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1 mo
Test Coverage
package api

import (

    log ""


const (
    MAX_PAGE_SIZE     = 1000

    SEARCH_IN_FILES                     = 1
    SEARCH_IN_CONTENT_UNITS             = 2
    SEARCH_IN_COLLECTIONS               = 3

func CollectionsListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        var r CollectionsRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

        resp, err = handleCollectionsList(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var collection Collection
        if c.BindJSON(&collection) != nil {

        if _, ok := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[collection.TypeID]; !ok {
            err := errors.Errorf("Unknown content type %d", collection.TypeID)

        for _, x := range collection.I18n {
            if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                err := errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleCreateCollection(c, tx, collection)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.CollectionCreateEvent(&resp.(*Collection).Collection))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func CollectionHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err = handleGetCollection(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    case http.MethodPut:
        var cl PartialCollection
        if c.Bind(&cl) != nil {

        cl.ID = id
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleUpdateCollection(c, tx, &cl)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.CollectionUpdateEvent(&resp.(*Collection).Collection))
    case http.MethodDelete:
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        var cl *models.Collection
        cl, err = handleDeleteCollection(c, tx, id)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.CollectionDeleteEvent(cl))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func CollectionI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.CollectionI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdateCollectionI18n(c, tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.CollectionUpdateEvent(&resp.Collection))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func CollectionContentUnitsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err = handleCollectionCCU(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var ccus []*models.CollectionsContentUnit
        if c.BindJSON(&ccus) != nil {

        var evnts []events.Event
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        evnts, err = handleCollectionAddCCU(c, tx, id, ccus)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, evnts...)
    case http.MethodPut:
        var ccu models.CollectionsContentUnit
        if c.BindJSON(&ccu) != nil {

        cuID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("cuID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "cuID expects int64"))
        ccu.ContentUnitID = cuID

        var event *events.Event
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        event, err = handleCollectionUpdateCCU(c, tx, id, ccu)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil && event != nil {
            emitEvents(c, *event)
    case http.MethodDelete:
        cuID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("cuID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "cuID expects int64"))

        var evnts []events.Event
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        evnts, err = handleCollectionRemoveCCU(c, tx, id, cuID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, evnts...)

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func CollectionContentUnitsPositionHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var event *events.Event
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)
    var r CCUPositionRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    event, err = handleCollectionContentUnitsPosition(tx, id, r.OrderType)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)
    if err != nil {

    if event != nil {
        emitEvents(c, *event)

    resp, err := handleCollectionCCU(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

// Toggle the active flag of a single container
func CollectionActivateHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleCollectionActivate(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitsListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        var r ContentUnitsRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

        resp, err = handleContentUnitsList(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var unit ContentUnit
        if c.BindJSON(&unit) != nil {

        if _, ok := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[unit.TypeID]; !ok {
            err := errors.Errorf("Unknown content type %d", unit.TypeID)

        for _, x := range unit.I18n {
            if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                err := errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleCreateContentUnit(c, tx, unit)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitCreateEvent(&resp.(*ContentUnit).ContentUnit))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        resp, err = handleGetContentUnit(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
            var cu PartialContentUnit
            if c.Bind(&cu) != nil {

            cu.ID = id
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleUpdateContentUnit(c, tx, &cu)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitUpdateEvent(&resp.(*ContentUnit).ContentUnit))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

// Get auto names of unit
func ContentUnitAutoname(c *gin.Context) {
    var r *ContentUnitAutonameRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
    resp, err := handleContentUnitAutoname(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.ContentUnitI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdateContentUnitI18n(c, tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitUpdateEvent(&resp.ContentUnit))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitFilesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        resp, err = handleContentUnitFiles(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPost {
            var fids []int64
            if c.Bind(&fids) != nil {

            var evnts []events.Event
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, evnts, err = handleContentUnitAddFiles(c, tx, id, fids)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, evnts...)

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitCollectionsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleContentUnitCCU(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitDerivativesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err = handleContentUnitCUD(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var cud models.ContentUnitDerivation
        if c.BindJSON(&cud) != nil {

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleContentUnitAddCUD(c, tx, id, cud)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(resp.(*models.ContentUnit)))
    case http.MethodPut:
        var cud models.ContentUnitDerivation
        if c.BindJSON(&cud) != nil {

        duID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("duID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "duID expects int64"))
        cud.DerivedID = duID

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleContentUnitUpdateCUD(c, tx, id, cud)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(resp.(*models.ContentUnit)))
    case http.MethodDelete:
        duID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("duID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "duID expects int64"))

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleContentUnitRemoveCUD(c, tx, id, duID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(resp.(*models.ContentUnit)))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitOriginsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleContentUnitOrigins(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitSourcesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err := handleGetContentUnitSources(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var body map[string]int64
        if c.BindJSON(&body) != nil {

        sourceID, ok := body["sourceID"]
        if !ok {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "No sourceID given")).Abort(c)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitAddSource(c, tx, id, sourceID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil && resp != nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitSourcesChangeEvent(resp))

        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodDelete:
        sourceID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("sourceID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "sourceID expects int64")).Abort(c)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitRemoveSource(c, tx, id, sourceID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitSourcesChangeEvent(resp))
        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitTagsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err := handleGetContentUnitTags(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var body map[string]int64
        if c.BindJSON(&body) != nil {

        tagID, ok := body["tagID"]
        if !ok {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "No tagID given")).Abort(c)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitAddTag(c, tx, id, tagID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil && resp != nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitTagsChangeEvent(resp))

        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodDelete:
        tagID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("tagID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "tagID expects int64")).Abort(c)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitRemoveTag(c, tx, id, tagID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitTagsChangeEvent(resp))

        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitPersonsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err := handleGetContentUnitPersons(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var cup models.ContentUnitsPerson
        if c.BindJSON(&cup) != nil {

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitAddPerson(c, tx, id, cup)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil && resp != nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitPersonsChangeEvent(resp))

        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)
    case http.MethodDelete:
        personID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("personID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "personID expects int64")).Abort(c)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err := handleContentUnitRemovePerson(c, tx, id, personID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitPersonsChangeEvent(resp))

        concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitPublishersHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        resp, err = handleGetContentUnitPublishers(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    case http.MethodPost:
        var body map[string]int64
        if c.BindJSON(&body) != nil {

        publisherID, ok := body["publisherID"]
        if !ok {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "No publisherID given"))

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleContentUnitAddPublisher(c, tx, id, publisherID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if respCU, ok := resp.(*models.ContentUnit); ok && err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitPublishersChangeEvent(respCU))
    case http.MethodDelete:
        publisherID, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("publisherID"), 10, 0)
        if e != nil {
            err = NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "publisherID expects int64"))

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleContentUnitRemovePublisher(c, tx, id, publisherID)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.ContentUnitPublishersChangeEvent(resp.(*models.ContentUnit)))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func ContentUnitMergeHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var cuIDs []int64
    if c.Bind(&cuIDs) != nil {

    // filter out host unit ID
    b := cuIDs[:0]
    for _, x := range cuIDs {
        if x != id {
            b = append(b, x)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, evnts, err := handleContentUnitMerge(c, tx, id, b)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, evnts...)

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func FilesListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var r FilesRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

    resp, err := handleFilesList(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func FileHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        resp, err = handleGetFile(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
            var f PartialFile
            if c.Bind(&f) != nil {

            f.ID = id
            var evnts []events.Event
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, evnts, err = handleUpdateFile(c, tx, &f)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, evnts...)

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func FileStoragesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleFileStorages(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func FilesWithOperationsTreeHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    db := c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB)

    files, err := FindFileTreeWithOperations(db, id)
    if err != nil {

    opIdsMap := make(map[int64]bool)
    for i := range files {
        for j := range files[i].OperationIds {
            opIdsMap[files[i].OperationIds[j]] = true

    opIds := make([]int64, len(opIdsMap))
    i := 0
    for k := range opIdsMap {
        opIds[i] = k

    ops, err := models.Operations(qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(opIds)...)).All(db)
    if err != nil {

    opsMap := make(map[int64]*models.Operation)
    for _, op := range ops {
        opsMap[op.ID] = op

    resp := &struct {
        Files      []*MFile                    `json:"files"`
        Operations map[int64]*models.Operation `json:"operations"`

    concludeRequest(c, resp, nil)

func OperationsListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    // check permissions
    if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

    var r OperationsRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

    resp, err := handleOperationsList(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func OperationItemHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    // check permissions
    if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleOperationItem(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func OperationFilesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    // check permissions
    if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    resp, err := handleOperationFiles(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func AuthorsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

    authors, err := models.Authors(qm.Load("AuthorI18ns"), qm.Load("Sources")).
    if err != nil {
        NewInternalError(errors.Wrap(err, "Load authors from DB")).Abort(c)

    data := make([]*Author, len(authors))

    for i, a := range authors {
        x := &Author{Author: *a}
        data[i] = x

        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.AuthorI18n, len(a.R.AuthorI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range a.R.AuthorI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

        x.Sources = make([]*Source, len(a.R.Sources))
        for j, s := range a.R.Sources {
            x.Sources[j] = &Source{Source: *s}

    resp := AuthorsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: int64(len(data))},
        Authors:      data,

    concludeRequest(c, resp, nil)

func SourcesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        var r SourcesRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
        resp, err = handleGetSources(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPost {
            if !isAdmin(c) {

            var r CreateSourceRequest
            if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

            if _, ok := common.SOURCE_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[r.Source.TypeID]; !ok {
                err := errors.Errorf("Unknown source type %d", r.Source.TypeID)

            for _, x := range r.Source.I18n {
                if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                    err := errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)

            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleCreateSource(tx, r)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.SourceCreateEvent(&resp.(*Source).Source))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func SourceHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        resp, err = handleGetSource(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
            if !isAdmin(c) {

            var s Source
            if c.Bind(&s) != nil {

            s.ID = id
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleUpdateSource(tx, &s)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.SourceUpdateEvent(&resp.(*Source).Source))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func SourceI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !isAdmin(c) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.SourceI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdateSourceI18n(tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.SourceUpdateEvent(&resp.Source))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func TagsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        var r TagsRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
        resp, err = handleGetTags(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPost {
            if !isAdmin(c) {

            var t Tag
            if c.Bind(&t) != nil {

            for _, x := range t.I18n {
                if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                    NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleCreateTag(tx, &t)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.TagCreateEvent(&resp.(*Tag).Tag))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func TagHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        resp, err = handleGetTag(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
            if !isAdmin(c) {

            var t Tag
            if c.Bind(&t) != nil {

            t.ID = id
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleUpdateTag(tx, &t)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.TagUpdateEvent(&resp.(*Tag).Tag))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func TagI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !isAdmin(c) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.TagI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdateTagI18n(tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.TagUpdateEvent(&resp.Tag))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PersonsListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        var r PersonsRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

        resp, err = handlePersonsList(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    case http.MethodPost:
        if !isAdmin(c) {

        var person Person
        if c.BindJSON(&person) != nil {

        for _, x := range person.I18n {
            if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                err := errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleCreatePerson(tx, &person)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.PersonCreateEvent(&resp.(*Person).Person))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PersonHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        resp, err = handleGetPerson(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    case http.MethodPut:
        if !isAdmin(c) {

        var p Person
        if c.Bind(&p) != nil {

        p.ID = id
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleUpdatePerson(tx, &p)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.PersonUpdateEvent(&resp.(*Person).Person))
    case http.MethodDelete:
        if !isAdmin(c) {

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        pr, err := handleDeletePerson(tx, id)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.PersonDeleteEvent(pr))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PersonI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !isAdmin(c) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.PersonI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdatePersonI18n(tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.PersonUpdateEvent(&resp.Person))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PublishersHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    switch c.Request.Method {
    case http.MethodGet, "":
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        var r PublishersRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

        resp, err = handlePublishersList(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    case http.MethodPost:
        if !isAdmin(c) {

        var publisher Publisher
        if c.BindJSON(&publisher) != nil {

        for _, x := range publisher.I18n {
            if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
                err := errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)

        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        resp, err = handleCreatePublisher(tx, &publisher)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.PublisherCreateEvent(&resp.(*Publisher).Publisher))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PublisherHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

        resp, err = handleGetPublisher(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id)
    } else {
        if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
            if !isAdmin(c) {

            var p Publisher
            if c.Bind(&p) != nil {

            p.ID = id
            tx := mustBeginTx(c)
            resp, err = handleUpdatePublisher(tx, &p)
            mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

            if err == nil {
                emitEvents(c, events.PublisherUpdateEvent(&resp.(*Publisher).Publisher))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func PublisherI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !isAdmin(c) {

    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.PublisherI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdatePublisherI18n(tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.PublisherUpdateEvent(&resp.Publisher))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func StoragesHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), common.PERM_READ) {

    var r StoragesRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {

    resp, err := handleStoragesList(c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), r)
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

// Labels
func LabelListHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}
    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        var r LabelsRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
        resp, err = handleGetLabelList(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), &r)
    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPost {
        var r CreateLabelRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        label, err := handleCreateLabel(c, tx, &r)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.LabelCreateEvent(label))
        resp = label.UID
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func LabelHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var err *HttpError
    var resp interface{}
    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodGet || c.Request.Method == "" {
        resp, err = handleGetLabel(c, c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB), id, common.PERM_LABEL_READ)

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodPut {
        //using SEC_SENSITIVE depended on definitions on permissions_policy.csv
        //for archive_editor and archive_label-moderation roles
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_SENSITIVE), common.PERM_LABEL_MODERATE) {
        var r UpdateApproveStateRequest
        if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        l, err := handleUpdateLabelState(tx, id, r)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.LabelUpdateEvent(l))

    if c.Request.Method == http.MethodDelete {
        //using SEC_SENSITIVE depended on definitions on permissions_policy.csv
        //for archive_editor and archive_label-moderation roles
        if !can(c, secureToPermission(common.SEC_SENSITIVE), common.PERM_LABEL_MODERATE) {
        tx := mustBeginTx(c)
        l, err := handleDeleteLabelState(tx, id)
        mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

        if err == nil {
            emitEvents(c, events.LabelDeleteEvent(l))
    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func LabelI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    id, e := strconv.ParseInt(c.Param("id"), 10, 0)
    if e != nil {
        NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(e, "id expects int64")).Abort(c)

    var i18ns []*models.LabelI18n
    if c.Bind(&i18ns) != nil {
    for _, x := range i18ns {
        if common.StdLang(x.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
            NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", x.Language)).Abort(c)

    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    resp, err := handleUpdateLabelI18n(c, tx, id, i18ns)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.LabelUpdateEvent(&resp.Label))

    concludeRequest(c, resp, err)

func LabelAddI18nHandler(c *gin.Context) {
    uid := c.Param("uid")

    var r *AddLabelI18nRequest
    if c.Bind(&r) != nil {
    user := c.MustGet("USER").(*models.User)
    tx := mustBeginTx(c)
    label, err := handleAddLabelI18n(c, tx, uid, r, user)
    mustConcludeTx(tx, err)

    if err == nil {
        emitEvents(c, events.LabelUpdateEvent(label))

    concludeRequest(c, nil, err)

// Handlers Logic

func handleCollectionsList(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, r CollectionsRequest) (*CollectionsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)
    appendPermissionsMods(cp, &mods)

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendUIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.UIDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendContentTypesFilterMods(&mods, r.ContentTypesFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendDateRangeFilterMods(&mods, r.DateRangeFilter,
        "(coalesce(properties->>'film_date', properties->>'start_date', created_at::text))::date"); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSecureFilterMods(&mods, r.SecureFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSearchTermFilterMods(exec, &mods, r.SearchTermFilter, SEARCH_IN_COLLECTIONS); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    appendPublishedFilterMods(&mods, r.PublishedFilter)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Collections(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewCollectionsResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading
    mods = append(mods, qm.Load("CollectionI18ns"))

    // data query
    collections, err := models.Collections(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Collection, len(collections))
    for i, c := range collections {
        x := &Collection{Collection: *c}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.CollectionI18n, len(c.R.CollectionI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range c.R.CollectionI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return &CollectionsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Collections:  data,
    }, nil

func handleCreateCollection(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, c Collection) (*Collection, *HttpError) {
    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(c.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // unmarshal properties
    props := make(map[string]interface{})
    if c.Properties.Valid {
        err := json.Unmarshal(c.Properties.JSON, &props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(err, "json.Unmarshal properties"))

    // create collection in DB
    ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[c.TypeID].Name
    collection, err := CreateCollection(exec, ct, props)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range c.I18n {
        err := collection.AddCollectionI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetCollection(cp, exec, collection.ID)

func handleGetCollection(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Collection, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.Collections(qm.Where("id = ?", id), qm.Load("CollectionI18ns")).
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // i18n
    x := &Collection{Collection: *collection}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.CollectionI18n, len(collection.R.CollectionI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range collection.R.CollectionI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return x, nil

func handleUpdateCollection(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, c *PartialCollection) (*Collection, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.FindCollection(exec, c.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // update entity attributes
    if c.Secure.Valid {
        collection.Secure = c.Secure.Int16
        _, err = collection.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("secure"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // update properties bag
    if c.Properties.Valid {
        var props map[string]interface{}
        err = c.Properties.Unmarshal(&props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

        err = UpdateCollectionProperties(exec, collection, props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetCollection(cp, exec, c.ID)

func handleCollectionContentUnitsPosition(exec boil.Executor, id int64, orderType string) (*events.Event, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    event := events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(collection)
    all, err := models.CollectionsContentUnits(
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if orderType == "name" {
        sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool {
            nameI, err := strconv.Atoi(all[i].Name)
            if err != nil {
                nameI = len(all)
            nameJ, err := strconv.Atoi(all[j].Name)
            if err != nil {
                nameJ = len(all)
            return nameI < nameJ
    } else {
        sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool {
            fdI := filmDateByCUWithDefault(all[i].R.ContentUnit)
            fdJ := filmDateByCUWithDefault(all[j].R.ContentUnit)
            return fdI.Before(fdJ)

    for i, ccu := range all {
        ccu.Position = i
        _, err = ccu.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist(models.CollectionsContentUnitColumns.Position))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    return &event, nil

func filmDateByCUWithDefault(cu *models.ContentUnit) time.Time {
    fd0, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", "2000-01-02")
    if !cu.Properties.Valid {
        return fd0
    var props map[string]interface{}
    if err := cu.Properties.Unmarshal(&props); err != nil {
        return fd0
    fd, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", props["film_date"].(string))
    if err != nil {
        fd, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, props["film_date"].(string))
        if err != nil {
            return fd0
    return fd

func handleDeleteCollection(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*models.Collection, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    _, err = models.CollectionsContentUnits(qm.Where("collection_id = ?", id)).DeleteAll(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = models.CollectionI18ns(qm.Where("collection_id = ?", id)).DeleteAll(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = collection.Delete(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return collection, nil

func handleUpdateCollectionI18n(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.CollectionI18n) (*Collection, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := handleGetCollection(cp, exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_I18N_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.CollectionI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        if strings.TrimSpace(i18n.Name.String) == "" {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("name can't be empty"))
        if len(i18n.Description.String) > 0 && strings.TrimSpace(i18n.Description.String) == "" {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("description can't be white space only"))
        i18n.CollectionID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"collection_id", "language"},
            boil.Whitelist("name", "description"),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range collection.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetCollection(cp, exec, id)

func handleCollectionActivate(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Collection, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    var props = make(map[string]interface{})
    if collection.Properties.Valid {
    active, ok := props["active"]
    if ok {
        b, _ := active.(bool)
        props["active"] = !b
    } else {
        props["active"] = false

    pbytes, err := json.Marshal(props)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    collection.Properties = null.JSONFrom(pbytes)
    _, err = collection.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("properties"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetCollection(cp, exec, id)

func handleCollectionCCU(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*CollectionContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    collection, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(collection.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    ccus, err := models.CollectionsContentUnits(
        qm.Where("collection_id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    } else if len(ccus) == 0 {
        return make([]*CollectionContentUnit, 0), nil

    ids := make([]int64, len(ccus))
    for i, ccu := range ccus {
        ids[i] = ccu.ContentUnitID
    cus, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    cusById := make(map[int64]*ContentUnit, len(cus))
    for _, cu := range cus {
        x := ContentUnit{ContentUnit: *cu}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        cusById[x.ID] = &x

    data := make([]*CollectionContentUnit, 0)
    for i := range ccus {
        ccu := ccus[i]
        if cu, ok := cusById[ccu.ContentUnitID]; ok {
            data = append(data, &CollectionContentUnit{
                Name:        ccu.Name,
                Position:    ccu.Position,
                ContentUnit: cu,

    return data, nil

func handleCollectionAddCCU(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, ccus []*models.CollectionsContentUnit) ([]events.Event, *HttpError) {
    c, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(c.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    evnts := make([]events.Event, 1)
    evnts[0] = events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(c)

    for _, ccu := range ccus {
        cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, ccu.ContentUnitID)
        if err != nil {
            if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
                return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown content unit id %d", ccu.ContentUnitID))
            } else {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

        exists, err := models.CollectionsContentUnits(
            qm.Where("collection_id = ? AND content_unit_id = ?", id, ccu.ContentUnitID)).
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if exists {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("Association already exists"))

        err = c.AddCollectionsContentUnits(exec, true, ccu)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

        if cu.Published && !c.Published {
            c.Published = true
            if _, err := c.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("published")); err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)
            evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionPublishedChangeEvent(c))

    return evnts, nil

func handleCollectionUpdateCCU(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, ccu models.CollectionsContentUnit) (*events.Event, *HttpError) {
    c, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(c.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    mCCU, err := models.FindCollectionsContentUnit(exec, id, ccu.ContentUnitID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    mCCU.Name = ccu.Name
    mCCU.Position = ccu.Position
    _, err = mCCU.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("name", "position"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    e := events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(c)

    return &e, nil

func handleCollectionRemoveCCU(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, cuID int64) ([]events.Event, *HttpError) {
    c, err := models.FindCollection(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(c.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    ccu, err := models.FindCollectionsContentUnit(exec, id, cuID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = ccu.Delete(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    var evnts = make([]events.Event, 1)
    evnts[0] = events.CollectionContentUnitsChangeEvent(c)

    if c.Published {
        var hasPublishedCUs bool
        query := `SELECT count(*) > 0
                 FROM collections_content_units ccu INNER JOIN content_units cu
                     ON ccu.content_unit_id = AND ccu.collection_id = $1 AND cu.published IS TRUE`
        if err := queries.Raw(query, id).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&hasPublishedCUs); err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

        if !hasPublishedCUs {
            c.Published = false
            if _, err := c.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("published")); err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)
            evnts = append(evnts, events.CollectionPublishedChangeEvent(c))

    return evnts, nil

func handleContentUnitsList(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, r ContentUnitsRequest) (*ContentUnitsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)
    appendPermissionsMods(cp, &mods)

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendUIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.UIDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendContentTypesFilterMods(&mods, r.ContentTypesFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendDateRangeFilterMods(&mods, r.DateRangeFilter,
        "(coalesce(properties->>'capture_date', properties->>'film_date', created_at::text))::date"); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSourcesFilterMods(exec, &mods, r.SourcesFilter); err != nil {
        if e, ok := err.(*HttpError); ok {
            return nil, e
        } else {
    if err := appendTagsFilterMods(exec, &mods, r.TagsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    for _, t := range r.ContentTypesFilter.ContentTypes {
        if t == common.CT_SOURCE {
    if err := appendSearchTermFilterMods(exec, &mods, r.SearchTermFilter, searchIn); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSecureFilterMods(&mods, r.SecureFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    appendPublishedFilterMods(&mods, r.PublishedFilter)

    appendOriginalFilterMods(&mods, r.OriginalLanguageFilter)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.ContentUnits(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewContentUnitsResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading

    // Eager loading
    loadTables := []qm.QueryMod{qm.Load("ContentUnitI18ns")}

    if r.WithCollections {
        loadTables = append(loadTables,
    mods = append(mods, loadTables...)

    // data query
    units, err := models.ContentUnits(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*ContentUnit, len(units))
    for i, cu := range units {
        x := &ContentUnit{ContentUnit: *cu}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        if cu.R.CollectionsContentUnits != nil {
            x.Collections = make([]*Collection, len(cu.R.CollectionsContentUnits))
            for i, ccu := range cu.R.CollectionsContentUnits {
                c := &Collection{Collection: *ccu.R.Collection}
                c.I18n = make(map[string]*models.CollectionI18n, len(ccu.R.Collection.R.CollectionI18ns))

                for _, i18n := range ccu.R.Collection.R.CollectionI18ns {
                    c.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
                x.Collections[i] = c

    return &ContentUnitsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        ContentUnits: data,
    }, nil

func handleGetContentUnit(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(qm.Where("id = ?", id), qm.Load("ContentUnitI18ns")).One(exec)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // i18n
    x := &ContentUnit{ContentUnit: *unit}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(unit.R.ContentUnitI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range unit.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return x, nil

func handleCreateContentUnit(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, cu ContentUnit) (*ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // unmarshal properties
    props := make(map[string]interface{})
    if cu.Properties.Valid {
        err := json.Unmarshal(cu.Properties.JSON, &props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Wrap(err, "json.Unmarshal properties"))

    // create content_unit in DB
    ct := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByID[cu.TypeID].Name
    unit, err := CreateContentUnit(exec, ct, props)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range cu.I18n {
        err := unit.AddContentUnitI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, unit.ID)

func handleUpdateContentUnit(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, cu *PartialContentUnit) (*ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, cu.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    if unit.TypeID == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_SOURCE].ID {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unit type %s is close for changes", common.CT_SOURCE))

    if cu.Secure.Valid {
        unit.Secure = cu.Secure.Int16
        _, err = unit.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("secure"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if cu.TypeID.Valid {
        canChangeFrom := false
        canChangeTo := false
        for _, n := range common.UNIT_CONTENT_TYPE_CAN_CHANGE {
            if int64(cu.TypeID.Int16) == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[n].ID {
                canChangeTo = true
            if unit.TypeID == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[n].ID {
                canChangeFrom = true

        if !canChangeFrom || !canChangeTo || !isAdmin(cp) {
            return nil, NewForbiddenError()

        unit.TypeID = int64(cu.TypeID.Int16)
        _, err = unit.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("type_id"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // update properties bag
    if cu.Properties.Valid {
        var props map[string]interface{}
        err = cu.Properties.Unmarshal(&props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

        err = UpdateContentUnitProperties(exec, unit, props)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, cu.ID)

func handleContentUnitAutoname(exec boil.Executor, data *ContentUnitAutonameRequest) ([]*models.ContentUnitI18n, *HttpError) {
    metadata := CITMetadata{CollectionUID: data.CollectionUID}
    describer, err := GetCUDescriber(exec, &models.ContentUnit{TypeID: data.TypeID}, metadata)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // describe
    resp, err := describer.DescribeContentUnit(exec, &models.ContentUnit{ID: -1, TypeID: data.TypeID}, metadata)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    return resp, nil


func handleUpdateContentUnitI18n(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.ContentUnitI18n) (*ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_I18N_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    if unit.TypeID == common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_SOURCE].ID {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unit type %s is close for changes", common.CT_SOURCE))

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.ContentUnitID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"content_unit_id", "language"},
            boil.Whitelist("name", "description"),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range unit.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, id)

func handleContentUnitFiles(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*MFile, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    files, err := models.Files(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)),
        qm.Where("content_unit_id = ?", id)).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    data := make([]*MFile, len(files))
    for i, f := range files {
        data[i] = NewMFile(f)

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddFiles(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, fileIDs []int64) (*ContentUnit, []events.Event, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // fetch files
    // With respect to write permissions (as we're about to modify them)
    files, err := models.Files(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedWrite(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(fileIDs)...)).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if len(files) != len(fileIDs) {
        return nil, nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("Couldn't find all files (permissions maybe ?)"))

    // look through files, some might change indeed.
    // collect a set of CU IDs whose files are gone. Any impact on published status ?
    evnts := make([]events.Event, 0)
    somePublished := false
    changedIDs := make([]interface{}, 0)
    possiblyEffectedCUs := make(map[int64]bool)
    for i := range files {
        f := files[i]
        fCUID := f.ContentUnitID.Int64
        if fCUID == id {
        } else {
            if f.ContentUnitID.Valid {
                possiblyEffectedCUs[fCUID] = possiblyEffectedCUs[fCUID] || f.Published
            f.ContentUnitID = null.Int64From(id) // so we respond with it without re-fetch from db

        changedIDs = append(changedIDs, f.ID)
        evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(f))

        if f.Published {
            somePublished = true

    // actual update of files that needs to be changed
    _, err = models.Files(qm.WhereIn("id in ?", changedIDs...)).
        UpdateAll(exec, models.M{"content_unit_id": id})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // published status may change for host unit and it's related collections
    impact, err := FileAddedUnitImpact(exec, somePublished, unit.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
    evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    // published status may change for units we leave as well
    for k, v := range possiblyEffectedCUs {
        impact, err := FileLeftUnitImpact(exec, v, k)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    resp, herr := handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, id)

    return resp, evnts, herr

func handleContentUnitCCU(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*CollectionContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    ccus, err := models.CollectionsContentUnits(qm.Where("content_unit_id = ?", id)).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    } else if len(ccus) == 0 {
        return make([]*CollectionContentUnit, 0), nil

    ids := make([]int64, len(ccus))
    for i, ccu := range ccus {
        ids[i] = ccu.CollectionID
    cs, err := models.Collections(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    csById := make(map[int64]*Collection, len(cs))
    for _, c := range cs {
        x := Collection{Collection: *c}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.CollectionI18n, len(c.R.CollectionI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range c.R.CollectionI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        csById[x.ID] = &x

    data := make([]*CollectionContentUnit, len(ccus))
    for i, ccu := range ccus {
        data[i] = &CollectionContentUnit{
            Name:       ccu.Name,
            Position:   ccu.Position,
            Collection: csById[ccu.CollectionID],

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitCUD(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*ContentUnitDerivation, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    cuds, err := models.ContentUnitDerivations(qm.Where("source_id = ?", id)).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    } else if len(cuds) == 0 {
        return make([]*ContentUnitDerivation, 0), nil

    ids := make([]int64, len(cuds))
    for i := range cuds {
        ids[i] = cuds[i].DerivedID
    cus, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    cusById := make(map[int64]*ContentUnit, len(cus))
    for _, cu := range cus {
        x := ContentUnit{ContentUnit: *cu}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        cusById[x.ID] = &x

    data := make([]*ContentUnitDerivation, len(cuds))
    for i, cud := range cuds {
        data[i] = &ContentUnitDerivation{
            Derived: cusById[cud.DerivedID],
            Name:    cud.Name,

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddCUD(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, cud models.ContentUnitDerivation) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    exists, err := models.ContentUnits(qm.Where("id = ?", cud.DerivedID)).Exists(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if !exists {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown content unit id %d", cud.DerivedID))

    exists, err = models.ContentUnitDerivations(qm.Where("source_id = ? AND derived_id = ?", id, cud.DerivedID)).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if exists {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("Derivation already exists"))

    err = cu.AddSourceContentUnitDerivations(exec, true, &cud)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitUpdateCUD(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, cud models.ContentUnitDerivation) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    mCUD, err := models.FindContentUnitDerivation(exec, id, cud.DerivedID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    mCUD.Name = cud.Name
    _, err = mCUD.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("name"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitRemoveCUD(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, duID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    cud, err := models.FindContentUnitDerivation(exec, id, duID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = cud.Delete(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitOrigins(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*ContentUnitDerivation, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    cuds, err := models.ContentUnitDerivations(qm.Where("derived_id = ?", id)).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    } else if len(cuds) == 0 {
        return make([]*ContentUnitDerivation, 0), nil

    ids := make([]int64, len(cuds))
    for i := range cuds {
        ids[i] = cuds[i].SourceID
    cus, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    cusById := make(map[int64]*ContentUnit, len(cus))
    for _, cu := range cus {
        x := ContentUnit{ContentUnit: *cu}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.ContentUnitI18n, len(cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range cu.R.ContentUnitI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        cusById[x.ID] = &x

    data := make([]*ContentUnitDerivation, len(cuds))
    for i, cud := range cuds {
        data[i] = &ContentUnitDerivation{
            Name:   cud.Name,
            Source: cusById[cud.SourceID],

    return data, nil

func handleGetContentUnitSources(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*Source, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),

    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    data := make([]*Source, len(unit.R.Sources))
    for i, source := range unit.R.Sources {
        x := &Source{Source: *source}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.SourceI18n, len(source.R.SourceI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range source.R.SourceI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        data[i] = x

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddSource(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, sourceID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    source, err := models.FindSource(exec, sourceID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown source id %d", sourceID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    var count int64
    err = queries.Raw(
        `SELECT COUNT(1) FROM content_units_sources WHERE content_unit_id=$1 AND source_id=$2`,
        cu.ID, source.ID).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if count > 0 {
        return nil, nil // noop

    err = cu.AddSources(exec, false, source)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitRemoveSource(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, sourceID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    source, err := models.FindSource(exec, sourceID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown source id %d", sourceID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    err = cu.RemoveSources(exec, source)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleGetContentUnitTags(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*Tag, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),

    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    data := make([]*Tag, len(unit.R.Tags))
    for i, tag := range unit.R.Tags {
        x := &Tag{Tag: *tag}
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.TagI18n, len(tag.R.TagI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range tag.R.TagI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        data[i] = x

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddTag(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, tagID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    tag, err := models.FindTag(exec, tagID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown tag id %d", tagID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    var count int64
    err = queries.Raw(
        `SELECT COUNT(1) FROM content_units_tags WHERE content_unit_id=$1 AND tag_id=$2`,
        cu.ID, tag.ID).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if count > 0 {
        return nil, nil // noop

    err = cu.AddTags(exec, false, tag)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitRemoveTag(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, tagID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    tag, err := models.FindTag(exec, tagID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown tag id %d", tagID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    err = cu.RemoveTags(exec, tag)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleGetContentUnitPersons(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*ContentUnitPerson, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),

    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    data := make([]*ContentUnitPerson, len(unit.R.ContentUnitsPersons))
    for i, cup := range unit.R.ContentUnitsPersons {
        p := &Person{Person: *cup.R.Person}
        p.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PersonI18n, len(cup.R.Person.R.PersonI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range cup.R.Person.R.PersonI18ns {
            p.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        data[i] = &ContentUnitPerson{Person: p, RoleID: cup.RoleID}

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddPerson(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, cup models.ContentUnitsPerson) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    exists, err := models.PersonExists(exec, cup.PersonID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if !exists {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown person id %d", cup.PersonID))

    exists, err = models.ContentRoleTypeExists(exec, cup.RoleID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if !exists {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown role id %d", cup.RoleID))

    existingCUP, err := models.FindContentUnitsPerson(exec, id, cup.PersonID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            // create new
            cup.ContentUnitID = id
            err = cup.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)
            return cu, nil
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // update role
    existingCUP.RoleID = cup.RoleID
    _, err = existingCUP.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("role_id"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitRemovePerson(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, personID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    cup, err := models.FindContentUnitsPerson(exec, id, personID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = cup.Delete(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleGetContentUnitPublishers(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*Publisher, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),

    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    data := make([]*Publisher, len(unit.R.Publishers))
    for i, publisher := range unit.R.Publishers {
        p := &Publisher{Publisher: *publisher}
        p.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PublisherI18n, len(publisher.R.PublisherI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range publisher.R.PublisherI18ns {
            p.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        data[i] = p

    return data, nil

func handleContentUnitAddPublisher(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, publisherID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    publisher, err := models.FindPublisher(exec, publisherID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown publisher id %d", publisherID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    var count int64
    err = queries.Raw(
        `SELECT COUNT(1) FROM content_units_publishers WHERE content_unit_id=$1 AND publisher_id=$2`,
        cu.ID, publisher.ID).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if count > 0 {
        return nil, nil // noop

    err = cu.AddPublishers(exec, false, publisher)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitRemovePublisher(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, publisherID int64) (*models.ContentUnit, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(cu.Secure), common.PERM_METADATA_WRITE) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    publisher, err := models.FindPublisher(exec, publisherID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown publisher id %d", publisherID))
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    err = cu.RemovePublishers(exec, publisher)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return cu, nil

func handleContentUnitMerge(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, cuIDs []int64) (*ContentUnit, []events.Event, *HttpError) {
    unit, err := models.FindContentUnit(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(unit.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // fetch units to be merged
    // With respect to write permissions (as we're about to modify them)
    units, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedWrite(cp)),
        qm.WhereIn("id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(cuIDs)...),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if len(units) != len(cuIDs) {
        return nil, nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.New("Couldn't find all units (permissions maybe ?)"))

    // for each merged unit we:
    // 1. move all it's files to host unit
    // 2. move all derivations to host unit
    // 3. remove unit

    evnts := make([]events.Event, 0)
    somePublished := false
    cuDerivativesChange := false
    for i := range units {
        cu := units[i]
        log.Infof("Merging CU %d into CU %d", cu.ID, unit.ID)
        if cu.Published {
            somePublished = true

        // move files
        _, err := cu.R.Files.UpdateAll(exec, models.M{"content_unit_id": unit.ID})
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        for i := range cu.R.Files {
            evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(cu.R.Files[i]))

        // move derivations
        _, err = cu.R.DerivedContentUnitDerivations.UpdateAll(exec, models.M{"derived_id": unit.ID})
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        for i := range cu.R.DerivedContentUnitDerivations {
            sourceCU, err := cu.R.DerivedContentUnitDerivations[i].Source().One(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
            evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(sourceCU))

        _, err = cu.R.SourceContentUnitDerivations.UpdateAll(exec, models.M{"source_id": unit.ID})
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if len(cu.R.SourceContentUnitDerivations) > 0 {
            cuDerivativesChange = true

        // remove unit
        err = DeleteContentUnit(exec, cu)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDeleteEvent(cu))

    if cuDerivativesChange {
        evnts = append(evnts, events.ContentUnitDerivativesChangeEvent(unit))

    // published status may change for host unit and it's related collections
    impact, err := FileAddedUnitImpact(exec, somePublished, unit.ID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
    evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    resp, herr := handleGetContentUnit(cp, exec, id)

    return resp, evnts, herr

func handleFilesList(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, r FilesRequest) (*FilesResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)
    appendPermissionsMods(cp, &mods)

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendUIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.UIDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSHA1sFilterMods(&mods, r.SHA1sFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendDateRangeFilterMods(&mods, r.DateRangeFilter, "file_created_at"); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendSecureFilterMods(&mods, r.SecureFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    appendPublishedFilterMods(&mods, r.PublishedFilter)
    if err := appendSearchTermFilterMods(exec, &mods, r.SearchTermFilter, SEARCH_IN_FILES); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    /*if r.Query != "" {
        mods = append(mods, qm.Where("name ~ ?", r.Query),
            qm.Or("uid ~ ?", r.Query),
            qm.Or("id::TEXT ~ ?", r.Query))

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Files(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewFilesResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // data query
    files, err := models.Files(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    data := make([]*MFile, len(files))
    for i, f := range files {
        data[i] = NewMFile(f)

    return &FilesResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Files:        data,
    }, nil

func handleGetFile(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*MFile, *HttpError) {
    file, err := models.FindFile(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(file.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    return NewMFile(file), nil

func handleUpdateFile(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, f *PartialFile) (*MFile, []events.Event, *HttpError) {
    file, err := models.FindFile(exec, f.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(file.Secure), common.PERM_WRITE) {
        return nil, nil, NewForbiddenError()

    evnts := make([]events.Event, 0)

    if f.Type.Valid {
        file.Type = f.Type.String
    if f.SubType.Valid {
        file.SubType = f.SubType.String
    if f.MimeType.Valid {
        file.MimeType = f.MimeType
    if f.Language.Valid {
        file.Language = f.Language
    if f.ParentID.Valid {
        file.ParentID = f.ParentID
    if f.Secure.Valid {
        file.Secure = f.Secure.Int16

    prevCUID := file.ContentUnitID.Int64
    if f.ContentUnitID.Valid {
        file.ContentUnitID = f.ContentUnitID

    _, err = file.Update(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)

    evnts = append(evnts, events.FileUpdateEvent(file))

    // We might be leaving some unit and joining another.
    // What should be the impact of their published status ?

    // The unit we're joining
    if f.ContentUnitID.Valid {
        impact, err := FileAddedUnitImpact(exec, file.Published, f.ContentUnitID.Int64)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    // The unit we're leaving
    if prevCUID != 0 {
        impact, err := FileLeftUnitImpact(exec, file.Published, prevCUID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, NewInternalError(err)
        evnts = append(evnts, impact.Events()...)

    resp, herr := handleGetFile(cp, exec, f.ID)
    return resp, evnts, herr

func handleFileStorages(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*Storage, *HttpError) {
    file, err := models.FindFile(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // check object level permissions
    if !can(cp, secureToPermission(file.Secure), common.PERM_READ) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    storages, err := models.Storages(
        qm.InnerJoin("files_storages fs on fs.storage_id=id and fs.file_id = ?", id)).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    data := make([]*Storage, len(storages))
    for i := range storages {
        data[i] = &Storage{Storage: *storages[i]}

    return data, nil

func handleOperationsList(exec boil.Executor, r OperationsRequest) (*OperationsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // filters
    if err := appendDateRangeFilterMods(&mods, r.DateRangeFilter, "created_at"); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendOperationTypesFilterMods(&mods, r.OperationTypesFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Operations(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewOperationsResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // data query
    data, err := models.Operations(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return &OperationsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Operations:   data,
    }, nil

func handleOperationItem(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*models.Operation, *HttpError) {
    operation, err := models.FindOperation(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return operation, nil

func handleOperationFiles(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64) ([]*MFile, *HttpError) {
    ok, err := models.OperationExists(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if !ok {
        return nil, NewNotFoundError()

    files, err := models.Files(
        qm.InnerJoin("files_operations fo on fo.file_id=id and fo.operation_id = ? and secure <= ?",
            id, allowedRead(cp))).
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    data := make([]*MFile, len(files))
    for i, f := range files {
        data[i] = NewMFile(f)

    return data, nil

func handleGetSources(exec boil.Executor, r SourcesRequest) (*SourcesResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Sources(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewSourcesResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading
    mods = append(mods, qm.Load("SourceI18ns"))

    // data query
    sources, err := models.Sources(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Source, len(sources))
    for i, s := range sources {
        x := &Source{Source: *s}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.SourceI18n, len(s.R.SourceI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range s.R.SourceI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return &SourcesResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Sources:      data,
    }, nil

func handleCreateSource(exec boil.Executor, r CreateSourceRequest) (*Source, *HttpError) {
    s := r.Source

    // check pattern unique constraint
    if s.Pattern.Valid {
        ok, err := models.Sources(qm.Where("pattern = ?", s.Pattern.String)).Exists(exec)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if ok {
            err = errors.Errorf("Pattern already in use: %s", s.Pattern.String)
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // make sure parent source exists if given
    if s.ParentID.Valid {
        ok, err := models.Sources(qm.Where("id = ?", s.ParentID.Int64)).Exists(exec)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if !ok {
            err = errors.Errorf("Unknown parent source: %d", s.ParentID.Int64)
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // make sure author exists if given
    if r.AuthorID.Valid {
        ok, err := models.Authors(qm.Where("id = ?", r.AuthorID.Int64)).Exists(exec)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if !ok {
            err = errors.Errorf("Unknown author: %d", r.AuthorID.Int64)
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // save source to DB
    uid, err := getUniqSourceAndCUUID(exec, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    s.UID = uid

    err = s.Source.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range s.I18n {
        err := s.AddSourceI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save author
    if r.AuthorID.Valid {
        err := s.Source.AddAuthors(exec, false, &models.Author{ID: r.AuthorID.Int64})
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    // create CU type source

    props, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{"source_id": s.UID})

    cu := &models.ContentUnit{
        UID:        s.UID,
        TypeID:     common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[common.CT_SOURCE].ID,
        Published:  true,
        Properties: null.JSONFrom(props),

    err = cu.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetSource(exec, s.ID)

func getUniqSourceAndCUUID(exec boil.Executor, attempts int64) (string, error) {
    if attempts > 10 {
        return "", errors.New("Too match attempts of find unique UID for CU and Source")
    uid, err := GetFreeUID(exec, new(SourceUIDChecker))
    if err != nil {
        return "", NewInternalError(err)
    hasCU, err := models.ContentUnits(qm.Where("uid = ?", uid)).Exists(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return "", NewInternalError(err)
    if hasCU {
        return getUniqSourceAndCUUID(exec, attempts)
    return uid, err

func handleGetSource(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Source, *HttpError) {
    source, err := models.Sources(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    x := &Source{Source: *source}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.SourceI18n, len(source.R.SourceI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range source.R.SourceI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
    return x, nil

func handleUpdateSource(exec boil.Executor, s *Source) (*Source, *HttpError) {
    source, err := models.FindSource(exec, s.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if s.TypeID != 0 { // to allow partial updates
        source.TypeID = s.TypeID
    if s.Position.Valid {
        source.Position = s.Position
    source.Pattern = s.Pattern
    source.Description = s.Description
    _, err = s.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("pattern", "description", "type_id", "position"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetSource(exec, s.ID)

func handleUpdateSourceI18n(exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.SourceI18n) (*Source, *HttpError) {
    source, err := handleGetSource(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.SourceI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.SourceID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"source_id", "language"},
            boil.Whitelist("name", "description"),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range source.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetSource(exec, id)

func handleGetTags(exec boil.Executor, r TagsRequest) (*TagsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Tags(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewTagsResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading
    mods = append(mods, qm.Load("TagI18ns"))

    // data query
    tags, err := models.Tags(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Tag, len(tags))
    for i, t := range tags {
        x := &Tag{Tag: *t}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.TagI18n, len(t.R.TagI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range t.R.TagI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return &TagsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Tags:         data,
    }, nil

func handleCreateTag(exec boil.Executor, t *Tag) (*Tag, *HttpError) {
    // make sure parent tag exists if given
    if t.ParentID.Valid {
        ok, err := models.Tags(qm.Where("id = ?", t.ParentID.Int64)).Exists(exec)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)
        if !ok {
            return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown parent tag %d", t.ParentID.Int64))

    // save tag to DB
    uid, err := GetFreeUID(exec, new(TagUIDChecker))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    t.UID = uid

    err = t.Tag.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range t.I18n {
        err := t.AddTagI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetTag(exec, t.ID)

func handleGetTag(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Tag, *HttpError) {
    tag, err := models.Tags(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    x := &Tag{Tag: *tag}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.TagI18n, len(tag.R.TagI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range tag.R.TagI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return x, nil

func handleUpdateTag(exec boil.Executor, t *Tag) (*Tag, *HttpError) {
    tag, err := models.FindTag(exec, t.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    tag.Pattern = t.Pattern
    tag.Description = t.Description
    tag.ParentID = t.ParentID
    _, err = t.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("pattern", "description", "parent_id"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetTag(exec, t.ID)

func handleUpdateTagI18n(exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.TagI18n) (*Tag, *HttpError) {
    tag, err := handleGetTag(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.TagI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.TagID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"tag_id", "language"},
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range tag.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetTag(exec, id)

func handlePersonsList(exec boil.Executor, r PersonsRequest) (*PersonsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendUIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.UIDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendPatternsFilterMods(&mods, r.PatternsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Persons(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewPersonsResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading
    mods = append(mods, qm.Load("PersonI18ns"))

    // data query
    persons, err := models.Persons(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Person, len(persons))
    for i, pr := range persons {
        x := &Person{Person: *pr}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PersonI18n, len(pr.R.PersonI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range pr.R.PersonI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return &PersonsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Persons:      data,
    }, nil

func handleCreatePerson(exec boil.Executor, p *Person) (*Person, *HttpError) {

    // save person to DB
    uid, err := GetFreeUID(exec, new(PersonUIDChecker))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    p.UID = uid

    err = p.Person.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range p.I18n {
        err := p.AddPersonI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPerson(exec, p.ID)

func handleUpdatePerson(exec boil.Executor, p *Person) (*Person, *HttpError) {
    person, err := models.FindPerson(exec, p.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    person.Pattern = p.Pattern
    _, err = p.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("pattern"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPerson(exec, p.ID)

func handleGetPerson(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Person, *HttpError) {
    person, err := models.Persons(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    x := &Person{Person: *person}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PersonI18n, len(person.R.PersonI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range person.R.PersonI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return x, nil

func handleUpdatePersonI18n(exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.PersonI18n) (*Person, *HttpError) {
    person, err := handleGetPerson(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.PersonI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.PersonID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"person_id", "language"},
            boil.Whitelist("name", "description"),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range person.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPerson(exec, id)

func handleDeletePerson(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*models.Person, *HttpError) {
    person, err := models.FindPerson(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = models.ContentUnitsPersons(qm.Where("person_id = ?", id)).DeleteAll(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = models.PersonI18ns(qm.Where("person_id = ?", id)).DeleteAll(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    _, err = person.Delete(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return person, nil

func handleStoragesList(exec boil.Executor, r StoragesRequest) (*StoragesResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Storages(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewStoragesResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // data query
    data, err := models.Storages(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return &StoragesResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Storages:     data,
    }, nil

func handlePublishersList(exec boil.Executor, r PublishersRequest) (*PublishersResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := make([]qm.QueryMod, 0)

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendUIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.UIDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendPatternsFilterMods(&mods, r.PatternsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Publishers(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewPublishersResponse(), nil

    // order, limit, offset
    if err = appendListMods(&mods, r.ListRequest); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    // Eager loading
    mods = append(mods, qm.Load("PublisherI18ns"))

    // data query
    publishers, err := models.Publishers(mods...).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Publisher, len(publishers))
    for i, pr := range publishers {
        x := &Publisher{Publisher: *pr}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PublisherI18n, len(pr.R.PublisherI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range pr.R.PublisherI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return &PublishersResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Publishers:   data,
    }, nil

func handleCreatePublisher(exec boil.Executor, p *Publisher) (*Publisher, *HttpError) {

    // save publisher to DB
    uid, err := GetFreeUID(exec, new(PublisherUIDChecker))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    p.UID = uid

    err = p.Publisher.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save i18n
    for _, v := range p.I18n {
        err := p.AddPublisherI18ns(exec, true, v)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPublisher(exec, p.ID)

func handleGetPublisher(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*Publisher, *HttpError) {
    publisher, err := models.Publishers(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    x := &Publisher{Publisher: *publisher}
    x.I18n = make(map[string]*models.PublisherI18n, len(publisher.R.PublisherI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range publisher.R.PublisherI18ns {
        x.I18n[i18n.Language] = i18n

    return x, nil

func handleUpdatePublisher(exec boil.Executor, p *Publisher) (*Publisher, *HttpError) {
    publisher, err := models.FindPublisher(exec, p.ID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    publisher.Pattern = p.Pattern
    _, err = p.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("pattern"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPublisher(exec, p.ID)

func handleUpdatePublisherI18n(exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.PublisherI18n) (*Publisher, *HttpError) {
    publisher, err := handleGetPublisher(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.PublisherI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.PublisherID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"publisher_id", "language"},
            boil.Whitelist("name", "description"),
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range publisher.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetPublisher(exec, id)

// Labels
func handleGetLabelList(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, r *LabelsRequest) (*LabelsResponse, *HttpError) {
    mods := []qm.QueryMod{
        qm.InnerJoin("content_units cu on and <= ?", allowedSecure(cp, common.PERM_LABEL_READ)),

    // filters
    if err := appendIDsFilterMods(&mods, r.IDsFilter); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    if err := appendDateRangeFilterMods(&mods, r.DateRangeFilter, "created_at"); err != nil {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)
    //append approve state filter
    if r.ApproveState.Valid {
        mods = append(mods, qm.Where("approve_state = ?", r.ApproveState))

    // count query
    var total int64
    countMods := append([]qm.QueryMod{qm.Select("count(DISTINCT \"labels\".id)")}, mods...)
    err := models.Labels(countMods...).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&total)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    if total == 0 {
        return NewLabelsResponse(), nil

    labels, err := models.Labels(qm.Load("LabelI18ns"),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // i18n
    data := make([]*Label, len(labels))
    for i, pr := range labels {
        x := &Label{Label: *pr}
        data[i] = x
        x.I18n = make(map[string]*LabelI18n, len(pr.R.LabelI18ns))
        for _, i18n := range pr.R.LabelI18ns {
            x.I18n[i18n.Language] = &LabelI18n{LabelI18n: *i18n, Author: i18n.R.User}

    return &LabelsResponse{
        ListResponse: ListResponse{Total: total},
        Labels:       data,
    }, nil

func handleCreateLabel(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, r *CreateLabelRequest) (*models.Label, *HttpError) {
    cu, err := models.ContentUnits(
        qm.WhereIn("uid = ?", r.ContentUnit),
        qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedSecure(cp, common.PERM_LABEL_WRITE)),
    if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, NewNotFoundError()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    label := &models.Label{
        MediaType:     r.MediaType,
        ApproveState:  common.APR_NONE,
        ContentUnitID: cu.ID,

    // save label to DB
    uid, err := GetFreeUID(exec, new(LabelUIDChecker))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    label.UID = uid

    if r.Properties.Valid {
        label.Properties = r.Properties

    err = label.Insert(exec, boil.Infer())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    user := cp.MustGet("USER").(*models.User)
    // save i18n
    for _, v := range r.I18n {
        i18n := &models.LabelI18n{
            Language: v.Language,
            Name:     v.Name,
            UserID:   null.Int64From(user.ID),
        i18n.UserID = null.Int64From(user.ID)
        err := label.AddLabelI18ns(exec, true, i18n)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // save tags connection
    tags, err := models.Tags(qm.WhereIn("uid IN ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(r.Tags)...)).All(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if err = label.AddTags(exec, false, tags...); err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    return label, nil

func handleGetLabel(c utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, act string) (*LabelResponse, *HttpError) {
    label, err := models.Labels(
        qm.Where("id = ?", id),
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if !can(c, secureToPermission(label.R.ContentUnit.Secure), act) {
        return nil, NewForbiddenError()

    // i18n
    resp := &LabelResponse{Label: *label, ContentUnit: label.R.ContentUnit.UID}
    resp.I18n = make(map[string]*LabelI18n, len(label.R.LabelI18ns))
    for _, i18n := range label.R.LabelI18ns {
        resp.I18n[i18n.Language] = &LabelI18n{LabelI18n: *i18n, Author: i18n.R.User}
    resp.Tags = make([]string, len(label.R.Tags))
    for i, t := range label.R.Tags {
        resp.Tags[i] = t.UID

    return resp, nil

func handleUpdateLabelState(exec boil.Executor, id int64, r UpdateApproveStateRequest) (*models.Label, *HttpError) {
    label, err := models.FindLabel(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    label.ApproveState = r.ApproveState
    _, err = label.Update(exec, boil.Whitelist("ApproveState"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return label, nil

func handleUpdateLabelI18n(c utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, id int64, i18ns []*models.LabelI18n) (*LabelResponse, *HttpError) {
    label, err := handleGetLabel(c, exec, id, common.PERM_LABEL_I18N_WRITE)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Upsert all new i18ns
    nI18n := make(map[string]*models.LabelI18n, len(i18ns))
    for _, i18n := range i18ns {
        i18n.LabelID = id
        nI18n[i18n.Language] = i18n
        err := i18n.Upsert(exec, true,
            []string{"label_id", "language"},
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    // Delete old i18ns not in new i18ns
    for k, v := range label.I18n {
        if _, ok := nI18n[k]; !ok {
            _, err := v.Delete(exec)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return handleGetLabel(c, exec, id, common.PERM_LABEL_I18N_WRITE)

func handleAddLabelI18n(cp utils.ContextProvider, exec boil.Executor, uid string, r *AddLabelI18nRequest, user *models.User) (*models.Label, *HttpError) {
    if common.StdLang(r.I18n.Language) == common.LANG_UNKNOWN {
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown language %s", r.I18n.Language))

    label, err := models.Labels(
        qm.Where("uid = ?", uid),
        qm.InnerJoin("content_units cu on and and <= ?", allowedSecure(cp, common.PERM_LABEL_I18N_WRITE)),
    if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, NewNotFoundError()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    has, err := models.LabelI18ns(qm.Where("label_id = ? AND language = ?", label.ID, r.I18n.Language)).Exists(exec)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if has {
        err = errors.Errorf("translation for label %s for language %s is contained", uid, r.I18n.Language)
        return nil, NewBadRequestError(err)

    i18n := &models.LabelI18n{
        Language: r.I18n.Language,
        Name:     r.I18n.Name,
        UserID:   null.Int64From(user.ID),

    if err := label.AddLabelI18ns(exec, true, i18n); err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)
    return label, nil


func handleDeleteLabelState(exec boil.Executor, id int64) (*models.Label, *HttpError) {
    label, err := models.FindLabel(exec, id)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            return nil, NewNotFoundError()
        } else {
            return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    if _, err = label.Delete(exec); err != nil {
        return nil, NewInternalError(err)

    return label, nil

// Query Helpers

func appendListMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, r ListRequest) error {

    // group by id to remove duplicates
    *mods = append(*mods, qm.GroupBy("id"))

    if r.OrderBy == "" {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.OrderBy("id desc"))
    } else {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.OrderBy(r.OrderBy))

    var limit, offset int

    if r.StartIndex == 0 {
        // pagination style
        if r.PageSize == 0 {
            limit = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
        } else {
            limit = utils.Min(r.PageSize, MAX_PAGE_SIZE)
        if r.PageNumber > 1 {
            offset = (r.PageNumber - 1) * limit
    } else {
        // start & stop index style for "infinite" lists
        offset = r.StartIndex - 1
        if r.StopIndex == 0 {
            limit = MAX_PAGE_SIZE
        } else if r.StopIndex < r.StartIndex {
            return errors.Errorf("Invalid range [%d-%d]", r.StartIndex, r.StopIndex)
        } else {
            limit = r.StopIndex - r.StartIndex + 1

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.Limit(limit))
    if offset != 0 {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Offset(offset))

    return nil

func appendPermissionsMods(cp utils.ContextProvider, mods *[]qm.QueryMod) {
    *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("secure <= ?", allowedRead(cp)))

func appendSearchTermFilterMods(exec boil.Executor, mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f SearchTermFilter, entityType int) error {
    if f.Query == "" {
        return nil

    var whereParts []string

    // id field - must be unsigned int
    if id, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.Query, 10, 64); err == nil {
        whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("id = %d", id))

    // uid field
    if len(f.Query) == 8 {
        whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("uid = '%s'", f.Query))

    switch entityType {
        // file name field
        whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("name ~~ '%%%s%%'", f.Query))

        // file sha1
        if len(f.Query) == 40 {
            _, err := hex.DecodeString(f.Query) // make sure it's a hex string
            if err == nil {
                whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("sha1 = '\\x%s'", f.Query))

        // get CU IDs from search in i18ns
        var ids pq.Int64Array
        q := `select array_agg(cui.content_unit_id)
              from content_units cu 
              left join content_unit_i18n cui on = cui.content_unit_id
              where ~ $1 or cui .description ~ $1 limit $2`
        err := queries.Raw(q, f.Query, MAX_PAGE_SIZE).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&ids)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if ids != nil && len(ids) != 0 {
            intListStr := strings.Trim(strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(ids), " ", ",", -1), "[]")
            whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("id in (%s)", intListStr))


        // get CU UIDs from search in i18ns of sources with same uid
        var uids pq.StringArray
        q := `select array_agg(s.uid)
              from sources s 
              left join source_i18n si on = si.source_id
              where ~ $1 limit $2`
        err := queries.Raw(q, f.Query, MAX_PAGE_SIZE).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&uids)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if uids != nil && len(uids) != 0 {
            listAsStr := strings.Join(uids, "', '")
            whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("uid in ('%s')", listAsStr))


        // get Collection IDs from search in i18ns
        var ids pq.Int64Array
        q := `select array_agg(
                from collections c 
                left join collection_i18n ci on = ci.collection_id
                where ~ $1 or ci.description ~ $1 limit $2`
        err := queries.Raw(q, f.Query, MAX_PAGE_SIZE).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&ids)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if ids != nil && len(ids) != 0 {
            intListStr := strings.Trim(strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(ids), " ", ",", -1), "[]")
            whereParts = append(whereParts, fmt.Sprintf("id in (%s)", intListStr))

    if len(whereParts) > 0 {
        whereQuery := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(whereParts, " or "))
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.And(whereQuery))
    } else {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("id < 0")) // so we get back empty results

    return nil

func appendIDsFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f IDsFilter) error {
    if len(f.IDs) == 0 {
        return nil

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("id IN ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(f.IDs)...))

    return nil

func appendPatternsFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f PatternsFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.Patterns) {
        return nil

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("pattern IN ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(f.Patterns)...))

    return nil

func appendUIDsFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f UIDsFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.UIDs) {
        return nil

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("uid IN ?", utils.ConvertArgsString(f.UIDs)...))

    return nil

func appendSHA1sFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f SHA1sFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.SHA1s) {
        return nil

    hexSHA1s := make([][]byte, 0)
    for i := range f.SHA1s {
        s, err := hex.DecodeString(f.SHA1s[i])
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrapf(err, "hex.DecodeString [%d]: %s", i, f.SHA1s[i])
        hexSHA1s = append(hexSHA1s, s)

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("sha1 IN ?", utils.ConvertArgsBytes(hexSHA1s)...))

    return nil

func appendDateRangeFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f DateRangeFilter, field string) error {
    s, e, err := f.Range()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if f.StartDate != "" && f.EndDate != "" && e.Before(s) {
        return errors.New("Invalid date range")

    if field == "" {
        field = "created_at"

    if f.StartDate != "" {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s >= ?", field), s))
    if f.EndDate != "" {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s <= ?", field), e))

    return nil

func appendContentTypesFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f ContentTypesFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.ContentTypes) {
        return nil

    a := make([]interface{}, len(f.ContentTypes))
    for i, x := range f.ContentTypes {
        ct, ok := common.CONTENT_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[strings.ToUpper(x)]
        if ok {
            a[i] = ct.ID
        } else {
            return errors.Errorf("Unknown content type: %s", x)

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("type_id in ?", a...))

    return nil

func appendSecureFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f SecureFilter) error {
    if len(f.Levels) == 0 {
        return nil

    a := make([]interface{}, len(f.Levels))
    for i, x := range f.Levels {
        if x == common.SEC_PUBLIC || x == common.SEC_SENSITIVE || x == common.SEC_PRIVATE {
            a[i] = x
        } else {
            return errors.Errorf("Unknown security level: %d", x)

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("secure in ?", a...))

    return nil

func appendPublishedFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f PublishedFilter) {
    var val null.Bool
    if val.Valid {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("published = ?", val.Bool))

func appendOperationTypesFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f OperationTypesFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.OperationTypes) {
        return nil

    a := make([]interface{}, len(f.OperationTypes))
    for i, x := range f.OperationTypes {
        ot, ok := common.OPERATION_TYPE_REGISTRY.ByName[strings.ToLower(x)]
        if ok {
            a[i] = ot.ID
        } else {
            return errors.Errorf("Unknown operation type: %s", x)

    *mods = append(*mods, qm.WhereIn("type_id in ?", a...))

    return nil

func appendSourcesFilterMods(exec boil.Executor, mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f SourcesFilter) error {
    if utils.IsEmpty(f.Authors) && len(f.Sources) == 0 {
        return nil

    // slice of all source ids we want
    source_ids := make([]int64, 0)

    // fetch source ids by authors
    if !utils.IsEmpty(f.Authors) {
        for _, x := range f.Authors {
            if _, ok := common.AUTHOR_REGISTRY.ByCode[strings.ToLower(x)]; !ok {
                return NewBadRequestError(errors.Errorf("Unknown author: %s", x))

        var ids pq.Int64Array
        q := `SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT "as".source_id)
              FROM authors a INNER JOIN authors_sources "as" ON = "as".author_id
              WHERE a.code = ANY($1)`
        err := queries.Raw(q, pq.Array(f.Authors)).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&ids)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        source_ids = append(source_ids, ids...)

    // blend in requested sources
    source_ids = append(source_ids, f.Sources...)

    // find all nested source_ids
    q := `WITH RECURSIVE rec_sources AS (
          SELECT FROM sources s WHERE = ANY($1)
          SELECT FROM sources s INNER JOIN rec_sources rs ON s.parent_id =
          SELECT array_agg(distinct id) FROM rec_sources`
    var ids pq.Int64Array
    err := queries.Raw(q, pq.Array(source_ids)).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&ids)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if ids == nil || len(ids) == 0 {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("id < 0")) // so results would be empty
    } else {
        *mods = append(*mods,
            qm.InnerJoin("content_units_sources cus ON id = cus.content_unit_id"),
            qm.WhereIn("cus.source_id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...))

    return nil

func appendTagsFilterMods(exec boil.Executor, mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f TagsFilter) error {
    if len(f.Tags) == 0 {
        return nil

    // find all nested tag_ids
    q := `WITH RECURSIVE rec_tags AS (
            SELECT FROM tags t WHERE = ANY($1)
            SELECT FROM tags t INNER JOIN rec_tags rt ON t.parent_id =
          SELECT array_agg(distinct id) FROM rec_tags`
    var ids pq.Int64Array
    err := queries.Raw(q, pq.Array(f.Tags)).QueryRow(exec).Scan(&ids)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if ids == nil || len(ids) == 0 {
        *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("id < 0")) // so results would be empty
    } else {
        *mods = append(*mods,
            qm.InnerJoin("content_units_tags cut ON id = cut.content_unit_id"),
            qm.WhereIn("cut.tag_id in ?", utils.ConvertArgsInt64(ids)...))

    return nil

func appendOriginalFilterMods(mods *[]qm.QueryMod, f OriginalLanguageFilter) {
    if f.OriginalLanguage == "" {
    *mods = append(*mods, qm.Where("properties->>'original_language' = ?", f.OriginalLanguage))

// mustBeginTx begins a transaction, panics on error.
func mustBeginTx(c utils.ContextProvider) *sql.Tx {
    tx, err := c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB).Begin()
    return tx

// mustConcludeTx commits or rollback the given transaction according to given error.
// Panics if Commit() or Rollback() fails.
func mustConcludeTx(tx *sql.Tx, err *HttpError) {
    if err == nil {
    } else {

func mdbReplicationLocation(c utils.ContextProvider) (string, error) {
    var loc string
    db := c.MustGet("MDB").(*sql.DB)
    err := db.QueryRow("SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();").Scan(&loc)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Fetch Replication Position")
    return loc, nil

// concludeRequest responds with JSON of given response or aborts the request with the given error.
func concludeRequest(c *gin.Context, resp interface{}, err *HttpError) {
    if err == nil {
        c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
    } else {

func emitEvents(cp utils.ContextProvider, evnts {
    if len(evnts) == 0 {

    // We attach postgresql replication log location
    // so that clients could verify that their stand-bys are synced
    // see:
    if rLoc, err := mdbReplicationLocation(cp); err != nil {
        log.Errorf("emitEvents: rLoc: %+v", err)
    } else {
        for i := range evnts {
            evnts[i].ReplicationLocation = rLoc


func can(cp utils.ContextProvider, obj string, act string) bool {
    sub := []string{""}
    if v, ok := cp.Get("ID_TOKEN_CLAIMS"); ok {
        claims := v.(permissions.IDTokenClaims)
        sub = claims.RealmAccess.Roles
        //log.Infof("Subject is %s %s with roles %v", claims.Sub, claims.Name, sub)
    } else {
        // bypass hack for workflow insert station
        if act == common.PERM_READ && cp.(*gin.Context).ClientIP() == "" {
            log.Info("Workflow Insert station read")
            return true

        log.Infof("No subject.")

    enforcer := cp.MustGet("PERMISSIONS_ENFORCER").(*casbin.Enforcer)

    for i := range sub {
        if enforcer.Enforce(sub[i], obj, act) {
            log.Infof("ALLOW %s, %s, %s", sub[i], obj, act)
            return true

    //log.Warnf("DENY %v, %s, %s", sub, obj, act)
    return false

func isAdmin(cp utils.ContextProvider) bool {
    if v, ok := cp.Get("ID_TOKEN_CLAIMS"); ok {
        claims := v.(permissions.IDTokenClaims)
        for i := range claims.RealmAccess.Roles {
            if "archive_admin" == claims.RealmAccess.Roles[i] {
                return true
    return false

func secureToPermission(secure int16) string {
    switch secure {
    case common.SEC_PRIVATE:
        return "data_private"
    case common.SEC_SENSITIVE:
        return "data_sensitive"
        return "data_public"

func allowedRead(cp utils.ContextProvider) int16 {
    return allowedSecure(cp, common.PERM_READ)

func allowedWrite(cp utils.ContextProvider) int16 {
    return allowedSecure(cp, common.PERM_WRITE)

func allowedSecure(cp utils.ContextProvider, act string) int16 {
    if can(cp, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PRIVATE), act) {
        return common.SEC_PRIVATE
    } else if can(cp, secureToPermission(common.SEC_SENSITIVE), act) {
        return common.SEC_SENSITIVE
    } else if can(cp, secureToPermission(common.SEC_PUBLIC), act) {
        return common.SEC_PUBLIC

    if ginCtx, ok := cp.(*gin.Context); ok {
        clientIP := ginCtx.ClientIP()

        // workflow insert station
        if clientIP == "" {
            //log.Info("Workflow Insert station secure level")
            return common.SEC_PRIVATE

        // internal network (hopefully MDB-CIT [aka rename])
        if strings.HasPrefix(clientIP, "10.") {
            //log.Infof("Internal network secure level: %s", clientIP)
            return common.SEC_PRIVATE

    return -1