pLast, language)
        if i18n == nil || !i18n.Name.Valid {
        vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

type ZoharNamer struct{}

// <path[0]>,  <path[2:]>
func (n ZoharNamer) GetName(author *models.Author, path []*models.Source) (map[string]string, error) {
    names := make(map[string]string)
    for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
        vals := make([]string, 0)

        // sources path names
        for i, s := range path {
            if i == 1 {

            i18n := getSourceI18n(s, language)
            if i18n == nil {

            if i18n.Name.Valid {
                vals = append(vals, i18n.Name.String)
            } else {

        // skip if we don't have all i18ns
        //use "less" condition cause can be path from one item
        if len(vals)+1 < len(path) {

        names[language] = strings.Join(vals, ". ")

    return names, nil

// Specs:
var sourceNamers = map[string]sourceNamer{
    "L2jMWyce": new(PrefaceNamer), // BaalHaSulam Prefaces
    "SJDw9tHs": new(PrefaceNamer), // Rabash Prefaces
    "qMeV5M3Y": new(PrefaceNamer), // BaalHaSulam Articles
    "DVSS0xAR": new(LettersNamer), // BaalHaSulam Letters
    "b8SHlrfH": new(LettersNamer), // Rabash Letters
    //"xtKmrbb9": new(PlainNamer), // BaalHaSulam TES
    "qMUUn22b": new(ShamatiNamer),    // BaalHaSulam Shamati
    "rQ6sIUZK": new(RBArticlesNamer), // Rabash Articles
    "2GAdavz0": new(RBRecordsNamer),  // Rabash Records
    "QUBP2DYe": new(PrefaceNamer),    // Michael Laitman Articles
    "AwGBQX2L": new(ZoharNamer),      // Zohar La'am

var TAGS_WITH_CONST_NAMES = [...]string{"lfq8P1du", "iWPWpSNy"}

func nameByTagUID(exec boil.Executor, uid string, cNumber *int) (map[string]string, error) {

    // check constant names first
    for i := range TAGS_WITH_CONST_NAMES {
        if uid == TAGS_WITH_CONST_NAMES[i] {
            return GetI18ns(fmt.Sprintf("autoname.%s", uid))

    // Load tag details from DB
    t, err := FindTagByUID(exec, uid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Find tag in DB")

    path, err := FindTagPath(exec, t.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Load tag path from DB")

    err = t.L.LoadTagI18ns(exec, false, &path, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Load tag i18ns from DB")
    t = path[0]

    // create names
    names := make(map[string]string)

    // lesson topic || holiday has a different format
    if root := path[len(path)-1]; root.UID == "mS7hrYXK" || root.UID == "1nyptSIo" {
        prefixes, err := GetI18ns("autoname.lesson_by_topic_tag")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Get I18ns")

        for k, v := range prefixes {
            // insert collection number if we have it
            var vv string
            if cNumber == nil {
                vv = fmt.Sprintf(v, "")
            } else {
                vv = fmt.Sprintf(v, strconv.Itoa(*cNumber))

            i18n := getTagI18n(t, k)
            if i18n != nil && i18n.Label.Valid {
                names[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\"", vv, i18n.Label.String)
    } else {
        for _, language := range common.ALL_LANGS {
            i18n := getTagI18n(t, language)
            if i18n != nil && i18n.Label.Valid {
                names[language] = i18n.Label.String

    return names, nil

func nameByUnitUID(exec boil.Executor, uid string) (map[string]string, error) {

    // Load Unit details from DB
    cu, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("uid = ?", uid),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Find Unit in DB")

    // create names
    names := make(map[string]string)
    if cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns == nil {
        return names, nil

    for _, i18n := range cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
        if i18n.Name.Valid {
            names[i18n.Language] = i18n.Name.String

    return names, nil

func getAuthorI18n(author *models.Author, language string) *models.AuthorI18n {
    for _, i18n := range author.R.AuthorI18ns {
        if i18n.Language == language {
            return i18n
    return nil

func getSourceI18n(source *models.Source, language string) *models.SourceI18n {
    for _, i18n := range source.R.SourceI18ns {
        if i18n.Language == language {
            return i18n
    return nil

func getTagI18n(tag *models.Tag, language string) *models.TagI18n {
    for _, i18n := range tag.R.TagI18ns {
        if i18n.Language == language {
            return i18n
    return nil

func getCollectionI18n(collection *models.Collection, language string) *models.CollectionI18n {
    for _, i18n := range collection.R.CollectionI18ns {
        if i18n.Language == language {
            return i18n
    return nil

func mergeMaps(a, b map[string]string) map[string]string {
    c := make(map[string]string)
    for k, v := range a {
        c[k] = v
    for k, v := range b {
        c[k] = v
    return c