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const _               = require('lodash');
const util            = require('util');
const HttpStatusCodes = require('http-status-codes');

module.exports = RequestError;

 * Fundamental request error. An application always responds on a request with
 * an error that is instance of {@link RequestError} (in case an error has been encoutered).
 * Errors encountered which are NOT instance of {@link RequestError}
 * will be converted before further processing so that the condition is met.
 * @param {Object|String} [options] options object or string message value
 * @param {Integer}       [options.code=400] - applies only when `apiCode` option is not set
 * @param {String}        [options.apiCode]
 * @param {message}       [options.message='Bad Request']
 * @param {message}       [options.desc] - description for swagger doc spec - is intended to be used in child Error constructor only
 * @constructor
 * @extends Error
function RequestError(options) {

    var defaults = {
        code: HttpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST,
        apiCode: null,
        message: 'Bad Request',
        desc: 'Invalid or insufficient request data. Please modify the request in order to proceed',

    if (typeof options === 'string') {
        options = {message: options};

    options = _.assign(defaults, options);; //super constructor
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

    this.desc     = options.desc;     =;
     * @name RequestError#code
     * @instance
     * @type {Number}
    this.code     = options.code;
    this.apiCode  = options.apiCode;
     * @name RequestError#message
     * @instance
     * @type {String}
    this.message  = options.message;
    this.uid      = null;

util.inherits(RequestError, Error);

 * @param {String|Integer} uid - request indentifier
RequestError.prototype.setUID = function(uid) {
    this.uid = uid;

 * Open API schema representation of the error response
 * @return {Object}
RequestError.prototype.toSwagger = function() {
    var schema = {
        description: this.desc,
        schema: {
            type: "object",
            required: [ 'code', 'uid', 'message' ],
            properties: {
                code: {
                    type: "integer",
                    format: "int64",
                    example: this.code
                uid: { type: "float" },
                message: {
                    type: "string",
                    format: "varchar(255)",
                    example: this.message || ""

    if (this.code === HttpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST) { = {
            type: "string",
            format: "varchar(255)",
            example: "service.failureIdentifier"

        if (this.apiCode) {
   = [this.apiCode];

    return schema;

 * similar to {@link RequestError#toJSON} except that it returns all information
 * available instead of just public user facing error description.
 * @return {Object}
RequestError.prototype.toLogger = function() {
    return this.toJSON();

 * @return {Object}
RequestError.prototype.toJSON = function() {
    return {
        api_code : this.apiCode,
        code     : this.code,
        message  : this.message,
        uid      : this.uid