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1 wk
Test Coverage
package api

import (

    log ""


func ProcessCITMetadata(exec boil.Executor, metadata CITMetadata, original, proxy, source *models.File) ([]events.Event, error) {
    return doProcess(exec, metadata, original, proxy, source, nil)

// Do all stuff for processing metadata coming from Content Identification Tool.
//  1. Update properties for original and proxy (film_date, capture_date)
//  2. Update language of original
//  3. Create content_unit (content_type, dates)
//  4. Describe content unit (i18ns)
//  5. Add files to new unit
//  6. Add ancestor files to unit
//  7. Add peer ancestor (related captures)
//  8. Associate unit with sources, tags, and persons
//  9. Get or create collection
//  10. Update collection (content_type, dates, number) if full lesson or new lesson
//  11. Associate collection and unit
//  12. Associate unit and derived units
//  13. Set default permissions ?!
func doProcess(exec boil.Executor, metadata CITMetadata, original, proxy, source *models.File, cu *models.ContentUnit) ([]events.Event, error) {
    isUpdate := cu != nil
    log.Infof("Processing CITMetadata, isUpdate: %t", isUpdate)

    // Update properties for original and proxy (film_date, capture_date)
    filmDate := metadata.CaptureDate
    //if metadata.WeekDate != nil {
    //    filmDate = *metadata.WeekDate
    if metadata.FilmDate != nil {
        filmDate = *metadata.FilmDate

    evnts := make([]events.Event, 0)

    props := map[string]interface{}{
        "capture_date":      metadata.CaptureDate,
        "film_date":         filmDate,
        "original_language": common.StdLang(metadata.Language),
    log.Infof("Updating files properties: %v", props)
    err := UpdateFileProperties(exec, original, props)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(original))
    if proxy != nil {
        err = UpdateFileProperties(exec, proxy, props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(proxy))

    // Update language of original.
    // TODO: What about proxy !?
    if metadata.HasTranslation {
        original.Language = null.StringFrom(common.LANG_MULTI)
    } else {
        l := common.StdLang(metadata.Language)
        if l == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            log.Warnf("Unknown language in metadata %s", metadata.Language)
        original.Language = null.StringFrom(l)
    log.Infof("Updating original.Language to %s", original.Language.String)
    _, err = original.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("language"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Save original to DB")

    // Create content_unit (content_type, dates)
    isDerived := metadata.ArtifactType.Valid && metadata.ArtifactType.String != "main"
    ct := metadata.ContentType
    if isDerived {
        // User input is verified below
        ct = strings.ToUpper(metadata.ArtifactType.String)

    var originalProps map[string]interface{}
    err = original.Properties.Unmarshal(&originalProps)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "json.Unmarshal original properties")
    if duration, ok := originalProps["duration"]; ok {
        props["duration"] = int(duration.(float64))
    } else {
        log.Warnf("Original is missing duration property [%d]", original.ID)

    if metadata.LabelID.Valid {
        props["label_id"] = metadata.LabelID.Int
    if metadata.Number.Valid {
        props["number"] = metadata.Number.Int
    if metadata.Part.Valid {
        props["part"] = metadata.Part.Int

    if isUpdate {
        // content_type
        if ctVal, ok := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[ct]; !ok {
            return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown content type %s", ct)
        } else if ctVal.ID != cu.TypeID {
            // update unit's content type
            cu.TypeID = ctVal.ID
            _, err = cu.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("type_id"))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Update unit type in DB")

        // props
        propsBytes, err := json.Marshal(props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "json Marshal")
        cu.Properties = null.JSONFrom(propsBytes)
        _, err = cu.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("properties"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Update unit properties in DB")
    } else {
        log.Infof("Creating content unit of type %s", ct)
        cu, err = CreateContentUnit(exec, ct, props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Create content unit")
        evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitCreateEvent(cu))

        log.Infof("Describing content unit [%d]", cu.ID)
        err = DescribeContentUnit(exec, cu, metadata)
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Error describing content unit: %s", err.Error())

    // Add files to new unit
    log.Info("Adding files to unit")
    err = cu.AddFiles(exec, false, original)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Add original to unit")
    if proxy != nil {
        err = cu.AddFiles(exec, false, proxy)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Add proxy to unit")
    if source != nil {
        ancestors, err := FindFileAncestors(exec, source.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Find source's ancestors")
        ancestors = append(ancestors, source)
        err = cu.AddFiles(exec, false, ancestors...)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Add source and his ancestors to unit")
        for i := range ancestors {
            x := ancestors[i]
            evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(x))
            log.Infof("%s [%d]", x.Name, x.ID)

    // Add ancestor files to unit (not for derived units)
    if !isDerived && !isUpdate {
        log.Info("Main unit, adding ancestors...")
        ancestors, err := FindFileAncestors(exec, original.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Find original's ancestors")

        if proxy != nil {
            err = proxy.L.LoadParent(exec, true, proxy, nil)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Load proxy's parent")
            if proxy.R.Parent != nil {
                ancestors = append(ancestors, proxy.R.Parent)

        err = cu.AddFiles(exec, false, ancestors...)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Add ancestors to unit")
        log.Infof("Added %d ancestors", len(ancestors))
        for i := range ancestors {
            x := ancestors[i]
            evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(x))
            log.Infof("%s [%d]", x.Name, x.ID)

    // Associate unit with sources, tags, and persons
    if len(metadata.Sources) > 0 {
        log.Infof("Associating %d sources", len(metadata.Sources))
        sources, err := models.Sources(
            qm.WhereIn("uid in ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(metadata.Sources)...)).
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup sources in DB")

        // are we missing some source ?
        if len(sources) != len(metadata.Sources) {
            missing := make([]string, 0)
            for _, x := range metadata.Sources {
                found := false
                for _, y := range sources {
                    if x == y.UID {
                        found = true
                if !found {
                    missing = append(missing, x)
            log.Warnf("Unknown sources: %s", missing)

        err = cu.SetSources(exec, false, sources...)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate sources")

    if len(metadata.Tags) > 0 {
        log.Infof("Associating %d tags", len(metadata.Tags))
        tags, err := models.Tags(
            qm.WhereIn("uid in ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(metadata.Tags)...)).
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup tags  in DB")

        // are we missing some tag ?
        if len(tags) != len(metadata.Tags) {
            missing := make([]string, 0)
            for _, x := range metadata.Tags {
                found := false
                for _, y := range tags {
                    if x == y.UID {
                        found = true
                if !found {
                    missing = append(missing, x)
            log.Warnf("Unknown sources: %s", missing)
        err = cu.SetTags(exec, false, tags...)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate tags")
    if len(metadata.Likutim) > 0 {
        log.Infof("Associating %d likutim", len(metadata.Likutim))
        likutim, err := models.ContentUnits(
            qm.Select("distinct on (\"content_units\".id) \"content_units\".*"),
            qm.Where("type_id = ?", common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_LIKUTIM].ID),
            qm.WhereIn("uid in ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(metadata.Likutim)...)).
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup tags  in DB")

        // are we missing some unit ?
        if len(likutim) != len(metadata.Likutim) {
            missing := make([]string, 0)
            for _, x := range metadata.Likutim {
                found := false
                for _, y := range likutim {
                    if x == y.UID {
                        found = true
                if !found {
                    missing = append(missing, x)
            log.Warnf("Unknown likutim: %s", missing)

        derivations := make([]*models.ContentUnitDerivation, len(likutim))
        for i, l := range likutim {
            cud := &models.ContentUnitDerivation{
                SourceID:  cu.ID,
                DerivedID: l.ID,
            derivations[i] = cud
        err = cu.AddSourceContentUnitDerivations(exec, true, derivations...)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate likutim")
        for _, l := range likutim {
            evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(l))
        evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(cu))

    // Handle persons ...
    if strings.ToLower(metadata.Lecturer) == common.P_RAV {
        log.Info("Associating unit to rav")
        cup := &models.ContentUnitsPerson{
            ContentUnitID: cu.ID,
            PersonID:      common.PERSON_REGISTRY.ByPattern[common.P_RAV].ID,
            RoleID:        common.CONTENT_ROLE_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CR_LECTURER].ID,

        // upsert make sure we either have such relation or insert a new one
        err = cup.Upsert(exec, false, nil, boil.Infer(), boil.Infer())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate persons")
    } else if isUpdate && strings.ToLower(metadata.Lecturer) == "norav" {
        // in update mode, if norav so we remove relation to rav (if any)
        cup := &models.ContentUnitsPerson{
            ContentUnitID: cu.ID,
            PersonID:      common.PERSON_REGISTRY.ByPattern[common.P_RAV].ID,
        _, err = cup.Delete(exec)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Delete Rav association")
    } else {
        log.Infof("Unknown lecturer %s, skipping person association.", metadata.Lecturer)

    // Get or create collection
    if metadata.CollectionUID.Valid {
        log.Infof("Specific collection %s", metadata.CollectionUID.String)

        // find collection
        c, err := models.Collections(qm.Where("uid = ?", metadata.CollectionUID.String)).One(exec)
        if err != nil {
            if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
                log.Warnf("No such collection %s", metadata.CollectionUID.String)
            } else {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Lookup collection in DB")

        // Associate unit to collection
        if c != nil &&
            (!metadata.ArtifactType.Valid || metadata.ArtifactType.String == "main") {
            err := associateUnitToCollection(exec, cu, c, metadata)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "associate content_unit to collection")
            evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(c))

    // Update mode ends here
    if isUpdate {
        return evnts, nil

    // for lesson part that have source or likutim we check if its need add to lessons series collection
    // if we have number of lessons on period we create new collection
    if len(metadata.Likutim) > 0 && common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name == common.CT_LESSON_PART {
        seriesEvnts, err := (&AssociateByLikutim{tx: exec, cu: cu}).Associate(metadata.Likutim)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate Lessons series collection by likutim")
        evnts = append(evnts, seriesEvnts...)

    if len(metadata.Sources) > 0 && common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name == common.CT_LESSON_PART {
        seriesEvnts, err := (&AssociateBySources{tx: exec, cu: cu}).Associate(metadata.Sources)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Associate Lessons series collection by sources")
        evnts = append(evnts, seriesEvnts...)

    if ct == common.CT_LESSON_PART ||
        ct == common.CT_FULL_LESSON ||
        ct == common.CT_KTAIM_NIVCHARIM {
        log.Info("Lesson reconciliation")

        // we look up Original's capture_stop operation as it holds required information below
        var captureStopProps map[string]interface{}
        captureStop, err := FindUpChainOperation(exec, original.ID, common.OP_CAPTURE_STOP)
        if err != nil {
            if ex, ok := err.(UpChainOperationNotFound); ok {
                log.Warnf("capture_stop operation not found for original: %s", ex.Error())
        } else {
            if captureStop.Properties.Valid {
                err = json.Unmarshal(captureStop.Properties.JSON, &captureStopProps)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "json Unmarshal")

        // Reconcile or create new
        // Reconciliation is done by looking up the operation chain of original to capture_stop.
        // There we have a property of saying the capture_id of the full lesson capture.
        if captureID, ok := captureStopProps["collection_uid"]; ok {
            log.Infof("Reconcile by capture_id %s", captureID)
            var cct string
            if metadata.WeekDate == nil {
                cct = common.CT_DAILY_LESSON
            } else {
                cct = common.CT_SPECIAL_LESSON

            // Keep this property on the collection for other parts to find it
            props["capture_id"] = captureID
            if metadata.Number.Valid {
                props["number"] = metadata.Number.Int
            delete(props, "duration")
            delete(props, "part")

            // get or create collection
            c, err := FindCollectionByCaptureID(exec, captureID)
            if err != nil {
                if _, ok := err.(CollectionNotFound); !ok {
                    return nil, err

                // Create new collection
                log.Info("Creating new collection")
                c, err = CreateCollection(exec, cct, props)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionCreateEvent(c))
            } else if ct == common.CT_FULL_LESSON {
                // Update collection properties to those of full lesson
                log.Info("Full lesson, overriding collection properties")
                if c.TypeID != common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[cct].ID {
                    log.Infof("Full lesson, content_type changed to %s", cct)
                    c.TypeID = common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[cct].ID
                    _, err = c.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("type_id"))
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Update collection type in DB")

                err = UpdateCollectionProperties(exec, c, props)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionUpdateEvent(c))

            // Associate unit to collection
            if c != nil &&
                (!metadata.ArtifactType.Valid ||
                    metadata.ArtifactType.String == "main" ||
                    metadata.ArtifactType.String == "KTAIM_NIVCHARIM") {
                err := associateUnitToCollection(exec, cu, c, metadata)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "associate content_unit to collection")
                evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(c))
        } else {
            log.Warn("capture_stop not found or its missing collection_uid. Skipping lesson reconciliation")

    // Associate unit and derived units
    // We take into account that a derived content unit arrives before it's source content unit.
    // Such cases are possible due to the studio operator actions sequence.
    err = original.L.LoadParent(exec, true, original, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Load original's parent")

    if original.R.Parent == nil {
        log.Warn("We don't have original's parent file. Skipping derived units association.")
    } else {
        log.Info("Processing derived units associations")
        if !metadata.ArtifactType.Valid ||
            metadata.ArtifactType.String == "main" {
            // main content unit
            log.Info("We're the main content unit")

            log.Info("Looking up pending derived units")
            derivedCUs, err := mainToDerived(exec, metadata, original)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            log.Infof("%d derived units pending our association", len(derivedCUs))
            for k, v := range derivedCUs {
                log.Infof("DerivedID: %d, Name: %s", k, v)
                cud := &models.ContentUnitDerivation{
                    DerivedID: k,
                    Name:      v,
                err = cu.AddSourceContentUnitDerivations(exec, true, cud)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Save derived unit association in DB")

                _, err = queries.Raw(`UPDATE content_units SET properties = properties - 'artifact_type' WHERE id = $1`, k).
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Delete derived unit artifact_type property from DB")

            if len(derivedCUs) > 0 {
                evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(cu))

        } else {
            // derived content unit
            log.Info("We're the derived content unit")

            mainCUID, err := derivedToMain(exec, metadata, cu, original)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            if mainCUID == 0 {
                // save artifact type for later use (when main unit appears)
                log.Info("Main content unit not found, saving artifact_type property")
                err = UpdateContentUnitProperties(exec, cu, map[string]interface{}{
                    "artifact_type": metadata.ArtifactType.String,
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, err
            } else {
                // main content unit already exists
                log.Infof("Main content unit exists %d", mainCUID)
                cud := &models.ContentUnitDerivation{
                    SourceID: mainCUID,
                    Name:     metadata.ArtifactType.String,
                err = cu.AddDerivedContentUnitDerivations(exec, true, cud)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Save source unit in DB")
                evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(cu))

    // set default permissions ?!

    return evnts, nil

func associateUnitToCollection(exec boil.Executor, cu *models.ContentUnit, c *models.Collection, metadata CITMetadata) error {
    log.Infof("Associating unit and collection [c-cu]=[%d-%d]", c.ID, cu.ID)

    ccu := &models.CollectionsContentUnit{
        CollectionID:  c.ID,
        ContentUnitID: cu.ID,

    switch common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name {
    case common.CT_FULL_LESSON:
        if c.TypeID == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_DAILY_LESSON].ID ||
            c.TypeID == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_SPECIAL_LESSON].ID {
            ccu.Name = "full"
        } else if metadata.Number.Valid {
            ccu.Name = strconv.Itoa(metadata.Number.Int)
    case common.CT_LESSON_PART:
        if metadata.Part.Valid {
            ccu.Name = strconv.Itoa(metadata.Part.Int)
        if metadata.Episode.Valid {
            ccu.Name = metadata.Episode.String
        if metadata.Number.Valid {
            ccu.Name = strconv.Itoa(metadata.Number.Int)

        // first 3 event part types are lesson, YH and meal, we skip them.
        if metadata.PartType.Valid && metadata.PartType.Int > 2 {
            idx := metadata.PartType.Int - 3
            if idx < len(common.MISC_EVENT_PART_TYPES) {
                ccu.Name = common.MISC_EVENT_PART_TYPES[idx] + ccu.Name
            } else {
                log.Warnf("Unknown event part type: %d", metadata.PartType.Int)
    if metadata.ArtifactType.Valid &&
        metadata.ArtifactType.String != "main" {
        ccu.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", metadata.ArtifactType.String, ccu.Name)

    // Make this new unit the last one in this collection
    var err error
    ccu.Position, err = GetNextPositionInCollection(exec, c.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Get last position in collection")

    log.Infof("Association name: %s", ccu.Name)
    err = ccu.Upsert(exec, true,
        []string{"collection_id", "content_unit_id"},
        boil.Whitelist("name", "position"),
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Save collection and content unit association in DB")

    return nil

func mainToDerived(exec boil.Executor, metadata CITMetadata, original *models.File) (map[int64]string, error) {
    part := -888 // something we never use for part
    if metadata.Part.Valid {
        part = metadata.Part.Int

    // We lookup original's siblings for derived content units that arrived before us.
    // We then associate them with us and remove their "unprocessed" mark.
    // Meaning, the presence of "artifact_type" property
    rows, err := queries.Raw(
        `SELECT, ->> 'artifact_type'
FROM content_units cu
  INNER JOIN files f ON f.content_unit_id = AND f.parent_id = $1
WHERE ? 'artifact_type' AND ( ->> 'part') :: INT = $2`,
        original.ParentID.Int64, part).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Load derived content units")

    // put results in a map first since we can't process them while iterating.
    // see this bug:
    derivedCUs := make(map[int64]string)
    for rows.Next() {
        var cuid int64
        var artifactType string
        err = rows.Scan(&cuid, &artifactType)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Scan row")
        derivedCUs[cuid] = artifactType
    err = rows.Err()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Iter rows")
    err = rows.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Close rows")

    return derivedCUs, nil

func derivedToMain(exec boil.Executor, metadata CITMetadata, cu *models.ContentUnit, original *models.File) (int64, error) {
    part := -888 // something we never use for part
    if metadata.Part.Valid {
        part = metadata.Part.Int

    mainCT, ok := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[metadata.ContentType]
    if !ok {
        return 0, errors.Errorf("Unknown content type %s", metadata.ContentType)

    var cuID int64
    err := queries.Raw(`
FROM content_units cu
  INNER JOIN files f ON f.content_unit_id = AND f.parent_id = $1 AND != $2 AND cu.type_id = $3
WHERE ( ->> 'part') :: INT = $4`,
        original.ParentID.Int64, cu.ID, mainCT.ID, part).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&cuID)

    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return 0, nil
        } else {
            return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "Query main CU ID")

    return cuID, nil


Sometimes, after a unit was created in a send operation,
we need to fix it.

Either the metadata that was given is wrong or we might need a different trim.
For such cases a new button in the trim admin "fix" is made.

The workflow simply shows the same CIT screen and unit selection.
We should:

1. re-process the metadata in "update" mode
2. figure out files for removal
3. mark those as removed
4. update the unit's published status
func ProcessCITMetadataUpdate(exec boil.Executor, metadata CITMetadata, original, proxy, source *models.File) ([]events.Event, error) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(qm.Where("uid = ?", metadata.UnitToFixUID.String)).One(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "lookup unit UID %s", metadata.UnitToFixUID.String)

    evnts, err := doProcess(exec, metadata, original, proxy, source, unit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "doProcess")

    // We remove only files generated in convert (carbon)
    // and previous trimmed not in our path.
    // Other, manually inserted, files are not touched and are left to admin
    // to figure out what to do with them.

    // Figure out merged set of file IDs
    // which are either ancestor of original or proxy of source
    // These should be excluded from removal.
    mutualAncestors := hashset.New()

    oPath, err := FindFileAncestors(exec, original.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "lookup original ancestors %d", original.ID)
    for i := range oPath {

    if proxy != nil {
        pPath, err := FindFileAncestors(exec, proxy.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "lookup proxy ancestors %d", original.ID)
        for i := range pPath {

    if source != nil {
        sPath, err := FindFileAncestors(exec, source.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "lookup source ancestors %d", original.ID)
        for i := range sPath {

    ancestorsIDs := mutualAncestors.Values()
    // These are the fix. Not the problem. Don't remove them
    ancestorsIDs = append(ancestorsIDs, original.ID)
    if proxy != nil {
        ancestorsIDs = append(ancestorsIDs, original.ID, proxy.ID)

    log.Infof("ancestorsIDs: %v", ancestorsIDs)

    // fetch file IDs to remove
    var fIDs pq.Int64Array
    q := `SELECT array_agg(distinct
FROM files f
  INNER JOIN files_operations fo ON = fo.file_id
  INNER JOIN operations o ON fo.operation_id = AND o.type_id = ANY($1)
WHERE f.content_unit_id = $2 AND NOT = ANY($3) 
    err = queries.Raw(q, pq.Array([]int64{
    }), unit.ID, pq.Array(ancestorsIDs)).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&fIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fetch file IDs to remove")

    log.Infof("%d files to remove: %v", len(fIDs), fIDs)
    wasPublished := false
    if len(fIDs) > 0 {
        // actual removal
        _, err = models.Files(
            qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(fIDs)...)).
            UpdateAll(exec, models.M{
                "removed_at": null.TimeFrom(time.Now().UTC()),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Update files to remove")

        // file removed events
        removedFiles, err := models.Files(
            qm.Select("id", "uid", "published"),
            qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(fIDs)...)).
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Refresh files to remove")

        for i := range removedFiles {
            evnts = append(evnts, events.FileRemoveEvent(removedFiles[i]))
            wasPublished = wasPublished || removedFiles[i].Published


    // unit published status change
    impact, err := FileLeftUnitImpact(exec, wasPublished, unit.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "File left impact")
    evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    return evnts, nil